Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Edwards Announces Town Chairs in 169 Granite State Towns

From The Edwards Campaign:

Today, the John Edwards for President Campaign announced 293 Graniteroots for Edwards Town Chairs in 169 New Hampshire towns. These Town Chairs will take an active leadership role in the campaign and work to spread Edwards’ bold message of change.

“We are honored to have the support of these Graniteroots leaders,” said New Hampshire State Director Beth Leonard. “Our momentum continues to grow and these Town Chairs will join thousands of grassroots activists and our growing field program in spreading the message about Edwards’ bold plans to end the war in Iraq , provide truly universal healthcare, and halt global warming while creating good-paying jobs.”

For the complete list go here: John Edwards For President Announces 293 Graniteroots For Edwards Town Chairs In 169 New Hampshire Towns