Saturday, September 29, 2007

McCain Draws Big Crowds At Saturday Events

It's never over until the fat lady sings and John McCain has not heard her singing. She might be prepping her vocal cords, but McCain is slowly building some momentum.

I've been told that today McCain was able to draw some big crowds to his events.

At an Exeter houseparty McCain drew about 250 people. While at the American Legion Hall in Epping it was standing room only.

A recent CNN/WMUR/UNH poll showed McCain within striking distance of Romney and Giuliani.

Tomorrow, I'll be following McCain to Derry and Hollis, so we'll see if the various reports of a McCain resurgence are true.

Obama Takes A Swipe At Bill Clinton

Appearing at a Concord rally, Barack Obama took a direct swipe at Bill Clinton.

Days ago, former President Bill Clinton told Bloomberg that Obama currently lacks the experience to run for office. Instead, Clinton compared Obama's amount of experience to when he (Clinton) decided not to run for office in 1988. In the interview, Clinton said "And I really didn't think I knew enough, and had served enough and done enough to run."

Today, Obama countered that criticisms by quoting Bill Clinton, who in 1992 said "The same old experience is not relevant. ... And you can have the right kind of experience and the wrong kind of experience."

Obama said "He's exactly right. What we need to do is put an end to the wrong kind of experience."

Here is an Obama press release on the Bill Clinton, Barack Obama story:

"Making his sixteenth visit to New Hampshire today, Senator Barack Obama told voters in Concord that his two decades of public service make him uniquely qualified to bring Americans together for the change we need.

Obama drew on the words of a previous presidential candidate who, like him, was criticized for being new to Washington politics.

"I remember what was said years ago by a candidate running for President. He said, 'The same old experience is not relevant. You can have the right kind of experience and the wrong kind of experience.'

"Well that candidate was Bill Clinton. And I think he was absolutely right."

You can find video of Clinton 's 1992 statement HERE

"I may not have the experience Washington likes, but I have the experience America needs—the ability to bring people together, stand up to the special interests, and tell the truth to the American people on the major issues we face, from Iraq to Social Security," Obama said."

Newt Passes On A Run

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has decided not to run for president.

According to spokesman Rick Taylor, New is not running because "It is legally impermissible for him to continue on as chairman of American Solutions (for Winning the Future) and to explore a campaign for president."

For more information go here: Gingrich Says No to White House Bid

Friday, September 28, 2007

Obama Camp Dedicates Video To Volunteers

From The Obama Campaign:

In our first New Hampshire TV ad, Barack asks voters to believe in him, believe in themselves, and believe in change. This summer, New Hampshire voters demonstrated that belief, and we have been humbled and inspired by the passion and conviction of our volunteers throughout the Granite State

"If We Believe..."

Kucinich Returns To NH

Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich and his wife Elizabeth will be in NH on the 28th and 29th of September.

Sept 28
Congressman Kucinich will be a speaker at the Northern Grafton County Democrats annual JFK fundraising dinner. The event begins at 5 pm at the Peabody Lodge at Cannon Mountain in Franconia.

Sept 29
Congressman Kucinich will speak to students at UNH, in the Holloway Commons (next to the MUB) on Main St. in Durham from 2-3:30 pm.

Haines Attacked In NYC

This past week, presidential candidate Robert Haines e-mailed people saying that he was attacked in New York City. Over the past couple of cycles, Haines has become a fixture on the presidential trail. He can often be seen in downtown Manchester, and at various events, wearing his trademark cowboy hat.

Here is his account of the incident:

"On September 18, a young man knocked Haines' hat off at the Washington Statue on the Platform in front of Federal Hall (U.S. Property), and ran behind the Statue Haines grabbed the man's shirt and the man hit Haines, as CBS News was getting ready to broadcast.

Haines told the NYPD (Cordova-CANINE & Reilly-SWAT) to arrest the man. The NYPD talked with the man, shook his hand and let him go. Haines said he objected and stated that he would contact Officer Reilly's Supervisor. Then Reilly (Irish, & democrat?) told Haines to pick up his signs and 6 paintings of George Washington and leave the area. Haines said that he was going inside to the U.S. Park Ranger, but Reilly went in first to talk with the Ranger and told him to call 1st Precinct NYPD to get Haines.

Haines returned to Federal Hall at 5 pm and spoke with members of the new NYPD shift and the Supervisor gave the ok for Haines to return to the Federal Platform. The Ranger said Haines had to leave Federal Hall Property and go across the Street. Haines said that order was in violation of the U. S. Constitution Amendment 1 and that he was filing a law suit in US. Court.

NYPD Officer Boitos said the Ranger spoke to him and NYPD-Boitras ordered Haines to go 1 block away. Haines stated to Boitros that he was filing a Law suit against Boitros and NYPD. Haines began campaigning 1 block away at Wall St. & Broadway."

A number of you have e-mailed me asking for more information on Haines. Here are some useful links:

-In 1994, Haines helped subdue a man that was firing a rifle at the White House.
-In 1998, Haines was convicted of reckless conduct for aiming a loaded rifle at someone.
-Giuliani, McCain, Romney, … Haines?
-One Straight Shooter: Robert Haines

Mass State Rep, Iraq Vet To Campaign For Clinton

From The Clinton Campaign:

Iraq veteran and Massachusetts State Representative Harold Naughton, will lead a Veterans for Hillary tour throughout the Granite State this Saturday, September 29. Rep. Naughton, who will be joined by New Hampshire for Hillary Co-Chair, Bill Shaheen , will make stops in Rochester, Manchester, and Pelham.

Naughton, an Army Captain, served eight months overseas in the Multinational Force Iraq , Camp Arifjan, Kuwait, Camp Victory, Iraq and the Green Zone, Baghdad, Iraq .

Veterans for Hillary Tour: Saturday, September 29, 2007

12:15 PM
Rochester VFW
43 Highland Street
Rochester, NH

2:45 PM
Sweeney American Legion Post
251 Maple Street
Manchester, NH

4:45 PM
Pelham VFW
6 Main Street

Clinton Campaign To Hold Statewide Organizing Convention

On the same day that Barack Obama will be in Concord, Hillary Clinton's campaign will be hosting a Concord organizing convention.

From The Clinton Campaign:

Several hundred NH for Hillary supporters will descend upon Concord this Saturday to attend the “Fall for Hillary” Statewide Organizing Convention to meet staff and learn how they can participate in grassroots activities to help elect Hillary Clinton President of the United States .
NH for Hillary State Co-chair and Speaker of the House Terie Norelli and House Majority Leader Mary Jane Wallner will kick-off the event at 11:00AM.

For more information on the campaign’s organizing efforts, visit the NH for Hillary webpage at .

“Fall for Hillary” Statewide Organizing Convention Speaker of the House Terie Norelli and Majority Leader Mary Jane Wallner to Welcome Convention Attendees
11:00AM – 12:00PM
Rundlett Middle School - Gymnasium
144 South St
Concord, NH

Edwards Unveils North Country Economic Plan

Yesterday, John Edwards began his "Economic Fairness for the North Country." During the trip, Edwards revealed his Rural Recovery Act.

Here are the three main points of the plan:

To restore economic fairness in the North Country and rural areas across America , Edwards unveiled three new initiatives that expand on the Rural Recovery Act he proposed earlier this year:

Give older Americans more choices to help them live independently, including better transportation options, access to home health care, and protection from predatory lenders.

Help rural firefighters by fighting for fair funding levels, ending the Justice Department backlog on death benefits and guaranteeing job protection for volunteers while they are responding to an emergency.

Ensure rural towns have the resources they need to serve their citizens by protecting the Payments in Lieu of Taxes program from President Bush’s budget cuts.

“Edwards is the first presidential candidate to offer comprehensive and detailed plans for rural New Hampshire ,” said Paul Robitaille, Coos County Democrats chair. “He understands the challenges we face and is not only committed to preserving and strengthening our communities, but has the strength and vision to create the bold change we need in this country.”

For More Go Here: Edwards Outlines Plan To Restore Economic Fairness To Rural New Hampshire

New Hampshire News Links for September 28th, 2007

New Hampshire News Links September 28th, 2007

Now part of The Hotline Political Network!

NEWS: Gregg, Sununu vote on opposite sides on SCHIP bill

PEOPLE/CANDIDATES: Senate Votes to Extend Hate-Crimes Law to Gays / US Senate / O'Leary / Bolton / Ratzenberger

POLITICAL COLUMNS: Flotsam & Jetsam, Political Chowder

NH POLLS: Exploring the Internals of the CNN/WMUR/UNH Poll

OP-ED: Editorial: NH toll increases are not needed

DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES: The Field, The Debate, Clinton, Edwards, Obama, Richardson

REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES: The Field, The Debate, Gingrich, Giuliani, McCain, Paul, Romney, Thompson

FIRST PRIMARY: The Primary Calendar Begins To Fill Out, Finally

GENERAL (NATIONAL) CAMPAIGN NEWS: The Line: A Tale of Two Nomination Fights

WAR: Blackwater Faced Bedlam, Embassy Finds; 'First Blush' Report Raises New Questions on Shooting

OTHER NEWS AND VIEWS: With Legacy in Mind, Bush Reassesses His Agenda

Thursday, September 27, 2007

More Videos From The Dartmouth Debate

Here are two interesting YouTube videos.

Both are from the Dartmouth debate. The first video is from and the other is of the "visibility efforts" of campaign supporters.

Interview with undecided voters at the Dartmouth Debate

Visibility efforts by Democratic candidates at Dartmouth

Richardson Supporters At Dartmouth Debate

I love YouTube, you can find anything on there. Including a video of Bill Richardson supporters at the NBC/Dartmouth debate.

Here is the video:

Updated Paul Schedule

Congressman Ron Paul will make the following appearances on Saturday, September 29.

9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Veterans Memorial Park, Manchester – Paul Family Walk Rally. Dr. Paul and roughly 30 members of his family will lead a rally for volunteers, after which the crowd will disperse to canvass Manchester, Nashua, and Concord.

12:00 p.m. to 1:15 p.m.
Simon Center Great Room, New England College, Henniker – Dr. Paul will give a talk to students on foreign policy and the war.

The Dartmouth College Republicans will host Congressman Ron Paul for a meet-and-greet with students. Anyone interested in attending should email for further information.

5:00 p.m. to 6:15 p.m.
Chilcott Auditorium, Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover – Dr. Paul will give a 20 minute talk on health care and health policy, followed by a Q&A session with students. This event is closed to the public.

Romney Memo: We Have An Uphill Fight In NH, Iowa

A Romney campaign source has e-mailed us an internal memo written by Romney strategist Alex Gagne.

In the memo, Gagne argues that Romney will gain in national polls, once Romney wins either Iowa or New Hampshire. Gagne also concludes that Romney is in the strongest position to win the Republican nomination.

Below is the part that relates to Romney's position in the Granite State.

"It is likely that Gov. Romney will continue to hover around 10% in national polls as he has for the past several months, and that he will gradually gain ground toward the end of the year as voters begin to pay more attention to the race. But we should not expect him to be competitive in national polls with better-known celebrity candidates like Giuliani, Thompson, or McCain until after Iowa and New Hampshire. By no means do we expect to win both Iowa and New Hampshire—no Republican in the modern era ever has. Giuliani is already on the air with radio advertisements in both states, and McCain is about to begin his television and radio ads in New Hampshire; we know we will have an uphill battle.

But also remember that no Republican has ever won the party’s nomination without carrying one of the two. This year’s calendar is more front-loaded than ever before and that means Iowa and New Hampshire will be more vital than ever to the process. As Susan Page of USA Today wrote a few weeks ago, this year “Iowa and New Hampshire are likely to be more important than ever. The momentum that victories in those states can provide will be enhanced by the rush of contests that follow.” Gov. Romney’s early state strategy has paid dividends thus far, but we should expect a tumultuous road ahead as the campaign accelerates.

Still, we should take a moment to be proud of our successes thus far—no one else has been able to make the same progress in Iowa and New Hampshire. No one has a sounder tactical and strategic course to victory—a course guided by historical landmarks, current successes and the most advanced campaign tactics available. And no one has Gov. Romney’s winning message that change begins with us as Republicans. As David Brooks said last Sunday about Gov. Romney’s message, “Thank God. Listen, Republicans need to show it's a new Republican Party. George Bush did in 1999. They’ve been marching to disaster without promising any change, and he's got to fill that in with some substance. But, finally some Republican candidate is going to answer that.”

Remember too that wins in the early states will give the victors an unprecedented earned media bonanza that no amount of advertising in the subsequent states could ever hope to match. Just as Aesop wrote, slow and steady still wins the race."

Jumbos Show Support For Richardson

On a sunny Wednesday afternoon, most college students might either be sun tanning for playing Frisbee on a campus quad. Yet, a group of 38 students, from Tufts, took a bus from Medford to Hanover to show their support for Bill Richardson.

During the bus ride, students listened to their iPods, chatted among friends and one student was caught reading Plato’s “Trial and Death of Socrates.”

These students shared two things in common: their devotion to Tufts and their support of Richardson. Almost all the students were t-shirts with the Tufts name on it and gladly sported homemade buttons that read, “Tufts for Bill Richardson.”

The “Jumbos,” a nickname for Tufts students, were led in chants by State Representative and Tufts student Scott Merrick. Chants included “Govna Richardson he’s real fine/He’ll be President in ’09,” “Governor Richardson home on the range 2008 Experience change,” “Tufts University Here Today, Bill Richardson All the way.”

Photo is from Brian "Cosmo" Lawson

Obama To Hold Concord Event

On Saturday, Barack Obama will hold a "Meet The Candidate" at Concord's Rollins Park. Below is the event information.

Saturday, September 29th, 2007

Where: Rollins Park
Broadway and Stone St.
Concord, NH

The event is free and open to the public. To RSVP please contact our office in Concord at (603) 224-8004 or on our website at

McCain Launches NH Ads

Today, John McCain's campaign announced that it has bought a statewide ad buy in New Hampshire. The campaign is launching two television ads and one radio ad, entitled "One Man," "Live Free," and "Courage," respectively.

McCain's political director Mike Dennehy told John DiStaso that the ads are "a very substantive statewide television and radio buy building on our belief that the campaign is really just beginning in earnest."

Here's a link to the ads:

"Live Free"

"One Man"

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Last Post

I'm done posting for the night...check in tomorrow for more

Good Night and Good Luck

In 30 Seconds...

Tim Russert just asked the candidates to answer questions in 30 seconds.

The bit is being labeled the "Lighting Round."

A bit degrading to the process?

Kucinich, Gravel Capture Hearts of College Students

Kucinich and Gravel might just have garnered a large support of voters who are 18-21.

Both came out in favor of lowering the drinking age from 21 to 18.

Bottoms up!

It's Not Even Over

The debate is not even over and Joe Biden's campaign has released the following press release:

Tonight at the MSNBC/NECN Debate at Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH, Sen. Joe Biden once again exhibited a command of the issues and demonstrated real presidential leadership.

“Tonight, Sen. Biden demonstrated real presidential leadership,” said Biden for President Campaign Manager Luis Navarro. “After years of failed Bush policies, the next President will have to unite this country and tackle big issues including the war in Iraq, health care and education. The next President will also have to produce results and Sen. Biden has shown that he can get the job done. Today’s overwhelming support for Sen. Biden’s Iraq plan in the Senate is further proof that he is the only candidate for President that can bring Americans together to solve the toughest problems ahead of us.”

Living It Large

At 10:18 I have concluded that the best part about tonight's debate is the food.

For dinner, the media was treated to star-quality treatment with food choices that were fit for a King.

Then during the debate, the media center had tables of candy, soda, chicken fingers and pasta.

Whoever said that the media does not eat well on the trail, never went to a debate at Dartmouth.

Congrats Big Green!

The Press Loves Gravel

I think it's fair to say that the press center loves Mike Gravel. Why? Because he's good for laughs and not afraid to say whatever comes to his mind.

There were a couple of laughs when Gravel announced that he owned credit card companies $90,000.

First 30 mins

The first 30 mins were dedicated to Iraq, Iran, and Israel's attack in Syria.

Biden also took a swipe at Rudy saying "Rudy Giuliani doesn't know what he's talking about. Rudy is the most uninformed person in American foreign policy now running for president."

This was the second swipe that a Dem took at Rudy...seems like the Dems recognize Rudy has the GOP front-runner.

Talk Clock Sponsored By Chris Dodd

13 Minutes

It took Tim Russert 13 minutes to call on Joe Biden.

Today, Biden's Iraq plan gained 75 votes.

In an interview with The Primary Source, Biden pollster Celinda Lake said "This vote was huge. It shows that Biden is leading on the most critical issue in the campaign."

Will They Attack Hillary?

In the lead-up to the debate, the main question in the press room seems to be whether or not the Dems will turn their knives towards Hillary.

My guess: Obama goes after Hillary...that 23 percent deficit can't be a good sign

Did They Do It on Purpose?

Inside the press center, there is a boxing ring.

It's ironic, funny and fitting all at the same time.

Now Blogging

I'm now blogging at the Democratic debate at Dartmouth.

I was able to take a bus up with a group of Bill Richardson supporters, from Tufts. I'll post more on that later tonight.

CNN/WMUR: Rudy Catches Romney

According to a new CNN/WMUR poll, Rudy Giuliani is now tied with Mitt Romney.

"The survey, released Wednesday, shows the former Massachusetts Governor drawing support from 25 percent of Republican primary voters to 24 percent for former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani."

Giuliani catches Romney in New Hampshire

RNC Buys Online Ad on 39 NH Websites

From The RNC:

The RNC announced today that it has purchased online ads on 39 web sites throughout New Hampshire so that voters will have the opportunity to see the reality behind tonight's Democrat debate. The ads link to the RNC's interactive game "Show of Hands," which quizzes users on the Democrat candidates' records.

"New Hampshire voters are going to hear a lot of rhetoric tonight," RNC Chairman Robert M. "Mike" Duncan said. "We want to make sure they have the opportunity to see the reality behind a slate of Democrat candidates who are promising to raise taxes, increase spending, and retreat from the War on Terror."

Click here to view the RNC banner ad and play the game.

Todd: Major News Network Will Not Air From NH

Last night, NBC News Political Director Chuck Todd spoke at St. Anselm's New Hampshire Institute of Politics.

Todd took a part of his time urging Secretary Gardner to pick a date because the state is losing millions of dollars the longer he waits.

Todd then went on to say that "I know of one major news network that has already decided not to air from Iowa or New Hampshire. Instead, they're going to air from New York."

Please Pick A Date Mr. Gardner, it will make all our lives easier.

New Hampshire News Links for September 26th, 2007

New Hampshire News Links September 26th, 2007

Now part of The Hotline Political Network!

Technical problems prevented some articles from being linked this morning.

NEWS: One executive councilor says 'no' to increase at N.H. toll stations

PEOPLE/CANDIDATES: Shaheen / The Browns / Manchester Republicans / Pindell


NH POLLS: The CNN / WMUR NH Primary Poll: Clinton Increases Lead In NH BUT Most Dems Have Not Made Their Final Choice

OP-ED: Editorials: Toll hikes are about safety and a matter of common sense / Fair taxes or more taxes

DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES: The Debate, Biden, Clinton, Dodd, Edwards, Nader, Obama, Richardson

REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES: The Field, Gingrich, Giuliani, McCain, Romney, Tancredo, Thompson

FIRST PRIMARY: Date of Primary Filing Period Coming Soon

GENERAL (NATIONAL) CAMPAIGN NEWS: Woman wants candidates to improve care / Panel: Religious rhetoric has no place in politics

NATIONAL POLLS: Poll: Dems In Better Shape Than GOP

WAR: Bush discusses civilian deaths in Iraq

OTHER NEWS AND VIEWS: Supreme Court to Consider Use of Voter ID; Justices Will Also Hear Lethal-Injection Case

ARTICLES: Press Release: Dartmouth Debate: Live student poll released Wed night by

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What Will The Students Learn From Mitt?

According to a St. Anselm College professor, former Governor Mitt Romney will be holding an "Ask Mitt Anything" forum on Thursday, October 4th.

The event will be held at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics and will be part of a campaign swing through the Granite State.

Thursday, October 4, 2007
10:00am - 11:00am
NHIOP Auditorium
Manchester, NH
Phone: 603.222.4100

McCain Returns To NH This Weekend

This weekend, Arizona Senator John McCain will return to New Hampshire. According to a campaign e-mail "It has been a great month for us, but John McCain needs you support as much now as he ever has. Please take the time to join the campaign this weekend and continue the momentum!"

Here is his public schedule:

Saturday, September 29, 2007

1:00 pm
Co-Hosted by: Dr. Mark Henshke and Dr. Matt Norman
Home of Dr. Mark & Patty Henshke
RSVP: 603-369-4947 or email

Home of Maureen & Cal Barrows
Exeter, NH
RSVP: 603-369-4947 or email

American Legion Post 51
232 Calef Hwy (Route 125)
Epping, NH
RSVP: 603-369-4945 or email

Sunday, September 30, 2007

4:00 pm
The Pinkerton Academy Arts Center
Senior Cafeteria
5 Pinkerton Rd
Derry, NH
RSVP: 603-369-4946 or email

6:30 pm
Home of Dr. Jim and Jan Squires
Hollis, NH
RSVP: 603-369-4972 or email

CNN/WMUR: Clinton Leads Obama by 23 Points

From The new CNN New Hampshire poll:

The New York Democrat registered 43 percent in the latest poll, 23 points more than Obama, a senator from Illinois. In a similar poll conducted in July, only 9 points separated the candidates, with Clinton then at 36 percent and Obama at 27 percent. (Full poll results [PDF])

Meanwhile, former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards stands at 12 percent in the latest poll, three points higher than July. New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson is at 6 percentage points, 5 points lower than the last survey from CNN and WMUR. (CNN Interactive: The latest poll results)

Clinton pulling away from Obama in New Hampshire

Dodd's Debate Day Schedule

Senator Chris Dodd will spend Wednesday, September 26th in the Hanover area.

Here is his public schedule:

Wednesday, September 26th

3:15 PM
Pre-Debate Kickoff with Senator Dodd.
Location: NH for Chris Dodd Upper Valley Regional Field Office
75 Main St
West Lebanon, NH

Dodd Campaign Debate Visibility
Location: Dartmouth Green
Hanover, NH

9:00 PM
DNC Sponsored Presidential Debate Hosted by NBC
Location: Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH

9:00 PM
Debate Watch Party at Canoe Club
Location: Canoe Club
27 South Main Street
Hanover, NH

Richardson Begins Airing Iraq Ad

New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson has begun airing a new ad, in the Granite State. The ad "features Democratic activists and bloggers discussing the importance of leaving no residual troops in Iraq."

Here is the ad:

Obama Forms "New Hampshire Health Care Community for Obama"

From The Obama Campaign:

Senator Barack Obama's New Hampshire campaign today announced the membership of the New Hampshire Health Care Community for Obama. The 52-member group covers a broad spectrum of health care professionals, with 22 doctors, 7 mental health professionals, 6 nurses, 9 public policy experts, 5 administrators and 3 State Representatives. The group will coordinate outreach and advise the campaign on health care issues.

"Senator Obama has introduced a common-sense plan to cover every American and save the typical family $2,500 per year—but even more important, he has the ability to bring people together to take this issue head-on," said State Rep. Cindy Rosenwald, chair of the House Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee. "Barack Obama inspires us to believe that change is possible."

On Thursday, the New Hampshire Health Care Community for Obama will launch a statewide series of policy nights to discuss Obama's plan to provide health care for all Americans. Policy nights will be held in Keene, Dover, Derry, Nashua, Manchester, Laconia, and Concord. Details can be found HERE.

Here are some members:

Ned Helms – Director, Institute for Health Policy and Practice, UNH; Obama New Hampshire Co-Chair
Concord, NH

State Representative Cindy Rosenwald – Chair, Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee
Nashua, NH

State Representative Tom Donovan – Vice Chair, Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs Committee
Claremont, NH

State Representative Judie Reever – Vice Chair, LRGHealthcare Board of Trustees
Laconia, NH

Updated Edwards Economic Fairness and Bluegrass Tour

After the Democratic debate, former North Carolina Senator John Edwards will be conducting an "Economic Fairness" tour of the North Country. The tour will include town hall meetings, blue grass concerts. Edwards will also be joined by The Bluegrass Brothers, Ben "Cooter" Jones from the Dukes of Hazzard and Ralph Stanley II.

Here is the updated schedule:

Economic Fairness Town Hall and Bluegrass Concert
Sep 27, 2007
5:30 p.m.
Featuring: The Bluegrass Brothers, Ralph Stanley II, and Former Congressman Ben "Cooter" Jones
Salyards Center for the Arts
Conway, New Hampshire

Bluegrass Concert with John Edwards
Sep 27, 2007
7:30 p.m.
Featuring: The Bluegrass Brothers, Ralph Stanley II, and Former Congressman Ben "Cooter" Jones
NH Community College Cafeteria
2020 Riverside Drive
Berlin, NH 03570

Economic Fairness Town Hall and Bluegrass Concert
Sep 28, 2007
11:15 a.m.
Featuring: The Bluegrass Brothers, Ralph Stanley II, and Former Congressman Ben "Cooter" Jones
Littleton, NH

Economic Fairness Town Hall and Bluegrass Concert
Sep 28, 2007
1:45 p.m.
Featuring: The Bluegrass Brothers, Ralph Stanley II, and Former Congressman Ben "Cooter" Jones
Claremont, NH

Beelzebubs Travel To Dartmouth For Richardson

From The Richardson Campaign:

On Wednesday, September 26th, a bus full of Tufts University students supporting Governor Bill Richardson for President, and a handful of guest bloggers, will road trip to the Dartmouth campus for the New Hampshire Democratic Presidential Debate.

Governor Richardson is a Tufts alumnus twice over, graduating from Tufts University in 1970 and the Fletcher School in 1971. During his time at Tufts, Richardson was a standout pitcher for the 'Jumbos' baseball team.

The Beelzebubs, Tufts' popular a cappella group will also travel to Dartmouth to show their support for the Governor at the Democratic debate. The famous 'Bubs' have previously performed at Fenway Park, the Bank North Garden, Disneyworld, Disneyland, the United States embassies in France and England and on Late Night with David Letterman. The 'Bubs' will be singing selections from their latest CD, as well as the Tufts fight song, "Tuftonia's Day."

New Hampshire News Links for September 25th, 2007

New Hampshire News Links September 25th, 2007

Now part of The Hotline Political Network!

NEWS: School officials urge N.H. lawmakers to get experts' advice

PEOPLE/CANDIDATES: Lynch / Hodes / Cheshire County Republicans / Human Rights Campaign


OP-ED: UL Editorial: Insurance scam: A financial SCHIP wreck / NYT Editorial: Gunfight at the S-Chip Corral

DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES: The Debates, The Field, Biden, Clinton, Dodd, Edwards, Gore, Obama

REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES: The Field, Gingrich, Giuliani, Huckabee, Hunter, McCain, Romney, Tancredo, Thompson


FIRST PRIMARY: Uncertainty leading in race for president; The scramble for which primaries will be held when could influence the election in ways no one can predict.

GENERAL (NATIONAL) CAMPAIGN NEWS: Diverse messages with new candidate ads
WAR: Military recruiters sponsor 'Halo 3' release party / Ahmadinejad in New York

OTHER NEWS AND VIEWS: Capitol Hill Spending Showdown: Democrats Face Uphill Fight As Bush Veto Threats Loom on Budget

ARTICLES: Conway Daily Sun: Gays gear up to keep New Hampshire in blue column

Monday, September 24, 2007

Huckabee Returns To NH

Mike Huckabee will be returning to New Hampshire for a trip from Friday, September 28th until Sunday, September 30th.

Here is his public schedule:

Friday, September 28

9:15 PM
Come watch Governo r Mike Huckabee play bass with local band Mama Kicks at Whippersnapper's (Route 102 in the Apple Tree Mall). Watch a Presidential candidate rock Londonderry ! Click Here For Directions

Saturday, September 29

1:00 PM
Bring your lawn chairs and your questions because Joe and Joanne Paradis are hosting an old fashioned backyard gathering
2 Litchfield Road (the corner of Mammoth Rd.).
Follow the Huckabee Signs!
Click Here For Directions

10:45 AM
Governor Mike Huckabee speaks to members 0f YouthStorm.
Salem, NH

6:00-8:00 PM
House Party at the home of David and Karen Testerman
9 Stone Ave
Franklin NH
Click Here For Directions

Sunday, September 30

12:00-1:00 PM
Meet and Greet at the home of Chris Seeley
153 Hollis Rd
Amherst, Rt. 122

To RSVP, or for more information about any of these events please contact Periklis at or at (603)799-6563.

Portsmouth Citizen Wins Edwards Contest

From The Edwards Campaign:

"Today, the John Edwards for President campaign announced that Laurie McCray of Portsmouth has won the Graniteroots house meeting contest and will join Elizabeth Edwards at the upcoming Dartmouth debate. Laurie hosted a Graniteroots house meeting with 103 attendees.

"We want to congratulate Laurie for her tremendous work and Elizabeth is looking forward to joining her at the debate," said New Hampshire State Director Beth Leonard. "Laurie exemplifies the thousands of Graniteroots supporters we have across the state who are working tirelessly to spread John's bold message of change."

Buckley's Statement on Upcoming Democratic Debate

This message is from the Chairman of the New Hampshire Democrats, Ray Buckley:

"We are proud to welcome such a qualified field of candidates to Dartmouth for what promises to be an exciting evening. New Hampshire is home to the First-In-The-Nation Primary and an important stop on the road to the White House. Every four years, we are honored to open our doors, literally, to the nation's presidential candidates. At a time when people are experiencing a greater distance from the political process, New Hampshire continues to demand that candidates interact at the most local level possible. Granite Staters expect that they will meet political leaders at coffee shops, town hall style meetings, house parties in their living room or at their door on a neighborhood canvass.

"This is an exciting time for New Hampshire Democrats as we head into the 2008 Election. Governor John Lynch and our Democratic Majorities have delivered on their promises to enact policies that improve the lives of working people. In Washington, New Hampshire has never had a better team in the United States House of Representatives than Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter and Congressman Paul Hodes.

"I'm so proud of all of our Presidential candidates as they travel the Granite State listening to our concerns and offering real leadership for the citizens of our country. My hope is that by working together, we can maintain our 2006 victories, carry the state for our presidential nominee and replace John E. Sununu with a senator who will fight for our priorities."

MySpace/MTV Forum Website

The site for this Thursday's MySpace/MTV Presidential Candidate Dialogue with John Edwards is now up. You can check it out at The forum will be streamed live there on Thursday at noon.

Also, you have a chance to get into the audience by adding the Presidential Candidates Dialogue to their 'Top 8' on MySpace. More info will be posted to the MySpace page about this soon.

Clinton Announces Support of 121 New Hampshire Nurses

From The Clinton Campaign:

Support for Senator Hillary Clinton continues to grow among New Hampshire medical professionals following last week’s announcement of her American Health Choices Plan. Today, the New Hampshire for Hillary campaign announced that 121 nurses have endorsed Hillary for President and will serve as members of the New Hampshire Nurses for Hillary Leadership Committee.

“During her time in the Senate, Hillary Clinton has been a leader in addressing the nursing shortage and has worked to secure increased funding for nursing education,” said Margaret Franckhauser, RN, MS, MPH, of Meredith. “She understands the unique and vital role that nurses play in caring for so many people across the county. Hillary has shown that she believes an investment in nursing is truly an investment in the future of our health care system.”

Edwards To Tour North Country on Economic Fairness Tour

On Thursday September 27th and Friday, September 28th, John Edwards will be touring New Hampshire on an "Economic Fairness for the North Country" tour. The former North Carolina Senator will be holding town hall meetings that will feature a bluegrass concert.

He will be joined by Grammy Award-winning musician Ralph Stanley II, the IBMA award-winning Bluegrass Brothers, and former Democratic Congressman Ben Jones, who played “Cooter” on the Dukes of Hazzard

Here are the events:

Economic Fairness for the North Country Barnstorm Kick-off
Sep 27, 2007
Time TBD
Economic Fairness for the North Country Barnstorm Kick-off
The Carsey Institute on UNH Campus
Huddleston Hall Dining Hall
73 Main Street, Durham, NH 03824

Economic Fairness Town Hall and Bluegrass Concert
Sep 27, 2007
Time TBD
Salyards Center for the Arts
Conway, NH

Economic Fairness Town Hall and Bluegrass Concert
Sep 27, 2007
Time TBD
NH Community College
Cafeteria, 2020 Riverside Drive, Berlin, NH 03570

Economic Fairness Town Hall and Bluegrass Concert
Sep 28, 2007
Time TBD
Economic Fairness Town Hall and Bluegrass Concert
Claremont, NH

Economic Fairness Town Hall and Bluegrass Concert
Sep 28, 2007
Time TBD
Economic Fairness Town Hall and Bluegrass Concert
Littleton, NH

Edwards To Discuss Rural Issues at UNH

John Edwards will be speaking at UNH's Carsey Institute, this Thursday. Edwards will focus on his Rural Recovery Act.

Here is more information:

Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards will visit the Carsey Institute Thursday, Sept. 27, 2007, to discuss new policy developments in his Rural Recovery Act.

Edwards will join Mil Duncan of the Carsey Institute for a roundtable discussion with a panel of experts who will talk about the issues facing rural communities. The event, which is the first leg of John Edwards' Economic Fairness Tour, is open to the public.

Obama To Air NH Ad

Starting tomorrow, Barack Obama's campaign will begin airing its first New Hampshire ad.

The ad is titled "Believe" and will air for sixty-seconds.

Here is the script ad and the ad itself:

Every time I speak about my hope for America, the cynics in Washington roll their eyes.

You see, they don't believe we can actually change politics and bring an end to decades of division and deadlock. They don't believe we can limit the power of lobbyists who block our progress, or that we can trust the American people with the truth.

And that's why we face the same problems and hear the same promises every four years.

My experience tells me something very different.

In twenty years of public service, I've brought Democrats and Republicans together to solve problems that touch the lives of everyday people.

I've taken on the drug and insurance companies and won. I defied the politics of the moment, and opposed the war in Iraq before it began.

This is Barack Obama. I approve this message to ask you to believe—not just in my ability to bring about real change in Washington. I'm asking you to believe in yours.

New Hampshire News Links for September 24th, 2007

New Hampshire News Links September 24th, 2007

Now part of The Hotline Political Network!

NEWS: Toll hike came together quickly

PEOPLE/CANDIDATES: US Senate / Arnesen / Todd / The Browns / Kamen

POLITICAL COLUMNS: Capital Beat, Fahey, Meet the New Press

NH POLLS: Pollsters don't fear missing cell users

OP-ED: Editorial: Shaheen bid signals start, not end, of race

DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES: The Field, The Debates, Clinton, Dodd, Edwards, Obama

REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES: The Field, Gingrich, Giuliani, Huckabee, McCain, Romney, Thompson


FIRST PRIMARY: Florida Democrats Affirm an Early Primary

GENERAL (NATIONAL) CAMPAIGN NEWS: For GOP, Democrats, 2 contests; In primary season, audiences and messages from candidates differ

NATIONAL POLLS: Independents tilt Democratic in 2008 election

WAR: Goffstown Library first to host Iraq war exhibit / Nine-Month Iraq Timetable Is Voted Down by Senate

OTHER NEWS AND VIEWS: Bush: Kids' health care will get vetoed

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Huckabee To Participate In Solutions Day New Hampshire

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee will be back in the Granite State, later this week.

On Saturday, September 29th he will be paricipating in "Solutions Day New Hampshire," which is a part of Newt Gingrich's "American Solutions."

Huckabee will be the guest speaker at the workshop being held at Saint Anselm College's New Hampshire Institute of Politics.

To reserve a ticket call: 1-888-580-6398 (toll free) or go to:

Obama To Hold Peterborough Rally

On Wednesday, September 26th, Barack Obama will participate in a rally in Peterborough.

Here are the details:

Wednesday, Sept. 26th

11:00 am
The Home of Terry Reeves & David Baum
53 Old Jaffrey Rd
Peterborough, NH 03458

This event is free and open to the public. Due to space limitations, RSVP by phone is required. Please call Matthew at 603-924-0808 to RSVP.