Friday, December 28, 2007

Obama Airs "Unify" Ad

From The Obama Campaign:

Senator Barack Obama’s New Hampshire campaign will begin airing a new TV ad tomorrow highlighting Obama’s ability to unify the country and restore trust in our government. The thirty-second spot, entitled “Unify,” features quotes from four newspapers that have endorsed Obama in the New Hampshire primary: the Boston Globe, the Nashua Telegraph, the Portsmouth Herald, and the Valley News.

Script – “Unify”

America is listening…

Not just Democrats, but Republicans, and Independents…

Who’ve lost trust in their government,

But want to believe again.

[Onscreen: “best chance to break… partisan gridlock” Portsmouth Herald 12/20/0]

I am in this race, to tell the corporate lobbyists that their days of setting the agenda…

In Washington are over.

[Onscreen: “independence” Boston Globe 12/16/07 Onscreen: He’s “taken on lobbyists” Valley News 12/20/07]

We have a chance to bring the country together.

A nation healed…

[Onscreen: “Obama can end decades of division” Nashua Telegraph 12/23/07]

A world repaired.

An America that believes again.

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