Saturday, May 19, 2007

Ambinder Lists Important NH Endorsements

The Hotline's Marc Ambinder lists the New Hampshire endorsements that every Democrat is hoping for. He argues that: Ex-Gov. Jeanne Shaheen, Ex-NH state chair Kathy Sullivan, The New Hampshire Professional FireFighters Association, Speaker of the House Terie Norelli and Gov. John Lynch are the most important endorsements. Here is his story:

Romney To Launch Immigration Ad

On the heels of an immigration deal, Mitt Romney is launching a new television ad in New Hampshire, entitled "Secure Borders." The ad's footage is from a Derry town hall forum, in which a resident questioned Romney's immigration policy. Here is the script of the ad:


QUESTIONER: "How would you deal with the border issue?"

GOVERNOR ROMNEY: "Number one, we should secure our border.

"And number two, we should put in place an employment verification system.

"And by that, I mean that everybody who is not a United States citizen, with a valid Social Security number, would be expected to get a card, with their name and their number and some biometric information. And would indicate their work status, whether they have a visa that allows them to work here or not.

"And then when an employer is thinking of hiring someone, if they don't have a valid Social Security number, he asks for the card, or she asks for the card. They input the number into the computer. The federal database immediately tells them whether they're available to be working or not.

"If they're not, you can't hire them. And if you do, you get the same penalties and fines as if you're not paying your taxes.

"Legal immigration is great. But illegal immigration, that we've got to end. Thank you. And amnesty is not the way to do it. Thanks so much, thank you."

"I'm Mitt Romney and I approve this message."

Obama To SNHU Graduates: Put Away Childish Things

Before a crowd of 1,000 Barack Obama delivered Southern New Hampshire's commencement address. The address's theme was "putting away childish things." The Illionis Senator began his address citing Corinthians 13:11. He then offered the graduates three life lessons: The world doesn’t just revolve around you, Challenge yourself/Take some risks in your life and Persevere.

The AP's Phil Elliott has a more complete story:

The Politico's Ben Smith also has a write-up that argues Obama's speech is "an unlikely way for Obama to broaden his appeal to the lower-income brackets in which he's weakest."

Press Release: Kucinich supports New England unions to block Verizon deal

Photo Is: ©2007 Chris Fitzgerald/
Dennis Kucinich's presidential campaign released a press release on the Ohio Congressman's appearance at a union rally. Here is some of the release:

"Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich told a cheering crowd of nearly 1,000 labor and community activists from New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont that he would intervene to block Verizon's sale of its rural telecom business to Fairpoint, Communication. The action sets the stage for a dramatic showdown between unions who are challenging the sale and the nation's telecommunications industry, which has long been immune from significant challenges for its failure to provide rural communities with equal access to fiber optic service."

He also told the rally that:

"Rural communities would be left on the other side of the digital divide. Verizon doesn't want to serve rural communities in the tri-state and, based on its finances, Fairpoint can't. This deal doesn't pass the smell test."

Cox To Make 15th NH Visit

From Monday May, 21st to Tuesday May, 22nd, John Cox will be making his 15 official visit to New Hampshire. Cox is scheduled to appear at WMUR, various radio shows and Martha's Exchange in Nashua. Here is his complete schedule:

Monday, May 21st

1:00 - 2:30
Taping the Conversation with the Candidate at WMUR
100 South Commercial Street in Manchester

5:45 - 6:45
Sign wave
Corners of Elm Street and Bridge Street in Manchester

Tuesday, May 22nd

6:37 - 6:47
Guest on Charlie Sherman Show

8:30 - 9:00
Guest on the Woody Woodland Show
WSMN 1590 AM

9:30 - 10:15
Walk of downtown Nashua, Main Street

10:30 - 11:00
Guest on the Jennifer Horn Show
WSMN 1590 AM

11:00 - 12:00
Lunch at Martha's Exchange
185 Main Street, Nashua

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Kucinich To Spend Day In Portsmouth

Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich will be spending this Saturday in Portsmouth. Here is his schedule:

Saturday (May 19) Schedule:

10:30 a.m.
Union rally,
Prescott Park,
105 Marcy St, Portsmouth, NH.

11:45 a.m.
News conference and meet-and-greet,
The Rosa Restaurant,
80 State St., Portsmouth

12:30 p.m.
Reception with union leaders, members, and friends,
Rusty Hammer Restaurant,
49 Pleasant St., Portsmouth

Richardson Names Steering Committee

From a Bill Richardson For President press release:

Today, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson announced the formation of his New Hampshire State Steering Committee. The committee includes elected officials, Democratic activists, members of the business and professional community, and community leaders from around the state. The committee will act as a base of support for Richardson's Presidential campaign throughout the state of New Hampshire.

Co-Chair NH State Representative Candace Bouchard (Concord)
Co-Chair Democratic Activist Dick Bouley (Concord)
Co-Chair Former NHDP State Chair Jeff Woodburn (Whitefield)
Co-Chair Former NH Commissioner of Labor Jim Casey (Dover)
State Representative Eileen Ehlers - Former Family Therapist (Hooksett)
State Representative Armand Forest - Alderman (Manchester)
State Representative Dana Hilliard - Teacher (Somersworth)
State Representative Scott Merrick - Student (Lancaster)
State Representative Steve Spratt - Business Consultant (Greenville)
State Representative John Knowles (Hudson)
State Representative Mary Ann Knowles (Hudson)
State Representative Tara Reardon (Concord)
Grafton County Commissioner Mike Cryans - Executive Director, Headrest (Hanover)
Manchester Welfare Commissioner Paul Martineau (Manchester)
Former State Representative Gloria Seldin (Concord)
Former Cheshire County Commissioner Richard Daschbach (Exeter)
Greta Moran - Former Hillsborough Democratic County Chair (Merrimack)

Letourneau Endorses Romney

The good news just keeps piling up for the Mittster. This afternoon, the Romney camp released a statement announcing that Derry Republican State Senator Bob Letourneau will "play an integral rol on the Romney campaign." In a press release, Letourneau said, "After joining Governor Romney at campaign stops in New Hampshire , and hearing from him in the Republican debates, I've decided he is the candidate best able to lead our nation forward and address the new generation of challenges facing our nation. His optimistic vision and fundamental belief in the American people will lead to a stronger America . I am proud to join Governor Romney's campaign here in the Granite State ."

Romney, Clinton Continue To Lead In NH

A new Zogby poll confirms recent polls that show Mitt Romney leading in the Granite State. Zogby has Romney leading the GOP field with 35% and Clinton as the front runner, for the Dems. Here is the press release:

"The telephone survey shows Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York holds a small lead over Barack Obama of Illinois, with former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards trailing behind—even as New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson has seen his support jump to 10%.

Romney, who also shows a small lead in Zogby International’s latest poll in Iowa, leads the GOP field in New Hampshire with 35%, and distances himself from McCain and Giuliani who are tied at 19% support. While Romney has surged ahead 10 points since Zogby’s April poll in New Hampshire, McCain has seen his support decrease from 25%, and Giuliani holds steady at 19%—the same level of support he received in last month’s poll."

O'Malley To Visit NH on Behalf of Clinton

The AP is reporting that:

"Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley will represent Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton at the New Hampshire Democratic Convention next month in Concord."

Rudy Goes To VT

This tidbit from the Valley News:

"And Giuliani will appear at Hotel Coolidge in White River Junction next Wednesday at 7:30 a.m. for a $7-a-head breakfast sponsored by Republicans from Grafton, Orange and Windsor counties. The event is being held in Vermont because the shortage of conference space in the Upper Valley meant that some local New Hampshire venues were already booked."

Romney, Richardson Endorsements

John "The Granite Status" DiStaso reported several endorsements today. He reported that joining Bill Richardson are state reps: Eileen Ehlers of Hooksett, Manchester Alderman Armand Forest, Dana Hilliard of Somersworth and John and Mary Ann Knowles of Hudson. Also, "Sen. Bob Letourneau, R-Derry, has endorsed Romney for President."

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Write A Summary

Love going to campaign events? Would like to write, and publish, your experience. Then consider writing a campaign summary for this website.

If you attend a campaign event and would like to submit a brief summary, please contact me at:

DNC Sanctions Dartmouth Debate

This afternoon, the DNC released its list of sanctioned debates. One of the DNC approved debates are the NBC/MSNBC debate at Dartmouth on September 26, 2007. In a press release, New Hampshire Democratic Chair Ray Buckley said, "We are delighted to work with the DNC and NBC News/MSNBC to bring this debate to New Hampshire. This debate will give all the candidates the opportunity to appeal to the highly engaged and informed Granite State voters on a larger stage. The candidates are already beginning to see the true grassroots, retail politics and participatory democracy of New Hampshire that provides the first testing ground for candidates in one-on-one meetings that would not be possible in most states."

Edwards To Attend Community Meetings on May 21st

Former North Carolina Senator John Edwards will be visiting New Hampshire on Monday, May 21st. Here is his schedule:

12:30 pm
Community Meeting with Senator Edwards
Keene State College, Mabel Brown Room (in the student center)
229 Main Street
Keene, NH

4:00 pm
Community Meeting with Senator Edwards
Earl Bourdon Senior Center
67 Maple Avenue
Claremont, NH

5:30 pm
Community Meeting on the Green with Senator Edwards
Lebanon Common at Colburn Park in Lebanon
51 North Park Street
Lebanon, NH

To RSVP for these events go here:

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Kucinich Returns on May 19th

Congressman Dennis Kucinich will return to the state on May 19th. Here is a press release on the trip:

Presidential Candidate Congressman Dennis Kucinich returns to New Hampshire May 19th to address the Stop the Sale Rally organized by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 2320, and the Communication Workers of America, Local 1400. If the sale of Verizon landlines to Fairpoint Communications of North Carolina goes through, there is the risk of loss of three thousand union jobs, lower quality of communication services, a worsening of the digital divide, and less competition among providers which could effect rates paid by consumers. Union members from throughout New England and state and local AFL-CIO’s will be supporting the rally scheduled for 10:30 in Prescott Park in Portsmouth. Kucinich, a union member himself, has a 100% AFL-CIO ranking. He has been an outspoken critic of the consolidation of money upward through recent tax changes, and the CAFTA and WTO agreements, which as President he would cancel. Later the same day Kucinich will be in Portland, Maine. He will speak at a campaign rally at 4:30 at the Woodford Club, 179 Woodford Street (207-772-4893) and will be the keynote speaker at the Maine People’s Alliance Rising Tide Dinner at 8PM (207-797-0967).

Pindell Exclusive: Larsen To Endorse Clinton

James "The Primary Source" Pindell is reporting that "New Hampshire state Senate President Sylvia Larsen, of Concord, will formally endorse Clinton, three separate sources affiliated with the campaign told the Globe." Check out his story here:

Dodd Airs "Civil" Campaign Ad

Chris Dodd's campaign announced today that it has begun airing an ad in New Hampshire entitled "Civil." Dodd campaign manager Sherly Cohen said "This ad draws a clear distinction between Senator Dodd and the rest of the Democratic field." The ad can be seen at Here is a script of the ad:

CHRIS DODD: Half measures won't stop this president from continuing our involvement in Iraq's civil war. That's why I'm fighting for the only responsible measure in Congress that would take away the President's blank check and set a timetable to bring our troops home.

Unfortunately, my colleagues running for President have not joined me. I'm Chris Dodd. I'm running for President. I approved this message because we can't simply wait for a new President. We should have the conviction to stand up to this one.

Newt To Appear at VictoryNH Event

In addition to his book signing, Newt Gingrich will also be appearing at The Chateau Restaurant. This event is being promoted by the group VictoryNH. Here are the details:

The Chateau Restaurant
201 Hanover Street, Manchester, NH

Monday, May 21st: 2:00 - 3:30 pm

Attendence is free, but seating is limited, so to reserve your tickets, please RSVP to

Monday, May 14, 2007

Obama To Attend Town Hall Forums, Campaign Canvass and SNHU Commencement

Here is the schedule for Barack Obama's upcoming New Hampshire visit:

Senator Barack Obama will hold events in New Hampshire on Friday, May 18 and Saturday, May 19, his state campaign announced. Senator Obama will hold a town hall forum with voters in Rye on Friday evening, kick off the campaign’s first major canvass on Saturday morning, and then address Southern New Hampshire University’s commencement.

May 18, 2007

Rye Elementary School
461 Sagamore Road
Rye, NH 03870

Doors Open: 3:45 PM

The event is free and open to the public. Due to space limitations, an RSVP is required by phone to Jack Shapiro at (603) 668-2008.


Wentworth by the Sea
New Castle, NH

May 19, 2007


McIntyre Ski Area
Kennard Road
Manchester, NH 03104

Doors open: 8:30 AM

The event is open to the public. To participate and attend, members of the public should RSVP at

Verizon Wireless Arena
555 Elm Street
Manchester, NH 03101

**This event is hosted by SNHU**
Doors Open: 10:00 AM
Event Begins: 11:00 AM

Obama Names NH Co-Chairs

This afternoon, Barack Obama released the names of his New Hampshire co-chairs. Here is an excerpt of the release:

"In advance of a major grassroots canvass this Saturday, Senator Barack Obama today announced that four prominent New Hampshire activists will play a key role in his campaign to change politics in America. Obama named state Senator Martha Fuller Clark, Mary Rauh, Jim Demers, and Ned Helms as New Hampshire co-chairs.

This campaign is about coming together to change our politics so we can transform our country," Senator Obama said. "Martha, Mary, Ned, and Jim understand how grassroots movements work—that when we inspire people to put cynicism aside and get involved, there’s nothing we can’t accomplish."

Dodd, Romney To Begin Ads

The Hotline is reporting that both Chris Dodd and Mitt Romney will be airing ads in New Hampshire, this week. Dodd's ads total $120,000 and will run from Tuesday to Saturday. Romney will be his ads on Thursday.

Top NH Legislator Set To Endorse Clinton

The Clinton campaign has announced that "A top New Hampshire legislator will announce their endorsement of Senator Hillary Clinton for President tomorrow, Tuesday, May 15. The legislator will make the announcement at the Legislative Office Building in Concord at 2:00 p.m."

Obama To Speak In Rye on Friday the 18th

Senator Barack Obama will be speaking at the Rye Elementary School this Friday, May 18th. Obama will be speaking before a crowd of about 200 people. The doors open at 3:45. If interested, contact the Obama office at 603-668-2008. Obama is also scheduled to deliver SNHU's commencement address on Saturday.

Thompson To Visit May 16th

Tommy Thompson will be visiting the Granite State on Wednesday, May 16th. Here is his schedule.
4:35 pm
WTPL 107.7 The Pulse
New Hampshire Today
Live In-Studio
501 South Street, Bow, NH

5:00 pm
Senator John Gallus Fundraiser
Barley House Restaurant
132. North Main St. Concord, NH

6:30 pm
Brown's Seabrook Lobster Pound
Meet and Greet with Patrons
Accompanied by Former Governor Craig Benson
Route 286
Seabrook Beach, NH 03874

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Clinton Supporters Take Part In "Day of Action"

Yesterday, supporters of Hillary Clinton participated in a "Day of Action." Here is a story on the event:

"A day after their candidate's sixth visit to New Hampshire this primary season, supporters of Sen. Hillary Clinton took to the streets, the phones and the blogs yesterday in an effort to boost her Presidential campaign to the next level."

Dodd Urges 80 Percent Greenhouse Reduction

The Union Leader covered Chris Dodd's appearance at a Merrimack House Party. Here it is:

"Presidential candidate Christopher Dodd began his talk yesterday at a house party by introducing the piece de resistance of his campaign, an energy plan that calls for an 80 percent reduction in greenhouse gases by 2050."