Thursday, December 20, 2007

Clinton Says in New Ad "Change only comes with experience"

Today the Clinton campaign launched a new ad in New Hampshire.

The 30-second ad, titled "Make it Happen," features Hillary arguing the country needs a leader with the experience needed to make change.

"This election isn't about choosing change over experience. Change only comes with experience," Clinton says in the ad.

Following is the script for the ad.

CLINTON: I'm Hillary Clinton and I approved this message.

I've seen what change takes.

It doesn't happen because you want it to, or because you hoped for it.

You have to work for it

I have thirty-five years experience making change, for kids, for our troops, for families.

This election isn't about choosing change over experience.

Change only comes with experience.

And with the war to end and an economy to fix we've never needed change more, or the strength and experience to make it happen.

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