Thursday, November 02, 2006

George Phillies: A Serious Man for Serious Times

George Phillies, 2008 Libertarian Presidential candidate, addressed the New Hampshire Libertarian Party's state convention in Concord on Saturday. Democratic candidate Mike Gravel also addressed the group. Here are some of the main points from Phillies speech:

-The National Debt climbs a half trillion dollars a year.
-The Trade deficit is twice that.
-I'm George Phillies. My trust theme is 'a serious man for serious times'. 'As trustworthy as your grandmother's banker'. My physics doctorate is from MIT. I pay my taxes. Open my closets, and no skeletons will fall out.
-End the war on Iraq
-Reverse Kelo. Repeal No Child Left Behind.
-Save the Republic: End warrantless wiretaps. End torture without trial.

The full speech can be found here:

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