Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Rudy Launches New Radio Ad

Attempting to follow-up on news that Rudy Giuliani is gaining momentum in New Hampshire, today his campaign announced it will launch a new radio ad. The ad will only air in the Granite State.

The ad, titled "Tested," "focuses on Rudy Giuliani's proven record of results, and his commitment to keep America on offense in the Terrorist's War on Us and to grow the economy by cutting taxes and reducing the size of government."

The ad opens with the line "I've been tested in a way in which the American people can look to me," and closes with "Rudy Giuliani. The Republican that Democrats just don't want to run against."

Script and audio link are below.

Script for "Tested":

RUDY: "I've been tested in a way in which the American people can look to me. They're not going to find perfection, but they're gonna find somebody who's dealt with crisis almost on a regular basis and has had results, results people thought were impossible."

VO: Listen. That's Rudy Giuliani. A leader with clearly defined goals.

RUDY: "There are two big things at stake for the country… what direction we go in on terrorism and what direction we go in with regard to our domestic economy. If you elect me we're on offense against terrorism. And I want us to be on the offense for a growth economy in which we lower taxes, reduce the size of government… that's how you create growth. "

VO: Principle. Experience. Results. That's Rudy.

RUDY: "We laid out a very, very specific set of goals that we want to achieve because I want people to look at those and say if I agree with most of them, then this is a person who can bring them about. And if they disagree with it, they should vote against me, because I am going to bring it about.

VO: Rudy Giuliani. The Republican that Democrats just don't want to run against.

VO: Paid for by the Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee, Incorporated.

RUDY: I'm Rudy Giuliani and I approve this message.