Sunday, December 16, 2007

McCain Endorsed By Boston Globe, Portsmouth Herald

Today John McCain picked-up the endorsement of both The Boston Globe and The Portsmouth Herald. The Globe has been increasing its circulation in southern New Hampshire while the Herald dominates the seacoast. The editorial staff of both papers are considered liberal. McCain has also been endorsed by The Union Leader and most recently The Salmon Press.

The Boston Globe wrote "One of McCain's great virtues is his willingness to acknowledge unpleasant realities. McCain sees that special interests with money to throw around have an undue influence over the electoral process and public policy, that the planet is getting warmer because of human activities, that interrogating a suspect by pretending to drown him is a form of torture."

While, The Portsmouth Herald wrote "John McCain has been leading the country from his seat in the U.S. Senate for 20 years. He is a man of integrity and honor who would help the Republicans rid themselves of the stench of Jack Abramoff and other lobbyists and allow the GOP to reclaim its status as the party of fiscal restraint. He is a strong military man prepared from day one to defend our nation against its enemies. Of all the Republicans running, he is by far the best qualified to lead our country."

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