Saturday, November 03, 2007

Thompson Returns to New Hampshire on Monday

Former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson will be back in New Hampshire on Monday, November 5th. Here is his schedule:

Monday, November 5th

8:00 am
Fred Thompson Delivers Remarks at "Politics and Eggs" For Members of the New England Council

10:00 am
Fred Thompson Participates in a "Tea with the Candidate" Interview with Jennifer Horn
The interview will be aired on the Jennifer Horn radio show - WSMN AM1590 Nashua on Monday, Nov 12

Jennifer's newspaper column on the interview will be printed in the Lifestyles Section of the Nashua Telegraph on Sunday, Nov 11

1:15 pm
Fred Thompson Tours Thompson Center Arms - New Hampshire Firearms Manufacturer Employees of T/C Arms will participate in a Meet & Greet with Senator Thompson

4:45 pm
Meet Fred Thompson Reception
Orchard Street Chop Shop
1 Orchard Street
Dover, NH 03820
RSVP (603) 669-0239 or by email NHEvents@Fred08.comHope to see you there!

McCain Campaign Asks Supporters To Relocate To New Hampshire

Today, John McCain's national director of volunteers, Bill Bloomfield, sent out a generic e-mail asking supporters to relocate to offices in either Iowa, New Hampshire, Michigan or South Carolina.

Here is the original e-mail:

Can you invest eight weeks of your time to make history?

We need you at one of our offices in Iowa, New Hampshire, Michigan or South Carolina.If you can relocate to one of the early primary or caucus states, please reply to this e-mail or send your contact information to:


Bill Bloomfield, Director of Volunteers

Edwards Opens Field Offices in Rochester, Conway

From The Edwards Campaign:

During a four-day Graniteroots New Hampshire campaign swing today, Edwards for President National Campaign Manager Congressman David Bonior opened new field offices in Rochester and Conway, bringing the New Hampshire field office total to 12 offices statewide.

“John Edwards is committed to running a grassroots campaign the New Hampshire way,” said Bonior. “We’re working hard every day to spread John’s message of bold change to the Granite State, and these new offices show John’s commitment to winning the New Hampshire primary.”

Photos of Rudy In The North Country

Below are some photos from Rudy's recent visit.

A sign at the Town & Country Motor Inn and the ballot box at Dixville Notch

Rudy at Dixville Notch and the Dairy Bar

Rudy At The Northern Exposure, interacting with some kids.

Rudy Giuliani: Captain Ahab Redux?

Rudy Campaigns At Berlin's Dairy Bar. Photo Is Courtesy of Brian Lawson.

How he flashed at me!--his eyes like powder-pans! Is he mad? Anyway there's something on his mind, as sure as there must be something on a deck when it cracks. -Moby Dick

Herman Melville’s epic novel, Moby Dick, is a story centered on an obsessed whaling boat captain who wants to kill the white whale that took his leg.

It appears that Rudy Giuliani has discovered his Moby Dick. That is, a character who he has become obsessed with.

While campaigning in northern New Hampshire, Giuliani made it a point to criticize Hillary Clinton at every event.

The trip began with a stop at the diner Northern Exposure, which features a menu showing a moose exposing himself.

In response to a question on allowing illegal immigrants to have driving licenses, Giuliani took direct aim at the New York Senator.

“Hillary was against it and for it and then partially for it and partially against it, all in the same answer within a minute.”

While answering the question, the diner’s phone rang and Giuliani said, “maybe she’s calling right now to change her position.”

“Her positions change more frequently than anybody I've ever seen in politics. I remember, last time, John Kerry used to be accused of being a flip-flopper. She makes him look like an amateur. I mean he does look like an amateur, when compared to Hillary.” Giuliani said.

He added, “I don’t know what she’s thinking trying to be all things to all people.”

At his next event in Dixville Notch, Giuliani criticized Clinton’s healthcare proposal saying, “socialized medicine would be a shame.”

Rudy expanded his criticism to include all of the Democratic presidential candidates. He told the crowd of 50 people that the nation should remain “on offense against the socialistic ideas that the Democrats are purposing.”

During the question-and-answer part of the Shelburne town hall meeting, Giuliani was again asked about the driving license issue.

Giuliani, openly mocking Clinton’s response, told the crowd “raise your hands and tell me what you think.”

“Oh, gee, I can't figure out what to think. Don't pick on me by asking me that question. That's a gotcha' question.”

“If you think a question about driver's licenses is a tough question, a gotcha' question, you're not ready for Ahmadinejad,” Giuliani said.

The Republican presidential candidate ended his visit to New Hampshire’s North Country with a stop at the Dairy Bar.

There Giuliani was greeted by 15 supporters and again was asked about Hillary’s stance on driving licenses for illegal immigrants.

“I’ve never seen that before. I’ve seen her take different positions in front of different groups. But I’ve never seen her take two different positions before the same audience,” he responded.

Returning to his theme of experience, Giuliani said, “If you can’t answer a question on driving licenses, what the heck you’re doing running for president.”

Rudy should beware of the consequences of focusing so much attention Hillary Clinton.

At the end of the classic Melville novel, Captain Ahab was dragged into the ocean depths, by his archenemy.

Rudy to Host Town Hall Forum At SAC

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani will be back in the state on Monday, November 5th. Rudy will be hosting a town hall meeting at Manchester's Saint Anselm College.

Monday, November 5th

NH Institute of Politics, Auditorium
Saint Anselm College
100 Saint Anselm Drive
Manchester, NH

For more information contact Catherine Hirko (603) 289-4560 or

Richardson Returns on November 8th

Governor Bill Richardson will return to the Granite State on Thursday for events in Manchester, Concord and Portsmouth.

Thursday, November 8th

When: 8:30 AM
What: Impact '08 in New Hampshire: Building a Better, Safer World – Featured Speaker
Where: Institute of Politics, Saint Anselm College, 100 Saint Anselm Drive, Manchester, NH

When: 9:30 – 10:30 AM (Doors Open at 9:00 AM)
What: Book Signing, Discussion, and Q&A
Where: Gibson's Bookstore, 29 South Main Street, Concord

When: 1:00 PM (Doors Open 12:30 PM)
What: Seacoast Media Group "Energy Forum"*
Where: Seacoast Media Group, 111 New Hampshire Ave., Portsmouth
*Space is limited. RSVP by e-mail only to

Edwards Video on Clinton

Here is a video from the Edwards campaign titled, "The Politics of Parsing."

Romney Ad Attacks Clinton

From The Romney Campaign:

Today, Romney for President launched its newest television ad, "Experience Matters." The ad highlights Governor Romney's belief that our nation's leader must have the experience "to run the largest enterprise in the world." Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) does not have that experience and our nation cannot afford a leader who needs on-the-job training. Governor Romney has led businesses, the 2002 Winter Olympics and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In each case, he brought change and turned around institutions. As President, he will do the same for our government.

The ad will begin airing as part of the campaign's rotation today in New Hampshire. Script and viewing links are below.

Script For "Experience Matters" (TV:30):

GOVERNOR MITT ROMNEY: "Hillary Clinton wants to run the largest enterprise in the world. She hasn't run a corner store. She hasn't run a state. She hasn't run a city.

"She has never run anything. And the idea that she could learn to be President as an internship just doesn't make any sense.

"I have spent my life running things. I've learned how to run a business. I've learned how to run a state. I ran the Olympics. In each case, I've brought change.

"And if there's ever been a time we needed change in Washington to bring strength to America, it's now.

"I'm Mitt Romney and I approve this message."

To watch "Experience Matters," please see:

D'Allesandro Endorses Clinton

From The Clinton Campaign:

While introducing Senator Hillary Clinton at the Granite State Independent Living (GSIL) Forum in Manchester this morning, State Senator Lou D’Allesandro announced his endorsement of Hillary for president. Sen. D’Allesandro, a founding member of GSIL who is currently serving his fifth term in the New Hampshire legislature, is the eighth Granite State senator to endorse Hillary.

“After the Democratic Presidential Primary Debate this week, my decision to support Senator Clinton became clear,” said D’Allesandro, who will serve as National Co-chair of Italian Americans for Hillary. “At this critical time in our country’s history, we must move beyond negative politics. At the debate, Hillary demonstrated that she is the only candidate with a strong, positive message. I believe she can deliver the real change our country needs.”

Campus Voices Start Website on NH Primary

Harvard's Institute of Politics (IOP) today announced the launch of a new Web site, "Campus Voices," to chronicle the final "100 Days" of the 2008 New Hampshire primary.

"Campus Voices" students – who began regular trips to New Hampshire last month – will use to share their experiences and activities tracking the people and events of the New Hampshire primary via their own original video, photographic and written reports.

The Institute is collaborating on the project with The New York Times, which will exclusively feature selected "Campus Voices" dispatches and reports in the political section of its Web site (

Forum Attracts Large Number of Undecided Voters

From The Group Granite State Independent Living:

More than 600 New Hampshire undecided voters, the majority of whom are also individuals living with disabilities, representing a consortium of non-partisan national and local groups hosted several presidential candidates from both parties on Friday, allowing the candidates a chance to outline their priorities firsthand to the people they will most affect.

Hosted by Granite State Independent Living, the daylong forum featured appearances by Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY), Senator Joseph Biden (D-DE), Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), Senator Mike Gravel (D-AK), and Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio). Senator John McCain (R-AZ) called in to the event, while John Edwards' campaign manager and former Michigan Congressman David Bonior addressed the crowd in Edwards' absence. All candidates were invited and encouraged to speak.

"The audience attending this forum, and those watching across the country on the web all represent American voters," said Clyde Terry CEO, Granite State Independent Living. "According to the U.S. Census, one in five adults between the age of 18 and 64 have a disability, one in nine children, and one in two over the age of 65. So when you count not only individuals with disabilities, but their families, friends, care givers, educators and others, the discussions that occur at this forum are the issues that either are or will challenge all American families at some point in their lives."

Friday, November 02, 2007

Obama Releases Ad on Workers

From The Obama Campaign:

Senator Barack Obama's New Hampshire campaign will begin airing its fifth television ad tomorrow. In the thirty-second spot, entitled "Need," Obama describes American workers as the "bedrock" of our economy and offers his plan to reverse the widening gap between the middle class and the wealthy.

You can watch the ad HERE.

SCRIPT – "Need"

Obama (talking to a small crowd): This administration has further divided Wall Street from Main Street. You've got CEOs who are making more in 10 minutes than ordinary workers are making in a year.

Obama (direct to camera): The bedrock, the foundation of our economy is our workers. The middle class have been treading water or worse.
My plan says "Let's restore some balance to our tax code. Close these corporate loopholes the lobbyists put in. And let's make sure that tax breaks are given to people who really need it."

The Obama Plan:
· Close corporate tax loopholes
· $1,000 per family tax cut
· No income taxes on seniors making under $50,000

Obama Names 60 More Activists

From The Obama Campaign:

Sixty activists from the Manchester area and around the state announced this week that they've joined Barack Obama's grassroots campaign for change. As Obama continues to tackle the tough questions with straightforward answers, more and more Granite Staters are joining Obama's call for a new direction and new priorities. On the heels of a debate that showed clear differences between the candidates' approaches, these New Hampshire voters chose Obama as the candidate who has the character and integrity to bring about change we can believe in.

The following activists joined Obama in calling for real change:

James Bolle, Francestown – Activist and Founder of the NH Symphony
Jocelyn Bolle, Francestown – Activist
Danny Caudell, Manchester – Activist
Ellen Dokton, Weare – Professor and Activist
JoAnn Duffy, Goffstown – Chairman of Goffstown Planning Board
Frank Greaney, Merrimack – Activist
Rex Lint, Merrimack – Activist
Jan Lint, Merrimack – Activist
Barbara Mathews, Deerfield – Activist
Maria McNaught, Merrimack – Activist
Melissa Rogers, Manchester – Small Business Owner and Democratic Activist
Miguel Rubio, Manchester, Activist
Erik Shifflett, Candia – Environmental Activist
Roy Swonger, Merrimack – Community Leader
Ron Tornow, Merrimack – Activist

Nancy Clark, Webster – Activist
Susan Covert, Hopkinton – Environmental Activist
Candice Dale, Concord – Activist and Educator
Peter Ellis, Concord – Local Activist
Jess Ellis, Concord – Local Activist
Besty Guenther, Concord – Activist
Irene Irving, Concord – Activist
John Malmberg, Concord – Activist
Gilman Shattuck, Hillsboro – State Representative
Randy Foose, New London – State Representative

Edwin Allard, Laconia – Activist
Tim Arsenault, Laconia – Town Vice-Chair
Jon Arsenault, Laconia – Activist
James Cowan, Laconia – Former City Councilor
John Dickey, Gilmanton – Trustee of the Historical Society
Gerald Knight, Laconia – Activist
Patty Lane, Ossipeee – Green Mountain Democrat
Tara Shore, Laconia – Activist
Ron Cormier, Belmont – Selectman

Randy Cooper, Eaton – Activist and Former President of the NH Bar Association
Don Litchko, Conway – Carroll County Democratic Committee Treasurer
Carolyn Lucet, Eaton – Clinical Social Worker
Rob Upton, Bartlett – Lawyer

Beverly McKay, Nashua – Activist
Sid Das, Pelham – Activist
Vivian McGuire, Hudson – Activist
Richard McKay, Nashua – Activist
Cameron Monagle, Salem – Activist
Peter Morgan, Salem – Activist
Claire Plomaritis, Pelham – Former State Representative
Barbara Pressly, Nashua – Former State Senator
Jim Smith, Salem – Brigadier General USAF (Retired)
Alexander White, Salem - Activist

Doreen Cawley, Bennington – Activist
Edward Germain, Dublin – Selectman
Allen Humes, Winchester – Activist

Pat Baker, Hampton – Activist
Dan Bean, Lee – Town Democrats Vice Chair
John Flackett, Stratham – Former State Representative Candidate (2006) and Professor emeritus at Boston College Law
Mel Low, Rye – Activist
Jean Low, Rye – Activist
Donald Routhier, Somersworth – Somersworth Democratic Treasurer
Jen Soldati, Somersworth – Former Minority Whip, Current President of Somersworth Chamber of Commerce
Ronnie Werner, Rye – Activist

New Hampshire News Links for November 2nd, 2007

New Hampshire News Links November 2nd, 2007

Now part of The Hotline Political Network!

Check our Blog!

NEWS: More taxes than expected roll in

PEOPLE/CANDIDATES: Judges to help ease backlog / Kenney, Judges, Dr. Lynch, Baines, Nashua Mayoral Race, Card


OP-ED: Editorial: O'Leary's babble: Is Lynch really for this guy?

DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES: In 2008, What Does Labor Support Mean? / The Field, Biden, Clinton, Dodd, Edwards, Gravel, Kerry, Obama

REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES: The Economist: Who will take on Hillary? / The Field, Giuliani, Huckabee, Hunter, Romney


FIRST PRIMARY: Why Not New Hampshire? Part II

WAR: Bush, Defending Justice Nominee, Sees Unfairness

OTHER NEWS AND VIEWS: States likely to delay executions until ruling

ARTICLES: Conway Daily Sun: Gov. hopeful Joe Kenney impresses party fairtful with tough talk on Lynch; Riddled with taxes, NH looks like Mass., native Marine says at GOP fundraiser / Bush chief of staff rock solid behind N.H primary; Andy Card: Kenney embodies Granite State

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Rudy In The North Country

Join Mayor Rudy Giuliani in the North Country!

Friday, November 2nd

2:30 PM
Northern Exposure Restaurant
12 Main St
Errol, NH

6:15 PM
Town Hall Meeting
Town & Country Motor Inn
20 State Route 2
Shelburne, NH

8:00 PM
Northland Restaurant and Dairy Bar
1826 Riverside Drive
Berlin, NH

Huckabee Returns on November 10th

Huckabee back in New Hampshire!

November 10th

Join Mike Huckabee for a 5k fun run at the University of New Hampshire Durham Campus!

Meet and Greet with Mike Huckabee at the Townlyne Grill, 52 Hampton Rd, Exeter

Chowderfest! Join Mike Huckabee for a bowl of Chowder at a Chowderfest co-hosted by the Seacoast Republican Women and the Hampton and Seabrook Republican Town Committees. This event is free and all are welcome to attend and meet Mike Huckabee!

Come meet Mike Huckabee at a house party in the center of Amherst at 5 School Street.

For more information or to RSVP for any of these events please contact us at

Bonior To Visit NH

From Thursday, November 1st through Sunday, November 4th, Edwards for President National Campaign Manager Congressman David Bonior will campaign throughout New Hampshire opening new offices, meeting with supporters, and attending events. Bonior's visit to the Granite State follows on the heels of Edwards' strong debate performance Tuesday night and Wednesday's endorsement by the New Hampshire State Employees' Association (SEIU Local 1984). As momentum for Edwards continues to build in New Hampshire, Bonior will open two more field offices - one in Rochester and one in Conway - bringing the New Hampshire campaign office total to 12 offices statewide.

November 1st

Derry Supporter Meeting
Edwards for President Southern Tier Office
6 West Broadway, Derry.

Nashua Supporter Meeting
Edwards for President Nashua Office
89 West Pearl St., Nashua

November 2nd

Addresses the Granite State Independent Living Forum
Radisson Hotel Ballroom
700 Elm St., Manchester

Seacoast Education Forum
Edwards for President Portsmouth Office
101 South Commercial St., Portsmouth

November 3rd

Rochester Office Opening and Canvass
One Wake Field, Suite 310, Rochester

Dover Canvassing
Edwards for President Dover Office
40 Chestnut St., Dover.

Step It Up Nashua
City Hall, 228 Main St., Nashua

Step It Up Concord
State Hall Steps

Conway office opening and canvass
Norcross Place, 2686 Main street, North Conway

November 4th

Upper Valley Supporter Meeting and Canvass
Rivermill Commercial Center, Building #5, 85 Mechanic Street, Lebanon

Edwards on Michigan Primary

Today, John DiStaso wrote "John Edwards this week professed ignorance of any effort by his supporters in Michigan to effectively "blow up" the primary out there and have a caucus instead."

At St. Anselm College Edwards was asked about the move to change the Michigan primary into a caucus and said, "That's all for the people of Michigan to decide."

New Hamsphire Secretary of State Bill Gardner has said that he is waiting on Michigan to decide what it is going to do, before he picks a date for the first-in-the-nation primary.

Here is the YouTube video of the exchange:

Updated Dodd Schedule

Here is an updated schedule of Chris Dodd's upcoming visit.

Friday, November 2nd

11:30 AM
Granite State Independent Living Candidates Forum
Location: Hotel Ballroom
Center of New Hampshire Radisson Hotel
700 Elm Street
Manchester, NH

3:30 PM
Every Child Matters Presidential Candidates Forum
Location: Huddleston Hall
University of New Hampshire
Durham, NH

6:30 PM
Meet and Greet with Voters at the Puritan Backroom Restaurant
Location: Puritan Backroom
245 Hooksett Road
Manchester, NH

Saturday, November 3rd

9:00 AM
Windham Democrats Blueberry Pancake Breakfast
Location: Searles School and Chapel
35 Range Road
Windham, NH

1:45 PM
Remarks at Step it Up Climate Change Rally
Location: New Hampshire State House
107 North Main Street
Concord, NH

2:15 PM
Meet and Greet at Havenwood Heritage Heights Retirement Community
Location: Havenwood Auditorium
33 Christian Avenue
Concord, NH

6:30 PM
Cheshire County Democrats Spaghetti Dinner
Location: Keene High School
43 Arch Street
Keene, NH

Biden Concord Stop Cancelled

Joe Biden's visit to a Concord pizzeria has been cancelled.

Biden will return to D.C. to vote on the SCHIP program.

His events for tomorrow are still taking place.

Clinton Surrogates To Campaign In New Hampshire

The New Hampshire for Hillary campaign today announced that former Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator, Carol Browner, and Pennsylvania Congressman and Afghanistan veteran Joe Sestak, will travel to the Granite State this weekend to discuss Hillary's plans to make real change happen.

Saturday, November 3

Carol Browner Speaks at “Step it Up” Rally at Concord State House
NH State House
107 N Main Street
Concord, NH

Sunday, November 4

Congressman Sestak Kicks-off Nashua Canvass; Meets with Veterans
NH for Hillary Nashua Office
23 Elm Street, Unit A
Nashua, NH

Congressman Sestak Attends a Town Hall meeting at New England College
New England College
Simon Center - Sayce Lounge
24 Bridge Street
Henniker, NH

Congressman Sestak Attends Peterborough House Party
17 Eastridge Drive
Peterborough, NH

Clinton Forms "Students for Hillary"

From The Clinton Campaign:

The Clinton campaign today announced the launch of Students for Hillary, a national effort to organize and mobilize supporters on college campuses. Supporters have already started 120 Students for Hillary chapters in 37 states and the campaign expects many more to begin in the coming weeks. The campaign also unveiled a new Web site,, which will serve as the principal organizing tool for students and other young voters. Hillary Clinton kicked off the Students for Hillary initiative at events at her alma mater, Wellesley College, and at the University of New Hampshire (UNH) and encouraged students to become active in her campaign.

"In the coming weeks, I need you to make the calls and knock on the doors and organize events," said Clinton. "That's exactly what I did back in 1968, driving from Wellesley to Manchester, New Hampshire, stuffing envelopes and walking precincts for Eugene McCarthy's Presidential campaign. And I'm so grateful that so many of you here are doing that for me today."

***UPDATE: The Clinton campaign also released a list of 352 Student Leaders for Hillary from 10 New Hampshire colleges and universities.

Kathy Gregg To Serve As Romney Co-Chair

From The Romney Campaign:

Today, Governor Mitt Romney announced that Kathy Gregg, the wife of New Hampshire 's Senior Senator Judd Gregg, will serve as a Co-Chair of the Romney for President campaign in New Hampshire. As a Co-Chair, she will help lead and organize the Governor's campaign in the state.

"I am proud to join Judd in announcing our support for Governor Romney. Governor Romney has built an incredible grassroots organization in the state, and I am proud to help lead his New Hampshire effort. As we travel across the state, it is clear that Governor Romney and his vision for change in Washington are resonating with the people of New Hampshire," said Kathy Gregg.

Huckabee Discusses Iraq, Concord

Here are a couple of videos from Mike Huckabee's appearance at Concord High School.

Governor Mike Huckabee at Concord High School: Iraq

Huckabee Clarifies his stance on abortion, in Concord NH

NH Asks To Begin Advertising Campaign

From the group NH Asks:

NH Asks, Inc. a citizens’ organization modeled on Thomas Jefferson’s belief that we must have an informed citizenry, today launched the first of a massive, daily advertising campaign aimed at eliciting answers from the candidates in the New Hampshire Presidential Primary—answers to questions the candidates have constantly and consistently refused to answer.

Beginning today, NH Asks will post in newspapers across the state, questions to individual candidates, questions those individual candidates have shunned, refused to answer, or ignored—thus far.

“The voters of New Hampshire have a right to a truthful and straightforward understanding of the positions, accomplishments, and policies of those who represent us, and those who seek to represent us,” said Nathaniel Gurien, Executive Director, NH Asks.

NH Asks is a non-profit, non-partisan organization committed to promoting
transparency and accountability in government.

For more go here: NHAsks

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Thompson To Speak At Politics and Eggs

James "The Primary Source" Pindell is reporting that Fred Thompson will be back in New Hampshire on Monday.

"Thompson is scheduled to speak at a Politics and Eggs breakfast Monday morning sponsored by the New Hampshire Political Library and the New England Council."

McCain Airs Ad on Wasteful Spending

From The McCain Campaign:

U.S. Senator John McCain's presidential campaign today released a new television ad, entitled "Guts," to run in New Hampshire. The new ad focuses on John McCain's long and often lonely fight against wasteful pork-barrel spending in Washington.

John McCain, named a "Taxpayer Hero" by Citizens Against Government Waste, has led the fight against wasteful spending his entire career. In one successful effort, John McCain saved the taxpayers up to $2 billion in wasteful and corrupt spending in the Boeing tanker deal. The Armed Forces Journal said McCain "virtually single-handedly killed" the Boeing tanker deal. McCain's investigation led to criminal convictions and exposed the largest Pentagon weapons scandal in 20 years.

McCain Communications Director Jill Hazelbaker stated, "All the candidates for president say they'll stop wasteful spending, but only one man has actually done it: John McCain."

Script for "Guts" (:30-TV)

ANNCR: When special interests and bureaucrats conspired to spend 30 billion of your tax dollars on a defense contract boondoggle, everyone looked the other way.
Everyone except one man.

One man has the experience to know it was wrong and the courage to stop it.

Corruption exposed.

Billions saved.

Wrongdoers jailed.

All the candidates for president say they'll stop wasteful spending.

One man has actually done it.

JOHN MCCAIN: I'll stop wasteful spending by Congress. Restore trust in government.

JOHN MCCAIN: I'm John McCain and I approve this message.

Dodd's Upcoming New Hampshire Trip

Presidential candidate Chris Dodd returns to New Hampshire this week for his 18th visit to the Granite State. On Friday, Dodd will participate in the Granite State Independent Living Forum in Manchester and the Every Child Matters Forum in Durham. On Saturday, after a day of campaign events, Dodd will be the keynote speaker at the Cheshire County Democrats Spaghetti Dinner.

Friday, November 2nd

11:30 AM
Granite State Independent Living Candidates Forum
Hotel Ballroom
Center of New Hampshire Radisson Hotel
700 Elm Street
Manchester, NH

3:30 PM
Every Child Matters Presidential Candidates Forum
Huddleston Hall
University of New Hampshire
Durham, NH

6:30 PM
Meet and Greet with Voters at the Puritan Backroom Restaurant
Puritan Backroom
245 Hooksett Road
Manchester, NH

Saturday, November 3rd

9:00 AM
Windham Democrats Blueberry Pancake Breakfast
Searles School and Chapel
35 Range Road
Windham, NH

1:45 PM
Remarks at Step it Up Climate Change Rally
New Hampshire State House
107 North Main Street
Concord, NH

6:30 PM
Cheshire County Democrats Spaghetti Dinner
Keene High School
43 Arch Street
Keene, NH

Gravel To Particiapte in Step It Up

Senator Mike Gravel will participate in the Manchester rally for "Step It Up"

November 3rd, 2007

"Step It Up" Rally
Veterans Park
Manchester, NH

Edwards To Visit UNH-Durham

On Tuesday, November 6th John Edwards will visit UNH-Durham. Below are the details:

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

6:45pm - 8:45pm
Piscataqua Room in Holloway Commons (Downstairs)
Durham, NH

Hunter's First Radio Ad Features Chuck Yeager

California Congressman, and Republican presidential candidate, Duncan Hunter has begun airing his first radio ad. The ad features an endorsement from Chuck Yeager.

In 1947, Yeager became the first pilot to travel faster than sound and eventually rose to the rank of Brigadier General.

We're awaiting the ad script and details of the ad buy.

New Hampshire News Links for October 31st, 2007

New Hampshire News Links October 31st, 2007

Now part of The Hotline Political Network!


NEWS: Borrowing fee adjusted in House

PEOPLE/CANDIDATES: N.H. state senator files for VP over UN role, domestic aid / Hodes, Shea-Porter, Merrill, Barnes, Mayoral Races

NH POLLS: ARG Poll: Clinton, Romney Leading

OP-ED: Editorial: Boo to Milford! Adults spoil kids' parade

DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES: The Drexel Debate: News and Analysis / The Debate, The Field, Clinton, Edwards, Gravel, Kucinich, Obama, Richardson

REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES: Fall Of The Religious Right? / Right fears Giuliani with good reason / The Field, Giuliani, Huckabee, Paul, Romney, Thompson

FIRST PRIMARY: N.H., Iowa Keep the Candidates' Attention; Wallets Open Wide Despite Changes in Primary Calendar

GENERAL (NATIONAL) CAMPAIGN NEWS: Primary Rush Forces New Tack For Campaigns

NATIONAL POLLS: Greenberg Quinlan Rosner: Finding Their Voice As The Agents Of Change; The state of the country and the Democrats on year before 2008 election

WAR: Senior Democrats Want Blackwater Case Details

OTHER NEWS AND VIEWS: Justices Stay Execution, a Signal to Lower Courts

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

We're Kind of A Big Deal on Both Sides of The Atlantic

Tonight I discovered that this website has now gone a big way.

The Telegraph lists this humble site in their US political section.

Here's a link to The Telegraph:

Edwards Endorsed By NH SEIU

New Hampshire State Director Beth Leonard released the following statement tonight after the 10,000-member NH State Employees' Association voted to endorse John Edwards, bringing Edwards' SEIU state council endorsement total to 12 states and over 1 million SEIU members:

"We are thrilled to have the support of the the hard-working families of the New Hampshire State Employees' Association (SEIU local 1984). John Edwards' committment to guaranteeing universal health care, the work he has done standing shoulder-to-shoulder with organized labor and his strength as the candidate who can win the general election next year and bring a pro-union, pro-working family agenda to the White House have earned him this critical support in New Hampshire. John Edwards is proud to have the strong endorsement of the SEA and looks forward to working with the men and women of SEIU in New Hampshire to build One America where every single American has health care coverage and where everyone who works hard has the chance to get ahead."

Edwards Gains NH SEIU Endorsement

First Read is reporting that John Edwards has scored the endorsement of the New Hampshire SEIU.

"The endorsement will help Edwards considerably, providing him with financial resources and volunteers in the Granite state. It will also prevent other state chapters from sending volunteers to New Hampshire to campaign for either Obama or Clinton."

A source "familiar with the process" has confirmed the story to "New Hampshire Presidential Watch."

McCain Campaign Calls Romney An 'Armchair Quarterback"

U.S. Senator John McCain's New Hampshire Vice Chair, former Congressman Chuck Douglas (R-NH), today issued the following statement:

"In today's Union Leader, Governor Romney suggested that he is the most qualified candidate to be President and that the Iraq war will not be 'the big, dividing issue in '08.' He also said that 'Come the fall of '08, for all of Hillary's rhetoric, she's not going to be demanding a dramatically different course in Iraq than the Republican nominee will.' For Gov. Romney to suggest that he is uniquely qualified to be commander in chief is like saying that he should replace Tom Brady because he has watched Patriot football games. Governor Romney is naive if he believes that Senator Clinton or the Democrats' position on the Iraq war will not be 'dramatically different' from Republicans next year. The Democrats and Senator Clinton have consistently advocated for a deadline for defeat in Iraq. Governor Romney fails to realize the importance of the new strategy in Iraq or that winning in Iraq is critical to the entire region and the war against Islamic extremists and that failure in Iraq strengthens Iran. Governor Romney should realize that 'armchair quarterbacking' doesn't work on Sunday and it won't work in the Oval Office.

"John McCain is uniquely qualified to be the next commander in chief from day one. He was the only candidate for President who recognized that the strategy being employed in Iraq in 2003 was flawed and called for the present strategy that is showing real, not apparent, progress on the ground against our enemies. John McCain wants our troops to come home in victory and with honor. He understands the importance of victory in Iraq and the consequences of failure to the region, to the war against Islamic extremism, and to the security of our nation."

***UPDATE: Romney spokesman Kevin Madden responded:

"The McCain campaign wins the weakest analogy of the week award for that one. Same old talking points, no new ideas."

Rudy To Host Bickford's Meet and Greet

Tomorrow, Rudy Giuliani will host a meet and greet at Bickford's in Nashua.

Wednesday, October 31st, 2007

Bickford's Family Restaurant
356 Amherst Street
Nashua, NH

AAPD To Hold Presidential Forum on Friday, Nov. 2nd

Moderated by Edward Kennedy Jr., board secretary for the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD), the presidential candidate forum on Friday, November 2, 2007, will feature appearances by Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY), Senator Joseph Biden (D-DE), Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), and Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio). Senator John McCain (R-AZ) will participate by phone, while John Edwards' campaign manager and former Michigan Congressman David Bonior will address the crowd of more than 600 New Hampshire voters.

The schedule of candidate appearances is as follows:

10:15 AM Senator Hillary Clinton
11:00 AM Senator Joseph Biden
11:30 AM Senator Chris Dodd
2:00 PM Congressman Dennis Kucinich
2:30 PM former Congressman David Bonior, campaign manager for John Edwards
3:30 PM Senator John McCain (by phone)

Additional speakers and expert panels will be announced as they are confirmed.

WHEN: Friday, November 2, 2007; 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM.
WHERE: Radisson Hotel Ballroom, 700 Elm St., Manchester, NH

Kucinich To Speak At GSIL Forum

Congressman Kucinich will be visiting NH on Friday, November 2.

He's speaking at the Granite State Independent Living (GSIL) forum on Equality, Opportunity, and Access. The GSIL forum is being held at the Radisson Hotel, 700 Elm St., Manchester. Congressman Kucinich will be speaking at approx. 2 pm.

Obama Announces Educators for Obama

From The Obama Campaign:

Senator Barack Obama's New Hampshire campaign today announced the membership of its New Hampshire Educators for Obama. The group, consisting of 100 educators, administrators and policymakers involved at all levels of the state's educational system, will coordinate outreach and advise the campaign on education issues.

"Barack Obama started his career working in disadvantaged communities, and he knows that a good education is the key to opportunity," said Bob MacLellan, Educators for Obama State Chair. "He's committed to an honest, open dialogue with educators about helping students excel. And he knows that we need more than just slogans to develop the next generation of leaders—which is why he'll redouble our efforts to recruit new teachers and support educators at every stage of their career."

I'll post a link to the full list once it becomes available.

I'd Pick The Colonoscopy

For Your Amusement:

ARG Poll: Clinton, Romney Leading

A new American Research Group poll shows almost no change in the presidential race. The poll has Mitt Romney and Hillary Clinton leading their respective fields.

An interesting tidbit, it appears that Mike Huckabee is now leading the second-tier candidates and is gaining traction in the Granite State.

Here are the full results:


Clinton: 40%
Obama: 22%
Undecided: 13%
Edwards: 10%
Richardson: 5%
Biden: 4%
Dodd: 3%
Kucinich: 3%
Gravel: --


Romney: 30%
Giuliani: 23%
McCain: 17%
Undecided: 15%
Huckabee: 7%
Thompson: 5%
Tancredo: 1%
Hunter: 1%
Paul: 1%

Edwards Calls for Smaller Class Sizes

From The Edwards Campaign:

Today, during a visit to the Oyster River High School high school in Durham, New Hampshire, Senator John Edwards discussed his plans ensure that every child in America gets the quality education they deserve. Edwards highlighted his proposals to ensure that there are excellent teachers in every classroom and that every high school is an excellent school.

“Education is an issue that’s very personal for me,” said Edwards. “I grew up in a small, rural town and my parents didn’t have a lot of money. But I was lucky to have public school teachers who taught me to believe that somebody from a little town in North Carolina could do just about anything if he worked hard and played by the rules.

During his speech today, Edwards emphasized his specific plans to ensure that every classroom has an excellent teacher. Edwards called for reducing classroom sizes and increasing pay for teachers in successful high-poverty schools. He also proposed giving extra support to teachers in the first years of their careers and stepping up efforts to recruit and train new teachers.
Building on his proposals for recruiting and training more high quality teachers, Edwards also outlined his plan to promote excellence at high schools across America.

Edwards called for launching a “Great Schools” initiative to build and expand on 1,000 successful school across the country and establishing stronger academic and career curricula. Edwards also highlighted his plans to raise graduation rates by creating multiple paths to graduation such as Second Chance schools for former dropouts and smaller alternative schools for at-risk students. Finally, Edwards called for the creation of a Community Corps program for high school students to engage more students in well-integrated and high quality service activities.

Head of Franklin Pierce Law Center Endorses Obama

From The Obama Campaign:

John Hutson, Dean of Franklin Pierce Law Center and former Judge Advocate General of the U.S. Navy, announced his support for Barack Obama today. Hutson endorsed Obama as best candidate to move the country beyond our failed foreign policy and restore our moral leadership in the world, citing Obama's unifying leadership, his early stand against the war in Iraq, and his belief in strong, personal diplomacy with friend and foe.

"Obama is the only major candidate who had the courage and judgment to oppose the tragic war in Iraq and a reckless amendment that lays the groundwork for war in Iran," Dean Hutson said. "And he understands that a strong President is not afraid to talk to our enemies and tell them that we'll never back down from the values that make America great."

Rudy Will Visit on 11/2

Rudy Giuliani will visit New Hampshire on November 2nd.

We're awaiting details of the visit.

Wesley Clark To Campaign For Hillary

From The Clinton Campaign:

General Wesley Clark will travel to the Granite State tomorrow, October 31, to discuss how Hillary will fulfill America ’s promise to its veterans. Clark will tour the N ew Hampshire Veterans Home in Tilton and attend an event at the VFW Hall in Concord .

During thirty-four years of service in the United States Army, Wesley K. Clark rose to the rank of four-star general as NATO's Supreme Allied Commander, Europe . In his final military command, General Clark commanded Operation Allied Force, NATO's first major combat action, which saved 1.5 million Albanians from ethnic cleansing in Kosovo, and he was responsible for the peacekeeping operation in Bosnia .

Wednesday, October 31
General Clark Tours New Hampshire Veterans Home
New Hampshire Veterans Home
139 Winter Street
Tilton , NH

General Clark Discusses How Hillary Will Fulfill America ’s Promise to its Veterans
VFW Hall
6 Court Street
Concord , NH

New Hampshire News Links for October 30th

New Hampshire News Links October 30th, 2007

Now part of The Hotline Political Network!


NEWS: Local Rep. proposes health insurance bill

PEOPLE/CANDIDATES: US Senate, Superior Court Nominees, Mayoral Races

OP-ED: Editorial: For the people

DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES: Edwards: Voters looking for New Deal / The Field, The Debate, Biden, Clinton, Dodd, Edwards, Gore, Obama, Richardson

REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES: Fred Thompson's Southern Strategy: Bypassing Iowa and New Hampshire On the Road to the White House / Thompson says he'll be here often / The Field, Giuliani, Huckabee, Paul, Romney, Thompson

FIRST PRIMARY: The Thunder of N.H.'s Primary Waits for the Rumble of One Man

GENERAL (NATIONAL) CAMPAIGN NEWS: An Engaged Independent Electorate

NATIONAL POLLS: UI Hawkeye Poll: Huckabee gaining; Clinton and Obama battling for top spot

WAR: US general wounded in Iraq blast

Monday, October 29, 2007

Paul Airs First Granite State TV Ads

Today, Ron Paul began running two television ads, in New Hampshire. The first ad, titled "Catching On," shows Paul supporters arguing the Texas Congressman is gaining "catching on," in the Granite State. The second ad, "Troops and Deficit," features Paul standing in front of a copy of the Constitution and pledging to reduce America's presence overseas.

The ad buy is for a cool $1.1 million.

"Catching On"

"Troops and Deficit"

Giuliani Attacks Clinton's Policies

On Sunday, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani spent almost an entire event criticizing New York Senator, and Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton.

Giuliani, adding to his remarks at an earlier event, told the Amherst crowd that Hillary Clinton should withdraw remarks she made in a Des Moines Register story.

According to Rudy, Clinton said once elected she would “sent ambassadors around the world to reach out to other countries and tell them that cowboy diplomacy is over.”

“This country only has one president at a time. We don’t need competing presidents,” Giuliani told a crowd of 50 supporters.

Rudy went on to criticize Clinton’s stance on Iran, Iraq and the economy.

Giuliani said Hillary’s policy proposals would create additional bureaucracies. He alleged that the Clinton health care policy would add eight new government agencies.

Before the event, Rudy Giuliani’s presidential campaign announced that the host of event, Amherst State Representative Stephen Stepanek, had endorsed Giuliani. Stepanek is a Republican whip in the New Hampshire House of Representatives and currently serving his third term.

Edwards Calls Clinton Healthplan "a copy"

Former North Carolina Senator John Edwards spent Sunday rolling-out his healthcare policy.

Speaking at a specialized assistant living center for people with memory problems, Edwards discussed his proposal for universal healthcare coverage and the need to change the system in Washington.

“Changing the healthcare system will require us to stand-up to those who don’t want to see the system change,” Edwards told a crowd of 75 people at Arbors of Bedford.

Discussing the healthcare system, the Democratic presidential contender said people should speak-up and “not to stand quietly bye.”

“It’s just not sad, it’s wrong.”

When asked what the difference is between his plan and those purposed by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, Edwards said that his plan is mandatory while Obama’s is not and the Clinton plan is “a copy.”

“To be blunt about it, my plan came out in February and her plan came out in September. It’s pretty close to being a copy.”

Edwards criticized Clinton for accepting money from lobbyists representing drug companies and that “she’s actually taken more money from lobbyists than another candidate.”

“I don’t want a lobbyist deciding what kind of universal healthcare coverage we have in this country. I think we need to take their power away from them, instead of compromising and negotiation with them,” Edwards added.

Edwards concluded the event by telling the crowd that New Hampshire voters are “the guardians of the type of president we have.”

Marchand Endorses Richardson

From The Richardson Campaign:

The Richardson for President campaign today announced a crucial endorsement from Portsmouth Mayor Steve Marchand, one of New Hampshire's brightest and most talented young leaders.

Steve Marchand, 33, was elected mayor of Portsmouth in 2005 with over 67 percent of the vote. He has been praised for his successful stewardship of green energy initiatives as well as his fiscal leadership in introducing transparency and accountability to the city budget. The Portsmouth Herald wrote of Marchand, "the guy has guts, energy and ambition." He previously was named New Hampshire's political "Rising Star" of the year by the website

Mayor Marchand will join the Richardson for President campaign as a Senior Advisor. He also will maintain a robust surrogate speaking schedule, traveling the Granite State and stumping on Governor Richardson's behalf.

"Bill Richardson is the most experienced candidate in the race, the most determined to end the war in Iraq, and the most capable of bringing about the real change that America needs," Marchand said.

Rudy In State on 10/31

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani will be back in New Hampshire on Wednesday, October 31st.

We're awaiting details.

Dodd To Participate In "Step It Up Rally"

Connecticut Senator Chris Dodd will participate in a "Step It Up Rally" in Concord.

Saturday, November 3rd, 2007

Step It Up Rally
State House
Concord, NH

Clinton To Visit UNH, File for Primary

From The Clinton Campaign:

The New Hampshire for Hillary campaign today announced additional details of Senator Hillary Clinton’s trip to New Hampshire on November 1st and 2nd.

Additional details of the trip to follow. For more information on the New Hampshire for Hillary campaign, visit .

Thursday, November 1st

Clinton Attends “UNH Welcomes Hillary” Event
University of New Hampshire, Field House
145 Main Street
Durham, NH

5:00 p.m. EDT
Clinton Stops by Crackskull’s Books and Café
86 Main Street
Newmarket, NH

Friday, November 2nd

Clinton Joins Supporters After Filing Candidacy Papers
State House Steps
107 North Main Street
Concord, NH

Senator Clinton Stops at Sophia and Zeke’s
Sophie and Zeke’s
50 Pleasant Street
Claremont, NH

Joe Biden Returns To New Hampshire

From The Biden Campaign:

Sen. Joe Biden will return to the Granite State this Thursday, November 1st and Friday, November 2 nd. During his trip, Sen. Biden will visit the Secretary of State's office in Concord to file for the primary and hold a press availability on the steps of the State House. Biden's filing comes amid his strong defense of the supremacy of the New Hampshire primary. Sen. Biden will also take part in a campaign event in Manchester.

On Friday, he will appear live on New Hampshire Public Radio's "The Exchange With Laura Knoy" and also attend the Granite State Independent Living's National Forum on Equality, Opportunity, and Access in Manchester.

November 1, 2007

11:30 AM
New Hampshire Political Library
20 Park Street
Concord, NH

12:05 PM
NH Secretary of State's Office
State House - Room 204
107 North State Street
Concord, NH

12:20 PM
State House Steps
107 North State Street
Concord, NH

4:15 PM
Sal’s Pizza
80 Storrs Street
Concord, NH

November 2, 2007

9:00 AM

10:30 AM
Radisson Center of New Hampshire
700 Elm Street
Manchester, NH

Clinton Launches Social Security Ad

From The Clinton Campaign:

The Clinton Campaign is launching a new television ad in Iowa and New Hampshire focused on Hillary’s long record of fighting to preserve Social Security and improve the lives of America ’s seniors.

The new 30-second spot, entitled “There For You,” details Hillary’s fight to stop the Bush Administration from privatizing Social Security and jeopardizing the bedrock of retirement security that 34 million Americans rely on.

Following is the script for the ad:

Announcer: When George Bush threatened to privatize social security,
Hillary was there fighting every step of the way to stop him.

And she was there for every senior who needs round-the-clock-
Care, creating a law to ease the burden on family caregivers.

She's still there fighting to stop long term care insurance scams that prey on the elderly.
These days, it seems like every candidate on earth is coming here for

But which candidate has been there for you all along?

Hillary Clinton: I'm Hillary Clinton and I approved this message.

Still Struggling For A Halloween Costume? Be Chris Dodd

From The Dodd Campaign:

Today, the Chris Dodd for President Campaign came to the aid of parents and children across New Hampshire who are still struggling to find the perfect costume for Halloween. The campaign released the following directions for the Chris Dodd Halloween costume.

"Every year, parents and their children struggle to find that perfect Halloween costume," said Dodd spokesman Bryan DeAngelis. "We wanted to do our part to help by providing them with the option of going as the one candidate who has the proven leadership, record of results, and bold ideas that we need in our next President - Chris Dodd."

Required Materials and Instructions for the Chris Dodd Halloween Costume:

White Hair - Use hair color to turn your hair into a bright white just like Chris Dodd's.
A Passion for Service
A copy of the Constitution
A folder with literature about Dodd's bold ideas

Edwards: Government Failing American People

From The Edwards Campaign:

Today, after officially filing papers to be on the New Hampshire primary ballot, Senator John Edwards delivered a major thematic speech at Saint Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire. Edwards made the case that our government is failing to live up to the American people, and as a result, we are in danger of being the first generation not to pass on a better America to our children. Edwards defined the choice voters face – to allow the powerful special interests to continue to corrupt our country or to choose a new path that will deliver the promise of America.

Excerpts of Edward's address are included below:

"It's time to tell the truth. And, the truth is the system in Washington is corrupt. It is rigged by the powerful special interests to benefit they very few at the expense of the many. And, as a result, the American people have lost faith in our broken system in Washington, and believe it no longer works for ordinary Americans. They're right.

"Being called president while powerful interests really run things is not the same as being free to lead this nation as president of a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

"This is the cause of my life. This is the cause of our time. Join me. Together, we cannot fail. We will keep faith with those who have gone before us, strong and proud in the knowledge that we too rose up to guard the promise of America in our day, and that, because we did, America's best days still lie ahead."

Judd Gregg To Endorse Romney

Marc Ambinder reports this morning that "In Concord today, Sen. Judd Gregg will endorse ex-MA Gov. Mitt Romney's presidential campaign, Republican sources with knowledge of the endorsement said."

"Gregg has been a quiet fan of Romney's since the former governor began to seriously think about running for president, but he's remained publicly neutral. Many of his senior aides and advisers have joined Romney's campaign."

We reported back in January that The Hotline predicted "Sen. Judd Gregg is said to be in Romney's camp, although his aides deny that he has picked his '08 candidate yet."

Once again, we ask the question: Will Joel Maiola, Gregg's chief-of-staff, drive the MittMobile? After all, Maiola did drive Jeb Bradley's Winnebago.

In a campaign press release, Senator Gregg said:
"I am proud to stand alongside Governor Romney as he campaigns to build a stronger America. For months, the people of New Hampshire have had the opportunity to meet Governor Romney all over the state and listen to his ideas for bringing change to Washington. Mitt Romney embodies New Hampshire's values – values that stress government living within its means, lower taxes, a stronger military and stronger families," said Senator Gregg. "Governor Romney is the strong leader we need to lead America forward. He has the experience, vision and values needed to be our next President."

Richardson To Announce "Major" New Hampshire Endorsement

Later today, in a conference call with reporters, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson will announce a major New Hampshire endorsement.

Rudy Releases Radio Ad on Health Care

The Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee today announced it will launch a new radio ad in New Hampshire, entitled "Chances." The ad highlights Rudy Giuliani's commitment to give Americans more control over and access to health care with affordable and portable free-market solutions including tax exemptions for those who chose to purchase their own health insurance.

Script and audio link are below.

Script for "Chances":

RUDY GIULIANI: "I had prostate cancer, five, six years ago. My chance of surviving prostate cancer, and thank God I was cured of it, in the United States, 82%. My chances of surviving prostate cancer in England, only 44% under socialized medicine."

RUDY GIULIANI: "You and I should be making the decisions about what kind of health care we get with our doctors, not with a government bureaucrat. What we need to do is to give people a $15,000 deduction for a family, a $7,500 deduction for an individual so they can go out and by their own health insurance."

RUDY GIULIANI: "If we do that, and we end up with a market of 50, 60 million Americans buying their own health insurance, without a mandate, the cost of health insurance will come down and the quality will come up. "

RUDY GIULIANI: "Government has never been able to reduce costs. Government never increases quality."

RUDY GIULIANI: "We have the best health care system in the world. We just have to make it better."

VOICEOVER: "Rudy Giuliani. Leadership. Principle. Results."

RUDY GIULIANI: "I'm Rudy Giuliani and I approved this message."

VOICEOVER: "Paid for by Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee Incorporated. Visit"

New Hampshire News Links for October 29th, 2007

New Hampshire News Links October 29th, 2007

Now part of The Hotline Political Network!


NEWS: Lawmaker wants to ban two-handed text messaging by drivers

PEOPLE/CANDIDATES: Sununu, Buckey/Shaheen, Steiner, Claremont City Election

POLITICAL COLUMNS: Landrigan, Capital Beat, Fahey

NH POLLS: Dissecting the numbers

OP-ED: Editorial: Tax-free Internet: Sununu scores a victory

DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES: The Field, Biden, Clinton, Edwards, Gore, Gravel, Kucinich, Obama

REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES: The Field, Giuliani, Huckabee, McCain, Romney, Thompson


FIRST PRIMARY: Romney, Obama lead N.H. dollars race

GENERAL (NATIONAL) CAMPAIGN NEWS: A Divide on Terror Terms: GOP Candidates

Invoke Islam More; Defining 'Jihad'

WAR: Political Sway at Guantanamo?

ARTICLES: Milne: Focus on Rudy and the Red Sox misses bigger questions

Sunday, October 28, 2007

House GOP Whip Endorses Rudy

From The Giuliani Campaign:

Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee announced today that state Representative Stephen Stepanek has endorsed Mayor Giuliani for President. Stepanek serves as the Republican Whip in the New Hampshire House.

“I am a conservative New Hampshire Republican who supports Rudy for President,” said Stepanek. “As Mayor, Rudy stood strong for the conservative principles of low taxes, less spending and small government. Here in New Hampshire we pride ourselves on fiscal discipline. His record of cutting taxes 23 times, turning a $2.3 billion deficit into a multi-billion dollar surplus and scrapping nearly 20% of city bureaucracy is the strongest in the GOP field.”

Representative Stephen Stepanek is currently serving his third term in the New Hampshire House of Representatives. He is the Republican Whip and previously was Vice Chair of the Commerce Committee.

Edwards Proposes Plan To Curb Drug Company Advertising

From The Edwards Campaign:

Arriving in New Hampshire today as part of a seven-day “Stand Strong” campaign, Senator John Edwards introduced proposals to stand up to drug companies to stop misleading drug advertising.

“The excessive costs of prescription drugs are straining family budgets and contributing to runaway health care costs,” said Edwards. “Since the government relaxed direct-to-consumer advertising rules in 1997, drug ads have nearly quadrupled to over $4 billion a year.

Edwards believes that new drugs should succeed by treating patients well and cost-effectively, not through lobbying and public relations efforts. To improve the quality of care and bring down drug costs, he will:

Delay New Ads to Put Safety First: Edwards will institute a two-year delay on consumer advertising of all new drugs.

Get Control with Real Oversight of Advertising: Edwards will give the Food and Drug Administration real power to prevent misleading drug ads by requiring the agency’s approval before drug companies can launch major ad campaigns and by increasing the penalties for drug companies that violate truth-in-advertising laws.

Require “Whole Truth” Disclosures: Edwards will improve drug makers’ disclosures to the public, requiring companies to tell the public the whole truth about side effects and how effective drugs are against placebos and existing alternatives.

Help Doctors Make Decisions Based on Evidence, Not Ads: Edwards will establish a non-profit or public organization to research the best methods of providing care.

Edwards would pay for these reforms primarily by repealing the Bush tax cuts for families making more than $200,000 a year. And to ensure that health care reform is a legislative priority, Edwards will submit legislation on the first day of his administration that ends health care coverage for the president, all members of Congress, and all senior political appointees in both the executive and legislative branches of government on July 20th, 2009 unless universal health care legislation that meets four specific, non-negotiable principles has been passed by that date.