Thursday, December 20, 2007

ARG: Romney, McCain Tied in New Hampshire

A newly released American Research Group poll shows Mitt Romney and John McCain tied in New Hampshire. The poll also finds "in New Hampshire, Clinton leads Obama 44% to 24% among women and she leads Obama 31% to 23% among men."

Here are the full results:

Romney: 26%
McCain: 26%
Giuliani: 16%
Huckabee: 11%
Thompson: 4%
Paul: 4%
Hunter: 1%
Keyes: 1%
Tancredo: 1%

Clinton: 38%
Obama: 24%
Edwards: 13%
Richardson: 5%
Biden: 4%
Dodd: 2%
Kucinich: 2%
Gravel: 1%

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