Saturday, August 25, 2007

Obama Campaign To Hold Party For Women's Equality Day

To celebrate Women's Equality Day, the New Hampshire Women for Obama will hold a house party in Cornish Sunday, August 26, 2007 marks the anniversary of the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote.

Here is the party information, which is open to anyone who is interested in attending:

What: New Hampshire Women for Obama House Party
When: Sunday, August 26th, from 4:00-6:00 pm
Where: Home of Chris and John Kirkpatrick
Historic Chaseholme
231 Route 12A
Cornish, NH

Day Three: Edwards Pitches Economic Plan

On day three of his Granite State bus tour, John Edwards laid out his economic policies. While in touring the North Country, Edwards said, "People across America, and here in the North Country, have been really hurt by unfair trade and economic policies that only reward those at the top."

Additional information can be found here:
On Day Three Of The 'Fighting For One America' Bus Tour, Senator John Edwards Discusses His Plan For A New Direction In Trade And Economic Policies To Reward Work And Put Families -- Not Corporations -- First

Rudy Discusses Tax Plan In Manchester

Joined by former Bay State Governor Paul Cellucci and Steve Forbes, Rudy Giuliani discussed his plan to reform the tax code. According to a campaign press release the former New York City Mayor will make the Bush tax cuts permanent, abolish the death tax and make the child tax credit permanent.

For more information on his tax policies visit:

Shirley: Obama Baseball Game Was A Democratic Experience

This summary is from Fred Shirley from Nashua, New Hampshire. It is about Barack Obama's visit to the Nashua Pride baseball game:

It was fun watching Senator Obama mingle with the crowd last Tuesday (August 21) at Nashua, NH's Holman Stadium before the Pride baseball game: ordinary people voicing their concerns and a presidential candidate taking the time to listen and answer. It's great seeing our democratic process working the way it's supposed to.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Rudy To Appear At Tax Forum

Tomorrow, Saturday, August 25th, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani will appear in New Hampshire.

Here is his public schedule:

10:00 am
A conversation with Rudy Giuliani regarding taxes and fiscal discipline
Central Paper Products Company, Inc.
350 Gay Street
Manchester, NH

2:00 pm
Rudy Giuliani visits with local residents
Scamman's Home & Garden
57 Portsmouth Ave
Stratham, NH

Rudy Giuliani visits with local residents
Brown's Seabrook Lobster Pound
407 Route 286
Seabrook Beach, NH

4:00 pm
Rudy Giuliani tours local small business
Global Relief Technologies, LLC
30 New Hampshire Ave
Portsmouth, NH

Obama Opens Conway Office

Barack Obama's New Hampshire campaign has opened another regional field office. The office is Obama's seventh office and will be located in Conway to serve the needs of Carroll County.

Here is the address of the office:

Obama for America Carroll County Headquarters
85 Main Street, 1st Floor
Conway, NH
Phone: (603) 447-4888

Day Two: Edwards Discusses Universal Health Care

Today, John Edwards traveled around New Hampshire touting his plan to provide universal health care. Edwards discussed the looming nursing shortage in New Hampshire by saying "Nurses are the backbone of our health care system, but we’re facing a serious shortage with dire consequences for patients and for our health care system. I will fix this crisis so every American gets quality care."

Details of the Edwards health care plan can be read here:
On Day Two Of The 'Fighting For One America' Bus Tour, Senator John Edwards Discusses His Bold Plan To Provide Truly Universal Health Care

Day One: Edwards Discusses Energy Plan

Yesterday, John Edwards began his four-day bus tour of the Granite State. Edwards spend the day discussing his energy economic plan. During the day, Edwards highlighted several energy incentives the state has started, including capping greenhouse pollution and investing in renewable energy generation.

In a campaign press release, Edwards said "While Washington caters to special interests invested in business as usual, the threat of global warming is rising. Regular Americans in places like New Hampshire are taking action on climate change now, showing that tomorrow begins today."

Details of his plan can be found here: On Day One Of The 'Fighting For One America' Bus Tour, Senator John Edwards Discusses His Bold Plan To Create A New Energy Economy

Clinton Campaign To Celebrate Women's Equality Day

Hillary Clinton's New Hampshire campaign will be celebrating Women’s Equality Day, on Sunday August 26th. The celebrating will include numerous events throughout state. Also, preceding the events will be Clinton's fourth “Walk It to Win It”canvass.

A listing of the Clinton events can be found here: Hillary Clinton for President New Hampshire Headquarters

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Rudy's Campaign To Hold Tax Forums

This Saturday, Rudy Giuliani's New Hampshire campaign will host a series of forums on taxes.Former Massachusetts Governor Paul Cellucci will moderate the forums and Steve Forbes will also be making an appearance.

The forums will be held in Manchester at 10:00am at the Central Paper Products, 350 Gay St.

For more information, call the Giuliani campaign at (603) 513-5070.

Edwards Announces Strafford County Endorsements

You guessed it, today John Edwards issued another round of endorsements. This time the 31 activists hail from Stratfford County. "These endorsers include four State Representatives, three School Board members, two former State Senators (including the Strafford County Register of Deeds), a former Mayor, a Democratic Town Chair." The list also includes Paula DiNardo, a fan of the site and blogger at:

The Following Stratfford Country Activists Have Endorsed Senator John Edwards:

Marianne Fortescue
Marlene DeChane; State Representative; 2nd Vice-President, SEIU 1984
Betsy Andrews-Parker; Former Dover City Council Member
Howard Williams; Former Mayor of Dover
Jennifer Brown; State Representative
Paula DiNardo;
Bill McCann; Town Chair, Dover Democrats
Stephanie Bradley-Swift
Ruth Davis
Lia Daniels
Susan McGeough; Vice-Chair, Epping Board of Selectmen
Nancy Murphy
Robert Murphy
Wilma Yowell
Leo Lessard; Strafford County Recorder of Deeds; Former State Senator
Robert Srnec; State Representative
Claire Williams
Arthur Doyle
Margaret Doyle
Christopher Brewer
Caroline McCarley; Former State Senator
Audrey Stevens; Rochester School Board Member
Robert Watson; State Representative; Rochester School Board Member
Candace Weeks
Rev. Mark Hamilton; Reverend, Rochester First Church Congregational
Sally Hamilton
Ray Lundborn; Rochester City Council Member
Frank Callaghan; Rochester School Board Member; Former State Rep
Dot Callaghan
Charles DeVito; Rochester School Board Member
Elaine Grant

Mitt Mobile Coming To The Granite State

The Mitt Mobile

Citizens of New Hampshire prepare yourselves...The Mitt Mobile is coming to New Hampshire.

We're told that The Mitt Mobile is expected to visit all 10 New Hampshire counties this weekend. Romney's son Craig and his wife Mary will be headlining the tour.

Obama Invites Book Club Hosts To Nashua Baseball Game

From The Obama campaign:

"Senator Barack Obama has invited the hosts of the From Doubt to Hope book clubs to be his guests at the Nashua Pride game at Holman Stadium tonight. After spending the summer discussing Obama’s background with other voters, the book club hosts will be able to ask him questions face to face.

Volunteers have been hosting book clubs around the state to introduce undecided voters to Obama’s background by reading his book Dreams From my Father. Reading this unvarnished personal history offers voters a unique opportunity to find out more about Obama and the experiences that shaped him into the leader he is today."

Biden Urges Dems To Affirm New Hampshire Primary Role

Delware Senator Joe Biden issued the following statement in reaction to Michigan attempting to move its primary to January 15th.

"Powerful interests are trying to change the Democratic nomination for President into a game of Monopoly, replacing the retail politics of Iowa, Nevada and New Hampshire with a process in which the only credential necessary to be President is to be the wealthiest candidate.

Under the current calendar, voters can regularly meet candidates in their homes, town halls and diners. This provides an almost one on one opportunity to hold candidates accountable for their ideas and records for solving the most pressing issues facing this country. The communities of Iowa, Nevada and New Hampshire provide a diverse array of voters and a level playing field for candidates to compete in, as a lead up to the larger states which will decide who the next Democratic nominee will be for President.

I call upon all of my fellow Democratic candidates to reaffirm their support for the retail role Iowa, Nevada and New Hampshire and publicly ask their supporters, such as Democratic Senate Leader Mark Schauer, and Governor Granholm to oppose any attempts to break the Democratic National Committee’s “calendar window” as Republicans did in Florida on behalf of Mitt Romney.”

Clinton Returns To NH on Thursday

Hillary Clinton will be returning to New Hampshire on Thursday, August 23rd for a series of "invitation only" events.

Here is Clinton's schedule:

Thursday, August 23, 2007

1:00 p.m. EDT
Clinton Delivers Policy Address
Lebanon, NH
This event is invite only.

4:15 p.m. EDT
Clinton Attends House Party Hosted by Gary and Carol Sobelson
113 Centre Street
Concord, NH
This event is invite only.

7:00 p.m. EDT
Clinton Attends House Party Hosted by State Sen. Lou D’Alessandro and his wife Patricia
332 St. James Avenue
Manchester, NH
This event is invite only.

Does John McCain Understand The Granite State?

Jennifer Donahue sure thinks so. Today, the senior adviser at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics at Saint Anselm College, penned a Boston Globe op-ed piece that examines the possibility of a New Hampshire comeback for the Arizona Senator.

Discussing the 2008 race, Donahue drew a parallel between McCain, Gore ('00) and Kerry ('04) when she wrote that "What McCain has in common this year with Gore and Kerry is that the press anointed all three as front-runners before the campaign began."

She also argues that independents have increased in the Granite State, thus McCain still has a shot at winning. She writes "Meanwhile, independents, McCain's bread and butter in the 2000 race, have increased from 33 percent then to over 40 percent now. In New Hampshire, such undeclared voters can take either party's ballot."

Her piece can be found at: McCain understands Granite State

Cosmo's Two Cents: McCain's two problems are that his GOP rivals, especially Rudy and Romney are often visiting NH and heavily investing in Republican grassroots, also the conventional wisdom is that New Hampshire independents will be voting in the Democratic primary. Neither of these points are discussed by Donahue. Then again, I could be completely wrong.

Richardson In State From the 24th-26th

New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson will be in New Hampshire from Friday, August 24th until Sunday, August 26th. During his visit, Richardson will conduct six "Presidential Job Interviews," including one at the home of State Senator Lou D'Allesandro. Richardson is also scheduled to attend the Nashua Multicultural Festival and the Merrimack County Barbecue

Here is his public schedule:

Friday, August 24th

When: 3:15 PM
What: Peterborough "Presidential Job Interview"
Where: Staff Development Educators, 10 Sharon Road, Peterborough, NH

When: 7:30 PM
What: Keene "Presidential Job Interview" and Family Barbeque
Where: Horseshoe Pavilion, Wheelock Park, Keene, NH

Saturday, August 25th

When: 6:15 PM
What: Exeter "Presidential Job Interview"
Where: Home of Barbara Wetherbee, 21 Heritage Way, Exeter, NH

When: 8:15 PM
What: Windham "Presidential Job Interview"
Where: 2 Camelot Road, Windham, NH

Sunday, August 26th

When: 10:30 AM
What: Manchester "Presidential Job Interview"
Where: Home of Sen. Lou D'Allesandro, 332 St. James Avenue, Manchester, NH

When: 1:30 PM
What: Nashua Multicultural Festival
Where: Ash Street between Central Street and West Hollis Street, Nashua, NH

When: 3:15 PM
What: Merrimack County Barbecue
Where: Home of Mary Beth Walz, 25 One Stack Drive, Bow, NH

When: 5:30 PM
What: Laconia "Presidential Job Interview"
Where: Home of Tim & Marge Kern, 180 Lynnewood Road, Laconia, NH

President Samuel Augustus Nunn??

Former Georgia Senator Sam Nunn, and current Chairman of the group Nuclear Threat Initiative, is contemplating a run at the Oval office. Nunn told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution that "I am frustrated, and clearly frustrated, with the fact that I think my children and grandchildren are not going to have the kind of future they should be having."

The article states that Nunn has been in contact with the group Unity '08 and has had several conversations with New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg.

Here's the original article: Former Sen. Sam Nunn weighs run for White House

Romney Launches Immigration Radio Ad

Mitt Romney has begun airing a new Granite State radio ad entitled "Exceptional." According to a Romney press release "The ad highlights Governor Romney's plan to cut back federal funds from cities that adopt sanctuary policies and ignore federal immigration laws."

Script For "Exceptional"
ANNOUNCER: "Immigration laws don't work if they're ignored.
"That's the problem with cities like Newark , San Francisco and New York City that adopt sanctuary policies.
"Sanctuary cities become magnets that encourage illegal immigration and undermine secure borders.
"As Governor, Mitt Romney didn't wait on Washington . He acted to make our immigration laws work.
"Mitt Romney is the exceptional Governor who took a stand so State Police could enforce federal immigration laws.
"Mitt Romney said 'No' to drivers' licenses for those here illegally.
"Mitt Romney insisted on teaching our kids in English.
"And as President, Mitt Romney will cut back federal funds to cities that provide sanctuary to illegal immigrants."
GOVERNOR MITT ROMNEY: "Legal immigration is great. But illegal immigration, that we've got to end. And amnesty is not the way to do it."
ANNOUNCER: "Mitt Romney – an exceptional leader for exceptional new challenges."
GOVERNOR MITT ROMNEY: "I'm Mitt Romney and I approved this message."
ANNOUNCER: "Paid for by Romney for President,"

To listen to "Exceptional," please see:

Hillary Clinton Forms "Environmental Leaders for Hillary"

Hillary Clinton's campaign has announced the endorsement of 12 New Hampshire environmental activists. These activists will help launch the group "Environmental Leaders for Hillary."

New Hampshire Environmental Leaders for Hillary:

-Alice Chamberlin: Co-chair, Former Environmental Policy Advisor to Gov. John Lynch, former Executive Director of the Environmental Law Council at Franklin Pierce Law Center, former Chair of the New Hampshire Nature Conservancy, Warner, NH
-State Representative Peter Allen: Former State Senator and retired State Research Forester, Member of the Environment and Agriculture Committee
-Bob Backus: Attorney, 2006 State Senate Candidate, Board Member Conservation Law Foundation, Manchester, NH
-Nick Cohen: New Hampshire Sierra Club Board Member, Plainfield, NH
-Joyce El Kouarti: Environmental Activist, Dover, NH
-State Representative Tom Fargo: Former Chair of Strafford County Planning Commission, Dover, NH
-Sandy Gavutis: Environmental Activist, Kensington, NH
-Bob Larsen: Board Member, The Nature Conservancy, Concord, NH
-Martha West Lyman: Carbon Coalition Board Member (Individual not organization), Manchester, NH
-Patricia Schlesinger: Board Member, New Hampshire Rivers Council, New Hampton, NH
-Craig Welch: Chair of the Board for New Hampshire Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP), Durham, NH
-Rawson Wood: Former Board Member of Squam Lakes Association, NH Audubon Society and National Audubon Society, Center Harbor, NH

Biden Gains More NH Endorsements

Today, Democratic State Representative-Elect Jim Webber, from Kensington, announced that he has decided to endorse Joe Biden. Biden's campaign also announced that former State Representative Scott Green and Sanbornton Town Democratic Chair Andy Sanborn, have both endorsed the Senator's presidential candidacy.

Webber said that he was supporting Biden because "Over the course of my campaign, I was very impressed with Joe Biden's organization. Whenever I needed support or advice on something, I could always count on Joe. However, it is the Senator's experience and understanding of the issues, especially regarding foreign policy, that convinced me that he is the right person for the job at the right time."

Richardson Gains Momentum on The Seacoast

Today, Bill Richardson's New Hampshire campaign announced the support of various Seacoast activists. The list includes Portsmouth Town Democratic Committee Chairman Peter Somssich, Portsmouth Democratic activist Thomas Slater, former Dover Mayor Wil Boc and State Representative Susan Kepner of Hampton.

Both Wil Boc and Peter Somssich have a son serving in Iraq. Somssich said that "In Iraq, our troops have become targets. Governor Richardson is the one Presidential candidate who understands that the removal of all US troops from Iraq with no residual forces left behind is the critical first step toward providing a real chance for peace and stability in the region. Our troops have done everything we've asked of them and it's time to bring them home."

Monday, August 20, 2007

Clinton To Visit NH on Thursday, August 23rd

New York Senator Hillary Clinton will be making her 13th trip to the Granite State on Thursday, August 23rd. Clinton will be making stops in Lebanon, Concord and Manchester. Events include house parties in Concord and Manchester.

Further information will be released soon, for now please visit

Edwards Announces Seacoast Support

Today, John Edwards New Hampshire campaign announced the support of 26 activists from the Seacoast. These activists will help form the Edwards for President Seacoast Regional Leadership Committee. The list includes a Town Chair, an NEA Executive Board Member, three State Representatives, the former Chair of Veterans for Kerry and a Republican activist.

Here is the list:

Elias Abelson; Seacoast Regional Co-Chair, Veterans for Kerry
Isobel Abelson
Nancy Beach; Community Radio Host
Elisa Bolton
Jaci Cali-Pitts; State Representative
Larry Day; North Hampton small business owner; Republican
Judith Day; State Representative
Bob Dillon
Robert Donohue
Michael Donovan
Doug Flockhart; Exeter Democrats Board Member
Mary Fontaine
Julie Gilman; Exeter Selectwoman
Linda Griebsch
Janet Groat
Jaci Grote; Founder, Rye Energy Conservation Comm.
Otto Grote; State Representative
Lyn Lord
Laurie McCray
Meg Middleton; Community Radio Host
Chris Muns
Joe Pace; Exeter Democrats Town Chair
Steve Shulman
Thomas Watson
Brian Wazlaw; NEA-NH Executive Board Member
Kim Yacobucci

Updated Edwards Schedule

Here is an updated schedule for John Edwards bus tour of New Hampshire. He will be in the state from Thursday, August 23rd till Monday, August 26th.

Thursday, August 23rd: Achieving Energy Independence and Halting Global Warming Through a New Energy Economy

Hanover Town Hall
Dartmouth College
Wilder Hall, Fayerweather Hill Rd and N. College St, Hanover, NH 03755

Keene Town Hall
Keene High School
Alumni Field, 77 Arch St, Keene, NH 03431

Peterborough Town Hall
Depot Park
Corner of School & Depot St, Peterborough, NH 03458

Hooksett Town Hall
Exact Location TBD

Friday, August 24th: Making Health Care Affordable and Universal

Manchester Health Care Event
Elliott Hospital
1 Elliott Way, Manchester, NH 03103

Tilton Town Hall
New Hampshire Veterans' Home
139 Winter St, Tilton, NH 03276

Wolfeboro Town Hall
Cate Park, South Main St, Wolfeboro, NH

Saturday, August 25th: Rewarding Work and Strengthening the Middle Class

Berlin Town Hall
Veterans Memorial Park, Glen Avenue & Dianna, Berlin, NH 03570

Plymouth Town Hall
Front Lawn of Plymouth Elementary School
43 Old Ward Bridge Rd, Plymouth, NH, 03264

Concord Town Hall
White Park, 1 White St, Concord, NH

Merrimack Town Hall
Merrimack Middle School, 31 Madeline Bennett Ave, Merrimack, NH

Sunday, August 26th: Taking Responsibility for Ending the War in Iraq

Manchester Town Hall
City Hall Plaza, Manchester, NH

Salem House Party
Home of Laurel Redden, 2 Hall Ave, Salem, NH

Hampton Democratic Picnic
Pitlochry Farm
195 Exeter Rd, Hampton Falls, NH 03844
Note: The Democratic Picnic is hosted by the Hampton Democrats and costs $10 to attend. For more information, including information on buying tickets, please see:

Rochester Town Hall
The Common, intersection of route 108 and South Main St, Rochester, NH

Portsmouth Rally
Prescott Park, 105 Marcy St, Portsmouth, NH 03801

Romney Opposes NH "Sanctuary State" Bill

Last week in Londonderry, Mitt Romney voiced his opposition to a bill introduced by Manchester State Representative Lily Mesa. Critics of Mesa's bill label argue that it would make New Hampshire into a "Sanctuary State" because the bill would not allow local and state police from arresting anyone whose only offense is the "violation of federal immigration laws." In the Londonderry, Romney said the bill was "the wrong way to go." The following quote was provided by the Romney campaign:

And the next thing he said was, 'Sanctuary cities.' Have you noticed there are cities that call themselves sanctuary cities that say, 'We're not going to enforce the federal law. We're not going to report people who are here illegally. We'll give city services without telling the federal government.' Think what kind of a message that sends to people in other countries. Here, there are these cities where you can go and they won't enforce the law. And actually, there's a bill that's been filed here in New Hampshire, you may have heard about it from a senator I believe from Manchester, whose idea is to make New Hampshire a sanctuary state, saying that law enforcement personnel in this state can't refer information about illegal aliens on to the federal government. That's the wrong way to go. We need to enforce the law, not to avoid the law."