Thursday, November 02, 2006

CNN Poll: Clinton, Rudy Lead Fields

A new CNN poll was released today. It shows that Rudy and Clinton lead their respective presidential fields.

Hillary Clinton- 28%
Barack Obama- 17%
John Edwards- 13%
John Kerry- 12%,
Al Gore- 13%

Rudolph Giuliani- 29%
John McCain- 27%
Newt Gingrich- 12%
Mitt Romney- 7%
Bill Frist- 6%
George Pataki- 5%

Perhaps the two surprises in this poll. Obama is now second and McCain is only down by 2%.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Capitol 3 do you actually believe that 2008horserace site is legit. All you need to do is google the name and you will see numerous people talking about the owner James Hall. He deletes comments and insults the people posting there. That site is the biggest joke on the web. I am laughing right now because its one of the only websites that Ron Paul is winning and the reason why is obvious.