Saturday, October 14, 2006

Rolling In The Dough

Yesterday, The Commonwealth PAC released their financial information. Today it was announced that Senator Hillary Clinton had about $15.8 million on hand at the end of September. She has given more than $1 million to other Democrats. From July to September Clinton took in about $3.8 million. So far she has more money than anyother potential presidential candidate.

SEC looking into Romney

This is an excerpt from this morning's Boston Herald: "Federal officials are probing scathing allegations that the Romney administration falsely claimed to conduct safety inspections in the Big Dig tunnel that collapsed and killed a woman in July." Massachusetts Inspector General Gregory Sullivan has issued a report that concluded:

-The Romney administration ignored its oversight role on the Big Dig by designating its authority to review tunnel safety to a Turnpike official.

-Document requests to the Turnpike and Romney-controlled MassHighway failed to produce any documents showing maintenance was ever performed on the I-90 connector ceiling.

The question then becomes will the federal probe undermine Mitt's image has an executive who makes tough decisions and fights for the taxpayers.

Biden's Journey

Home of Eileen Ehlers, Hooksett, 11:15 a.m.
Rally with Sullivan County Democrats, Broad Street Park,Claremont, 2:30 p.m.
Cheshire County Democratic spaghetti dinner, Keene High School, 6:30 p.m.

Home of Randy and Carolyn Benthien, 1015 Shirley Ave., Goffstown, 1 p.m.
State Democratic Party office, 352 Lafayette Road, Hampton, 3:15 p.m.
Home of Barbara and Harlow Carpenter, 152 Drinkwater Road, Kensington, at 4 p.m.
Home of state Sen. Martha Fuller Clark, Middle Street, Portsmouth, at 6 p.m.

Student forum on Iraq w/Paul Hodes, New Hampshire Technical Institute student center, 31 College Drive, Concord, at 10 a.m.

Whitman's Schedule

Below is Christine Todd Whitman's weekend schedule. She will be in the state only for Sunday.

Galley Hatch Restaurant, Hampton, 9:45 a.m
Arthur's Market, 1 Hancock St., Rochester, 10:45 a.m.
McGrath's Market, Main Street, Alton, 12:45 p.m.
Hart's Turkey Farm, Daniel Webster Highway, Meredith, 2 p.m.; Keene State College, 5:15 p.m.

Guess What...Kerry Thinks Bush is a Liar

At the Jefferson-Jackson dinner tonight, John "9%" Kerry made the following comments: "They [the Bush administration] tell us we're making progress in Iraq and that there is no civil war. That is a lie. It's immoral to lie about progress in that war to get through a news cycle or an election." According to the Union Leader:

Kerry used the word "lie" four times during his speech. "They," he said, lied about civil war; lied when they doubted the credibility of reports on Iraqi fatalities; lied in faulting former President Bill Clinton for the North Korean missile test; lied about the Congressional page scandal being a Democratic ploy to win the congressional elections.

Rudy: Pataki is a really good Governor

While campaigning in the state, Rudy Giuliani made the following comments:

It's so long ago, I can't even remember it. George Pataki turned out to be a terrific governor and a good friend. Hindsight always makes things easier, and I guess that's kind of the point I was making about even more serious issues like North Korea, September 11, and even yesterday. But I said this before: George Pataki turned out to be a really good governor. If I had known that beforehand, I probably could have made a different decision. I didn't. With the facts I had available then, that was the right decision, I thought, for the city and the state.

Friday, October 13, 2006

What About The Other PACs??

This was posted on the website:

"From July 1st September 30th The Commonwealth PAC received $590,463.99. During the calendar year the Commonwealth PAC has raised $2,125,588.44. The figures do not include the state level Commonwealth PAC's."

This demonstrates that Mitt will probably be able to raise the $20-$30 million required to win the Republican nomination. The question then becomes what other PACs will be able to raise that amount? McCain and Rudy probably can, but can someone like Huckabee or Pataki? Let's see when other groups release their quarterly reports.

Weekend Lowdown

This weekend John Kerry will be speaking tonight in Manchester, while Joe Biden spends Saturday in Claremont and Londonderry. Comments will be posted, when they become available.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

New Poll

WMUR and UNH released a new 2008 presidential poll. Here are the results:

McCain 32%
Rudy 19%
Romney 15%
Condi 10%

Clinton 20%
Edwards 16%
Gore 10%
Kerry 9%

Rudy: GOP Plays Offensive!!

Rudy paid his first visit to the Granite State in almost two years. He spoke before the House Victory PAC and campaigned with Congressman Bradley. In Concord, Rudy said that the Republicans go on the offensive against terrorists, while the Democrats are the party of defensive. He also praised the Patriot Act, New Hampshire's low taxes and education system. An interesting side-note, as Rudy talked about the Patriot Act, Senator Sununu was seatedin the front row. Furthermore, Rudy identified Congressman Bass, but did not mention Bradley, rather he said, "I thank the congressional team." Does he know there are only four congressional members? Also, after his speech Rudy immediately left. He did not stay for photos or work the crowd. In fact, Rudy performance might earn him the nickname "Coburn Redux." That is his speech was has exciting as a Jim Coburn speech.

Pataki's Team

Today Governor George Pataki announced his New Hampshire leadership team. The team will help organize grassroots efforts in the weeks before the election.

Alderman Mike Garrity, Manchester, NH
Renee Rydell, Developer, Political Activist, Stratham, NH
Selectman Rick Griffin, Business Owner, Hampton, NH
Brian Lawson, St. Anselm College Republicans Chair
Tammy Simmons, Small Business Owner, Political Activist, Manchester, NH
Rick Richardson, Congressional Staff Member, Derry, NH
Ben Gamache, Real Estate Developer & Philanthropist, Manchester, NH
Tom DeRosa, Chair, NH College Republicans
State Representative David Currier, Henniker, NH
Matt Mayberry, Former Dover City Councilor, Bush ’04 County Chair, Realtor, Dover, NH

Why Even Bother Ms. Whitman

Former Republican New Jersey Governor and EPA Administrator Christine Todd Whitman will be coming to New Hampshire to campaign for Senate candidates. No dates have been announced, so stay tuned.

Warner We Hardly Knew You

The AP and Washington Post have both confirmed that Virginia Governor Mark Warner has decided not to run for president. Does this increase Senator Bayh's chances as the anti-Hillary candidate? He must be having a pretty good morning with this news.

Romney Supports RINOs

Perhaps Mitt Romney should have thought twice before announcing that Tom Rath is joining his PAC. The conservative magazine, Human Events writes: "Rath was a major promoter of David Souter for a Supreme Court vacancy when the elder President Bush was in the White House, and backed the ill-fated Presidential campaigns of Howard Baker and Lamar Alexander. More recently, he pushed Republican senators to support the Supreme Court nomination of Harriet Miers." If Romney's trying to soar-up his conservative creditials perhaps hiring a RINO is not the best move.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Rudy Enters The Fray

Here is Rudy's schedule for tomorrow. This will be his first visit to New Hampshire since the 2004 election. "Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani will appear with U.S. Representative Jeb Bradley in Brentwood Thursday afternoon. The pair will meet with about 30 local police chiefs at the Rockingham County Complex, where they will also receive a tour from Sheriff Dan Linehan. Earlier in the day, Giuliani will headline a fundraiser in Concord to benefit the GOP's state House efforts this fall. "