Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Huckabee, Hunter, Cox To Appear At CNHT Picnic

Mike Huckabee, Duncan Hunter, Ron Paul's son Rand, and John Cox will appear at the The Coalition of NH Taxpayers Annual Taxpayer Reunion Picnic. The picnic is scheduled for Saturday July 7th at the Hopkinton Fairgrouds in Contoocook, New Hampshire. We're told that all presidential candidates, Democrat and Republican were invited to the picnic.

For more information, go here:


PU said...

It's time to show your support for Ron Paul. In an effort to raise awareness for Ron Paul, I'm asking you to read and Digg this article. With your support, we can bump this story to the front page, and raise awareness for Dr. Ron Paul. It would also be very beneficial to spread the word through your blog. Thanks for your support!

Anonymous said...

I'm I to understand that Ron Paul named his son "RAND"? Was he named for the heartless, souless, extremely self-centered pseudo-philosopher Ayn Rand?

If he's a Randite, this would explain a lot, and would explain the fanatical, cultlike followers he has.