Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Pawlenty, Douglas To Speak At Grafton GOP Dinner

Vermont Governor Jim Douglas and Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty will be speaking at a Grafton County GOP dinner. The dinner is not taking place in New Hampshire, rather it will be held across the border in Fairlee, Vermont.

Pawlenty was last in the state to open John McCain's campaign headquarters.

Here are the event details:

Grafton County GOP Dinner Featuring Gov. Tim Pawlenty and VT Gov Jim Douglas
When: Monday October 8
Where: Lake Morey Inn, Fairlee, Vt.

DescriptionTime: Social 6-7pm. Dinner, 7-9pm.
Place: Lake Morey Inn, Fairlee, Vt.

Key Note Speaker
The Hon. Jim Douglass the Governor of Vermont
Featured Dinner Speaker
The Hon. Tim Pawlenty the Governor of Minnesota

Individual Contributions: $45.00 per person.
Two tickets: $85.00