Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Vice-President Gregg?

First Read's Erin McPike writes that New Hampshire senior Senator Judd Gregg could make an interesting vice-presidential pick.

McPike writes, "Premature though it may be, the case can be made for Gregg to make the veep list. It shouldn’t be forgotten that a Romney victory in the Granite State is critical to the success of a Romney candidacy, but Gregg’s help could be rewarded later -- and there was some speculation that there would be a place for him in the Bush administration back in 2000."

Earlier this year Roll Call predicated the same thing. You can read our write-up at: Vice-President Judd Gregg??

We wrote in February "Would Judd leave the Senate? Perhaps more importantly, would Joel Maiola (Gregg's Chief of Staff) allow the move? Who would Lynch appoint to fill Gregg's seat? Let the speculation begin!!!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lord help us ...