Sunday, December 09, 2007

Hillary's "New Beginning"

Today Hillary Clinton's campaign released a new television ad. The sixty-second ad, titled "New Beginning," features clips from Clinton speaking at various campaign rallies. According to a campaign press release, "The ad emphasizes Clinton’s 35 year record of fighting for and producing results for American families."

Script for "New Beginning"

CLINTON: I'm Hillary Clinton and I approved this message.

CLINTON: It is time for America to set and reach big goals again.

CLINTON: To restore our standing in the world.

CLINTON: To rebuild the middle class dream and to reclaim the future for our children.

CLINTON: We need a new beginning on health care. We need to provide health care for every single man, woman and child at a price that people can afford.

CLINTON: We need a new beginning on education. We need to end the unfunded mandate known as No Child Left Behind which has been so difficult for so many.

CLINTON: We need a new beginning in our foreign policy. If the President won't end this war before he leaves office, when I am President I will.

CLINTON: It takes strength and experience to bring about change. I have a very clear record of 35 years fighting for children and families, fighting for working people, fighting for our future.

CLINTON: I will stand up for you every single day in the White House.

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