Thursday, August 16, 2007

Edwards Announces Nashua Regional Leadership Committee

John Edwards New Hampshire campaign continued its' roll out of various activists supporting the former Senator. These 28 activists will form the "Edwards for President Nashua Regional Leadership Committee." The endorsers include 21 activists, three State Representatives, two State Senators and the Deputy Speaker of the House.

The Following Nashua Activists Have Endorsed Senator John Edwards:

Penelope Arsenault
Bill Barry
Andrea Baver
Andy Baver
Chuck Brawley
Maryanne Brawley
Gailyn Casaday
Art Caulfied
Stephen Cunningham
Christine Donlan
Kristi Durette
Joe Foster; State Senator
Linda Foster; Dep. Speaker, NH House of Rep.
Sandra Frades
David Gottesman; State Senator
Suzanne Harvey; State Representative
Helen Honorow
Jack Kelley; State Representative
Anneliese Lenaghan
Leonard Lindberg
Carolyn Lisle; State Representative
John Lisle
Paul Ludwig
Gertrude Martin
Phil McSweeney
Mary Ann Melizzi-Golja
Martha Sonia
George Todgham

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