Wednesday, October 03, 2007

NH Poll: Romney's NH Lead Falls Apart

A new polls shows that the Republican primary is becoming extremely competitive.

"A new NewsMax/Zogby survey shows the Mitt Romney lead in New Hampshire that looked almost insurmountable this summer has blown away with the autumn breezes, turning the state’s Republican nomination race into a cliffhanger featuring a clash of styles and substance.

Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, still leads in the Granite State, but his lead is anything but rock solid, the NewsMax/Zogby poll of likely Republican primary voters shows. He wins 24% support, barely leading over former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who has the support of 21%. Arizona Sen. John McCain, once on political life support here, has recovered nicely and wins 16% support, while former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson, who gave up a successful Hollywood career to enter the race last month, wins just 7%."

Here are the results:

Romney: 24%
Giuliani: 21%
McCain: 16%
Thompson: 7%
Huckabee: 5%
Paul: 3%
Tancredo: 3%
Hunter: 1%
Brownback: 1%
Hagel: 1%
Not sure: 17%