Saturday, March 24, 2007

Temperature Rises at NH Dems State Committee Meeting

Outside the temperature was a cool 50 degrees, however at the New Hampshire Democratic State Committee Meeting in the New Hampshire Institute of Politics, the temperature quickly rose to boiling level. Congressman Paul Hodes and his opposition to Ray Buckley's chairmanship was the subject of the tense. While, Hodes was delivering his speech he was openly challenged by a committee person has to the relevance of his speech. Hodes mentioned his opposition to Buckley in his speech, even though Hodes was suppose to be discussing the progress he has made in Congress. After his speech, Hodes told reporters that he was concerned with the YouTube video of Buckley and argued that people would use the video to attack the party, both locally and nationally. This comment led to an observer quietly stating, "should I ask him now or later to have my donation back."

The meeting's focus then turned towards the acceptance of amendment 5. The amendment purposed by Chris Pappas would allow write-in candidates. The Pappas amendment needed to pass to allow Buckley's ascend to the chairmanship. There were no opponents to the amendment, Paul Hodes even supported the amendment. Buckley eventually won with 109 votes to Hall's 17 and Craig came in with 6. In his acceptance speech, Buckley said that "generations of New Hampshire Democrats will the know of Kathy Sullivan' and that his family will be "forever grateful for the sacrifice" that Jim Craig made. Other observations at the meeting include:

-Ambassador Dick Swett was wearing a Clinton button
-State Senator Peter Burling was wearing an Edwards sticker
-Hall called the campaign "a travesty" and that the chairmanship vote must "transcend any outrage over Republican tactics."
-NH Dems are willing to sacrifice their national convention delegates to preserve the Granite State primary status.


Anonymous said...

Was Amendment 5 (to allow write-ins) an amendment to the state party's constitution, or just to the meeting's rules of procedure. It actually makes a huge difference. Does anyone know?

Cosmo said...

Amendment 5 was an amendment to the state party's constitution. Hope that helps.