Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Thanks For Visiting

Thanks for visiting this site. Unfortunately, I am no longer updating it.

Instead please see my new website:


Thursday, January 10, 2008

It's All About The Delegates

The primary system is all about the delegates, here's the breakdown:

In the New Hampshire Democratic primary
CNN estimates:
* Hillary Clinton has won 9 New Hampshire delegates (3 statewide, 6 district-level)
* Barack Obama has won 9 New Hampshire delegates (3 statewide, 6 district-level)
* John Edwards has won 4 New Hampshire delegates (2 statewide, 2 district-level)
* 22 Democratic delegates were at stake in the New Hampshire primary
* There are also 8 Democratic “superdelegates” in New Hampshire. Of those, 2 support Clinton and 3 support Obama, according to a CNN survey.

In the New Hampshire Republican primary
CNN estimates:
* John McCain has won 7 New Hampshire delegates
* Mitt Romney has won 4 New Hampshire delegates
* Mike Huckabee has won 1 New Hampshire delegate
* 12 GOP delegates were at stake in the New Hampshire primary
* All GOP delegates at stake in the New Hampshire primary are statewide

NH Asks Primary Success

From the group NH Asks:

NH Asks program gave candidates a unique opportunity to take substantial and considered positions on important issues. Unlike town-hall meetings, debates and press conferences, candidates could take the time to offer well-considered and consistent answers. The candidates who answered all took full advantage of this opportunity, and where awarded “10-star” STR ratings as a result.

In addition to providing voters with more clarity on candidates’ positions, NH Asks also provided candidates with the opportunity to clarify sometimes contradictory and inconsistent positions to better prepare them for the campaign beyond NH. “We felt that this was an important example of the contribution made by the citizens of NH, who take their civic responsibility in the election process and the nation’s 1st primary very seriously.” Nathaniel Gurien said.

Check out our website: www.nhasks.org for access to the complete archive of newspaper ads, press releases, candidate answers and ratings, as well as comments from voters from NH and around the country.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Biden Beats Gravel

Even though he dropped out of the presidential contest last week, Delaware Senator Joe Biden achieved a minor victory in the New Hampshire primary.

Biden was able to receive more votes than former Alaska Senator Mike Gravel. Gravel is still running for the Democratic nomination.

Biden received 612 votes to Gravel's 396.

GOP Write-Ins Beat Fred Thompson

An interesting note in tonight's election, write-ins did better than former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson.

Total Republican write-ins received 3,987 votes (2%), while Fred Thompson garnered 2,768 votes (1%).

Thompson is apparently not worried about his lackluster performance because tonight, in South Carolina, he told supporters "All of my buddies who are running for president this year are up freezing in New Hampshire tonight. You know, shivering around, walking around, there are snowbanks up to about right here. And I'm in South Carolina. Now who do you think is smart enough to be president?"

PrioritiesNH To Form Into New Group

The group PrioritiesNH has begun to phase down their operations. Over the past year the group has been trying to get candidates to decrease the military budget.

According to an e-mail the group is "in discussions to merge the wonderful PRIORITIES community into a vibrant New Hampshire progressive advocacy organization. Details to be announced soon."

PrioritiesNH became a fixture of this primary season with it's various trucks and the popular "cookie lady."

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

It's Been A Great Ride

After attending countless events, exchanging thousands of e-mails, receiving plenty of spin, and 20 interviews the primary has come to a close.

Over the past week people have asked me whether I'd spill all my secrets in one last post, or perhaps even write a book, don't worry sources my lips are forever sealed. After all private information is private, even if people are moving-on to do other things.

I am forever grateful to everyone who has helped grow the site, has been there when I needed advice or has ever linked to the blog.

I would like to thank James Pindell, Dr. Dante Scala, Bill Siroty, Phil Elliott, Mike Memoli, Beth LaMontagne and Arnie Arnesen. My gratitude for their generosity, professionalism and friendship can not be measured in words.

Finally, I would like to thank "The Chairman." Without his ingenuity and creativity this site would have never been formed. Though I often "throw him under the bus" he was there at the beginning and for that he will always have my respect.

New Hampshire it's been a great ride, thanks for the memories.

Over the coming weeks stay tuned for information about my new endeavor, PolitickerNH.

-Brian "Cosmo" Lawson

Sticking To Your Guns

Sometimes when you make predictions you have to stick to your guns.

Over the past week I've been giving interviews predicting Hillary Clinton and Mitt Romney would win their respective primaries.

Well I was half-right.

Tonight, Hillary Clinton won the Democratic primary and John McCain beat Mitt Romney.

Not sure if it was luck or correctly reading the voters, but it's nice to know I didn't change the prediction in the face of changing poll numbers and an overwhelming media bandwagon affect.

McCain Wins New Hampshire

Arizona Senator John McCain has won the New Hampshire Republican primary.

U.S. Senator John McCain's New Hampshire Chair, Peter Spaulding, issued the following statement on John McCain's New Hampshire Primary victory:

"I proudly congratulate John on his historic victory in today's primary. John McCain never gave up, and the voters of New Hampshire have clearly rallied behind his unique brand of straight talk, leadership and solutions to the biggest problems facing our country. I am confident that, as president, John McCain will root out wasteful spending in Washington and lead the country to victory against those who wish America harm.

"I could not be more proud of the New Hampshire leadership team and the unwavering efforts of our staff and volunteers across the state working on John's behalf. They have proven you can catch lightning in a bottle, twice."

What To Watch For

Dante "GraniteProf" Scala has posted what you should watch for in tonight's results.

"If Mitt Romney pulls this out at the last minute, it's going to happen in the Interstate 93 corridor, home of many Massachusetts transplants."

"McCain's areas of strength form an arc around the I-93 corridor: Keene and Cheshire County; the Hanover/Lebanon area; Merrimack County, especially around Concord; and the Seacoast area."

"If Clinton carries Manchester by a wide margin, expect the results to be closer than expected."

"And if Obama carries Manchester, well, whoa Nelly! The rout is on."

For more of his observations and updates go to: http://graniteprof.typepad.com/

Who's Who

Here is a slideshow of the various presidential candidates filing for the New Hampshire primary.


Paul To Do Some Last Minute Campaigning

Republican Presidential Candidate Ron Paul will greet voters in Ward 4 of Concord today at 5PM. The Ward 4 polling location is located at St. Peter's Parish Hall on 135 North State Street in Concord, NH.

One of the questions tonight is how well will Paul do? Most polls show the Texas Congressman in a tie with Rudy Giuliani.

Historic Turnout Across The State

It's primary day, we're about halfway through voting and historic turnout numbers are being reported throughout the state.

James Pindell is reporting that "The New Hampshire Secretary of State's office is not fielding requests for Democratic ballots in Portsmouth, Keene, Hudson and Pelham."

We visited two Manchester precints and voting was at a brisk level.

NBC vs. WMUR vs. ABC

This morning Rudy Giuliani attempted to make his case before 30 Manchester citizens.

The former New York Mayor told the group he is running on a "bold vision that will allow America to be the best."

Perhaps the most interesting part of the event was when NBC embed Matt Berger got into a shouting match with a WMUR cameraman.

It appeared that Berger was arguing that the cameraman pushed into him, while Rudy was taking questions from the press. Once the WMUR cameraman started to walk away Berger demanded that the WMUR reporter give Berger the cameraman's name. The WMUR reporter, yet to be identified, walked away refusing to give his name.

After Rudy had left the room Berger continued yelling at the cameraman, who was standing across the room.

Over the past couple of days tensions have been rising has more camera crews join the campaign trail.

**UPDATE: We've been told that in fact it was the ABC embed who the WMUR cameraman bumped into. Berger did ask for his name, however it was the ABC embed who was shouting across the room at the WMUR cameraman. Sorry for the mix-up.**

Monday, January 07, 2008

RCP Average

The Real Clear Politics New Hampshire average...tomorrow we get to see what the voters say.

The GOP: The Dems:
McCain: 33.5% Obama: 36.9%
Romney: 28.7% Clinton: 29.2%
Huckabee: 11.4% Edwards: 18.8%
Giuliani: 8.7% Richardson: 5.9%
Paul: 7.4%

Draft Gore Endorses Edwards

The group Draft Gore New Hampshire has endorsed John Edwards.

Earlier this week the group announced their would be terminating their efforts.

"We came to the unanimous decision that John Edwards has the courage to bring about fundamental changes in the way decisions are made in Washington," said Farrell Seiler, state coordinator for Draft Gore New Hampshire.

Clinton's Primary Day Schedule

Hillary Clinton's primary day schedule

Tuesday, January 8th

6:00 AM
Parker Varney School
223 James Pollock Drive
Manchester, NH

7:45 AM
Fairgrounds Jr. High School
27 Cleveland Street
Nashua, NH

9:30 AM
West Running Brook Middle School
1 West Running Brook Lane
Derry, NH

12:00 PM
Broken Ground School
123 Portsmouth Street
Concord, NH

8:00 PM
Southern New Hampshire University
2500 N. River Road
Manchester, NH

Edwards Primary Day Schedule

The primary day schedule for John Edwards

Tuesday, January 8th

John and Elizabeth Edwards visit Manchester Ward 3 polling location
Manchester, Ward 3
Carol M. Rines Center
1528 Elm St.Manchester, NH

John and Elizabeth Edwards rally volunteers at Manchester HQ
66 Hanover St.
Manchester, NH

John Edwards for President Election Night Site Tower Mills
300 Bedford St.
Manchester, NH

Vermin Supreme offers $100 To Dixville Notch Voters

Today at John McCain's Manchester rally, long-shot presidential candidate Vermin Love Supreme was offering each voter of Dixville Notch $100.

The catch?

In order to receive the money the voter has to vote for Vermin.

Dixville Notch casts the first votes in the New Hampshire primary at the stroke of midnight.

Clinton Releases Letter Attacking Obama's Abortion Votes

This afternoon Hillary Clinton's campaign released a letter from a group New Hampshire pro-choice activists urging pro-choice voters to vote for Senator Clinton because "The difference between Hillary's repeatedly standing up strong on choice and Obama's unwillingness to vote "yes" or "no" is a clear contrast, and we believe the voters in New Hampshire deserve to know this difference."

According to the letter "as a State Senator, Senator Obama voted "present" - instead of "yes" or "no" - seven times on issues related to protecting a women's right to choose. Illinois NOW cited Obama's "present" votes on tough choice issues in the Illinois State Legislature when explaining why they would not endorse him. The difference between Hillary's repeatedly standing up strong on choice and Obama's unwillingness to vote "yes" or "no" is a clear contrast, and we believe the voters in New Hampshire deserve to know this difference."

Clinton's GOTV

From The Clinton Campaign:

With less than 24 hours until the New Hampshire primary, the New Hampshire for Hillary campaign’s Get Out the Vote Operation is in full swing. Staff, volunteers, and supporters are working around the clock to ensure that New Hampshire voters know that tomorrow they can help pick a president who can hit the ground running on day one.

In the final hours leading up to the primary, over 6,000 volunteers will fan out across the state, participating in more than 200 canvasses and knocking on tens of thousands of doors. In their efforts to reach out to their friends and neighbors across the state, volunteers and staff will walk close to 400 miles.

More Endorsements for McCain

This morning John McCain's campaign released a list of endorsements from New Hampshire Republicans.

Below is a list of elected officials that were in the release.

Sen. Sheila Roberge, State Senator
Peter Bergin, State Representative
Peter Batula, Merrimack State Representative
Dick Drisko, State Representative
Carolyn Gargasz, State Representative
Irene Messier, State Representative
Saggy Tahir, State Representative, Manchester
Liz Chamberlain, Press Secretary to United States Senator John Sununu

Romney's Closing Argument

From The Romney Campaign:

Tonight, Governor Mitt Romney will air a two-minute television ad, "Tomorrow," in which he speaks directly to the people of New Hampshire about the need for conservative change in Washington if we are to confront a new generation of challenges.

View the ad here: “Tomorrow”

Edwards Two Day Schedule

Sorry I completed forgot to post the Edwards schedule for today and tomorrow.


2:00 AM
Graniteroots event with John and Elizabeth Edwards
Edwards for President Berlin Office
256 Main Street
Berlin, NH

4:00 AM
Graniteroots event with John and Elizabeth Edwards
Miller’s Café
16 Mill Street
Littleton, NH

6:35 AM
Breakfast with John and Elizabeth at the “DaddyPops Tumble Inn Diner”
DaddyPops Tumble Inn Diner
1 Main Street
Claremont, NH

10:45 AM
Senator Edwards to hold town hall meeting
Sunapee Room, Lake Opechee Inn
62 Doris Ray Court
Lakeport, NH

1:45 PM
House party with John and Elizabeth Edwards
72 Hardy Road
Bedford, NH

3:55 PM
Graniteroots event with Senator John Edwards
Cafeteria, Winnacunnet High School
1 Alumni Dr.
Hampton, NH

7:15 PM
Rally with John and Elizabeth Edwards in Dover
Elks Lodge 184
282 Durham Road
Dover, NH 3820

9:20 PM
Graniteroots event with John and Elizabeth Edwards
The Democracy Factory
65 Green Street
Somersworth, NH

10:15 PM
Graniteroots event with John and Elizabeth EdwardsEdwards for President Rochester Office
One Wakefield Street, Suite 310
Rochester, NH

11:25 PM
House party with John and Elizabeth Edwards
4 Palmer Drive
Durham, NH


12:30 AM
Graniteroots event with John and Elizabeth Edwards
John Edwards for President Portsmouth Office
Parade Mall, 195 Hanover Street, Suite 34,
Portsmouth, NH

Paul Cancels Events Day Before New Hampshire Primary

Ron Paul has cancelled his public events that were scheduled to be held the day before the New Hampshire primary.

Instead, Paul will be flying out to California to appear on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.

According to the Paul campaign "Fmr. Congressman Barry Goldwater, Jr., will be campaigning in-state for Dr. Paul, as will the candidate's son, Dr. Rand Paul."

The Texas Congressman was scheduled to appear at a Windham house party.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Debunking The McCain-Obama Independent Voter Myth

A popular theory that has developed over the past couple of days is that independent voters in New Hampshire are deciding between Barack Obama and John McCain.

Last night, UNH's polling-guru Andrew Smith debunked that theory.

"They're fighting for different block of voters," he told us.

Smith contends that McCain is vying for independents who lean Republican, while Obama wants to gain independents who traditionally vote Democratic.

Dante "GraniteProf" Scala also contends that this theory is fiction.

"New Hampshire voters deciding between Obama and McCain probably is no more than 3 to 4 percent of ALL likely primary voters, at most," he wrote.

Group of Citizens Concerned with GLBT Issues Endorse Obama

A group of New Hampshire citizens, concered with GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender) issues have endorsed Barack Obama. An excerpt of the letter is below, only with a list of the people who signed the letter.

Those of us signing this letter have analyzed, as thoroughly as possible, the candidates who are running for President and believe that Barack Obama will best serve the interests of our GLBT communities.

Obama understands discrimination on a gut level. The African American fight for civil rights has been an integral part of his life, his education, his identity. For that reason alone he stands out as the candidate who has the potential to truly understand our own history of striving for recognition and equality.

Representative Ed Butler, Hart’s Location
The Reverend Robert E. Stiefel, Ph. D., Dover
Representative Gail Morrison, Sanbornton
Senator Harold & Betsy Janeway, Webster
Rev. Dr. Leanne McCall Tigert, Concord
Edwin Allard, Laconia
Carol Shull Perkins, Plymouth
David Weber, Exeter
Bill Stelling, Amherst
Roberta Barry, Keene
Carlos Cardona, Laconia
Paul G. Smith, LCMHC, Chichester
Levey Saintil, Portsmouth

Obama's Two Day Schedule

Here is an updated schedule for Barack Obama

Monday, January 7th

Doors Open: 7:30am
Stevens High School
175 Broad St
Claremont, NH
The event is free and open to the public. However, an RSVP is strongly encouraged. To RSVP, please call Will at the Claremont Office 603-543-0820.

Doors Open: 10:30am
Lebanon Opera House
51 N Park Street
The event is free and open to the public. However, an RSVP is strongly encouraged. To RSVP, please call Dave at the Lebanon Office 603-448-1108.

Doors Open: 5:30pm
Rochester Opera House
31 Wakefield Street
Rochester, NH
The event is free and open to the public. However, an RSVP is strongly encouraged. To RSVP, please call Steph at the Rochester Office 603-330-0808.

Doors Open: 10:00pm
Concord High School
170 Warren Street
Concord, NH
The event is free and open to the public. However, an RSVP is strongly encouraged.
To RSVP, please call the Obama for America Concord office at 603-224-8004.

Tuesday, January 8th

Doors Open: 7:45am
Dartmouth College Alumni Gymnasium
West Gym
Hanover, NH
This event is open to Dartmouth students only. Attendees must possess a valid Dartmouth College ID.

Doors Open: 7:30pm
Nashua South High School
36 Riverside St.
Nashua, NH Doors Open: 7:30 PM
The event is free and open to the public. An RSVP is strongly encouraged. To RSVP call Obama for America’s Nashua Office at 603-578-9007.

Mitt's Final Two Days

Here is an updated schedule for Mitt Romney.

Monday, January 7, 2008:

6:50 a.m.
Governor Mitt Romney Greets Employees at BAE Systems of North America
BAE Systems of North America
95 Canal Street
Nashua, NH

7:50 a.m.
Governor Mitt Romney Meets with Derry Area Voters
Mary Ann's Diner
29 East Broadway Street
Derry, NH

9:00 a.m.
Governor Mitt Romney Meets with Timberland Employees
Timberland Corporate Headquarters
200 Domain Drive
Stratham, NH

12:00 p.m.
Governor Mitt Romney Attends the Nashua Rotary Club Luncheon
Nashua Country Club
25 Fairway Street
Nashua, NH

3:00 p.m.
Governor Mitt Romney Holds a Salem "Ask Mitt Anything" Town Hall
Derry-Salem Elks Club
39 Shadow Lake Road, Route 111
Salem, NH

6:30 p.m.
Governor Mitt Romney Holds a Bedford "Ask Mitt Anything" Town Hall
McKelvie Middle School
108 Liberty Hill Road
Bedford, NH

8:00 p.m.
Governor Mitt Romney Meets with New Hampshire Volunteers
Romney For President New Hampshire Headquarters
359 Elm Street
Manchester, NH

Tuesday, January 8, 2008:

6:50 a.m.
Governor Mitt Romney Meets with Manchester Area Voters
Brookside Congregational Church
2013 Elm Street
Manchester, NH

7:40 a.m.
Governor Mitt Romney Meets with Bedford Area Voters
Bedford High School
47B Nashua Road
Bedford, NH

8:30 a.m.
Governor Mitt Romney Meets with Nashua Area Voters
Broad Street Elementary School, Gym
390 Broad Street
Nashua, NH

9:35 a.m.
Governor Mitt Romney Meets with Salem Area Voters
Salem Town Hall
33 Geremonty Drive
Salem, NH

10:25 a.m.
Governor Romney Meets with Derry Area Voters
Hood Middle School
6 Hood Road
Derry, NH

7:30 p.m.
Romney For President Election Night Event
CR Sparks Event Center
18 Kilton Road
Bedford, NH

Richardson's Updated Schedule

Here is an updated schedule for Bill Richardson.

Monday, January 7

8:40 AM
Dunkin-Donuts Drop-In
921 Beech Street, Manchester

10:10 AM
Plant Tour and Town Hall Meeting with Goss International Employees*
Goss International, 121 Technology Drive, Durham
*This event is closed to the general public.

11:15 AM
Drop-In at Brickstones at the Mill
10 Main Street, Rochester

12:15 PM
Downtown Portsmouth Drop-Ins with Portsmouth Mayor Steve Marchand
Begins at Breaking New Ground, 14 Market Square, Portsmouth

2:30 PM (Doors Open at 2:10 PM)
Stratham "Final Presidential Job Interview" with Timberland Factory Employees
Timberland Factory, 200 Domain Drive, Stratham

3:40 PM (Doors Open at 3:10 PM)
Exeter "Final Presidential Job Interview"
Phillips Exeter Academy, 20 Main Street, Exeter

5:45 PM
Puritan Backroom Drop-In
245 Hooksett Road, Manchester

6:00 PM
Manchester "Get Out the Vote Roundup"
Franco-American Centre
52 Concord Street, Manchester

7:30 PM
Portsmouth "Get Out the Vote Roundup"
Portsmouth Gas Light Company, 3rd Floor
64 Market Street, Portsmouth

Richardson Receives Newspaper Endorsement

From The Richardson Campaign:

Today, the Claremont Eagle Times endorsed New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson for President, and three key Dodd supporters from the Granite State announced that they will be voting for Bill Richardson on Tuesday, January 8th.

In their endorsement, the Times writes: "Richardson is the most qualified candidate in the areas that will matter the most to our country over the next four years ... Democrats have a variety of choices before them Tuesday. None can match Richardson's experience."

Governor Richardson also has earned the support of three influential backers of Senator Chris Dodd's Presidential bid in the Granite State. State Representative and firefighter Dan Sullivan, State Representative Maureen Nagle, and State Representative David Smith all endorsed Richardson today, citing his unmatched experience and clear plan for getting all of our troops out of Iraq quickly and safely.

Edwards Unveils "Underdog" Ad

From The Edwards Campaign:

Tomorrow, one day before voters go to the polls, the John Edwards for President campaign will begin airing a new 60-second television spot in the Granite State. In “Underdog,” Senator John Edwards says he will never give up on the fight to save the middle class, and he will take this fight all the way to the Democratic Convention and to the White House.

The new television spot can be viewed at http://www.johnedwards.com/ads/underdog/.

Transcript of “Underdog”

I may be an underdog in this campaign, running against two candidates with $200 million between them.

But the real underdogs are the middle class and the voiceless in this country,

Losing ground while CEOs pocket million dollar bonuses

And corporate lobbyists get their way in Washington.

Exxon Mobil rakes in record profits, gets government handouts, and gas prices go through the roof.

At the same time, 200,000 veterans, men and women who wore America’s uniform,

Will sleep tonight under bridges and on grates.

We cannot simply replace a bunch of corporate Republicans with a bunch of corporate Democrats.

I’ve never taken a dime from Washington lobbyists or PACs.

I know who the underdogs are in this fight.

I know that the fight to save the middle class will be an epic battle, and I will never give up.

We’re going to take the fight to save the middle class all the way to the Convention and the White House.

We’re going to look our children in the eye and tell them “we left you a better life than we had.”

I’m John Edwards and I approve this message.

Obama At Pinkerton Academy

This afternoon in Derry, New Hampshire Senator Barack Obama told voters “in two days time, New Hampshire it is your turn to stand-up and create a different kind of politics.”

Over the past two days, the Illinois Senator has been stressing a message of change. However, voters might have wanted Obama to stress a message of punctuality.

With doors opening at 2:15pm voters wear growing weary of Obama’s lateness, who did not show-up until 3:45.

One voter, who is has already decided to vote for Hillary Clinton, said that being late turned her off because “it makes me feel he doesn’t think we’re important.”

When Obama finally showed-up he was introduced by Derry citizen Roger Defraines. When Defraines took the stage he was booed by a crowd expecting to see Obama.

Former Senate President Endorses McCain

From The McCain Campaign:

U.S. Senator John McCain's presidential campaign today announced that former New Hampshire State Senate President Joseph Delahunty has endorsed John McCain for president.

"During my time in New Hampshire politics I have worked with innumerable politicians and Americans from all walks of life. However, no one that I have met has possessed a record of service to our country as impressive as John McCain. Throughout his life he has put the country's interest before his own. He is a man of principle, judgment and unmatched experience, and I am I am proud to support him."

State Rep Webber Endorses Clinton

From The Clinton Campaign:

State Representative Jim Webber (D-Kensington), a former Senator Joe Biden supporter, today announced his endorsement of Hillary Clinton. Rep. Webber is the third New Hampshire state representative to announce his support of Senator Clinton in recent days, following the endorsement of Biden’s former New Hampshire Campaign Chair Representative Jim Ryan and State Representative Bill Hatch.

“Today, I am proud to announce my support of Hillary Clinton for president. Senator Clinton has the breadth and depth of knowledge on a wide range of issues that will make her an effective president, starting on day one,” Representative Webber said. “At a time when our country faces serious challenges, we need a leader with Hillary’s strength and experience to deliver real change.”

Hatch Endorses Clinton

Former Biden supporter, Berlin State Representative Bill Hatch, has endorsed Hillary Clinton.

“As a representative from Berlin , I am especially sensitive to the struggles of middle class families. Hillary Clinton has strong plans to lower taxes and create new, good jobs that will benefit us all,” said Representative Hatch in a press release.

Clinton To Host Monday Night Rally

On the night before the primary, Hillary Clinton will host a Manchester rally.

Monday, January 7th

Executive Health and Sports Center
1 Highlander Way
Manchester, NH

Bill Bradley To Endorse, Campaign for Obama

The AP's Phil Elliott reports that former New Jersey Senator Bill Bradley will endorse Barack Obama later today.

Tomorrow, the former New York Knick will campaign for Obama in the Granite State.

Viggo Mortenson Endorses Kucinich

From The Kucinich Campaign:

Acclaimed film actor Viggo Mortenson will be campaigning today in New Hampshire with U. S. Congressman and Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich. Known around the world for his portrayal of Aragorn in The Lord of the Rings film trilogy, Mortenson will be holding a press conference at JW Hill Sports Bar & Grill, 795 Elm St, Manchester, NH to discuss the day's activities and why he has chosen to support a real Democrat for President—Dennis Kucinich.

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Spin Me!

The spin-room after the ABC/WMUR debates resembled something between a three-ring circus and a freak show. There were cameramen angling for the perfect shot of surrogates, reporters throwing their microphones at anyone willing to talk and people scratching their heads asking one another: whose this guy and why am I listening to him?

Here is some campaign spin!

Kevin Madden, Mitt Romney’s national press spokesman said Romney was “the best Republican candidate to bring change.”

While Mitt’s New Hampshire campaign director, Jim Merrill, called John McCain’s immigration bill amnesty. “It walks like amnesty, if it talks like amnesty it is amnesty,” he said.

Mark McKinnon, a McCain advisor said Romney is the candidate of change because “he’s changed his positions more than anyone else.”

The Democratic spin was buzzing with change.

New Hampshire Congressman Paul Hodes said “what Senator Obama means by change is a fundamental shift in the way politics is done in this country.”

On the flip side, Clinton spokesman Jay Carson said “these are big issues which is exactly why you can’t have people simply talk about them you need someone who can bring results.”

Surrogating for Bill Richardson, former Portsmouth Mayor Steve Marchand said Richardson was “outstanding” and the New Mexico Governor demonstrated that “he understands diplomacy and how to use it.”

Perhaps University of New Hampshire professor Andrew Smith summed it up best when he said “no one was watching these debates, everyone is watching football.”

Press Hearts Edwards

The press center is eating-up John Edwards attack on the status quo.

Press room erupted in laughter with Richardson's line "I've been in hostages situations more frindlier than this."

Updated Richardson Schedule for Sunday, January 6th

New Mexico Governor and Democratic Presidential candidate Bill Richardson and First Lady Barbara Richardson will campaign across New Hampshire on Sunday, January 6th.S

Sunday, January 6th

9:15 AM
Drop-In at Julien’s Corner Kitchen
150 Bridge Street, Manchester

9:45 AM
Candidate Open House
Temple Adath Yeshurun, 152 Prospect Street, Manchester

11:40 AM
Drop-In at the Peterborough Diner
10 Depot Street, Peterborough

12:00 NOON
Keene "Get Out the Vote Roundup"
Central Square Bandstand, 10 Central Square, Keene

2:30 PM (Doors Open at 2:00 PM)
Newport "Final Presidential Job Interview"
Newport Opera House, 20 Main St, Newport

3:30 PM
Hanover "Get Out the Vote Roundup"
Auditorium, Hanover High School, 41 Lebanon Street, Hanover

6:00 PM
Drop-In at the Common Man Restaurant
25 Water Street, Concord

Breaking News: GOP Candidates Dislike Obama

The headline out of tonight's Republican debate...the candidates don't like Obama.

Huckabee says Obama has inspired people and the GOP needs to give people something to vote for, not against.

Ron Paul says that he and Barack Obama share similarities, mainly the devote following of young people both candidates attracted.

It's Getting A Bit Fiesty

It appears that the Republicans brought their daggers with them and are using them frequently.

The recent exchange was between Mitt Romney and John McCain who were debating illegal immigration.

The press is eating it up.

Rudy just said that Ronald Reagan would "be in one of Mitt's negative commercials."

Welcome to the big leagues!

Oh, Snap!

Tonight we have had our first collective media outburst at the press filing center.

Discussing the war in Iraq Mitt Romney told Mike Huckabee "don't characterize my position," to which Huckabee responded "which one."

Throughout the press center there was a collective "Ohh!"

RCP New Hampshire Average

The Real Clear Politics Average heading into tonight's ABC/WMUR debate.

The GOP: The Dems:
McCain: 32.7% Obama: 33.2%
Romney: 27.8% Clinton: 31.2%
Huckabee: 12.0% Edwards: 19.2%
Giuliani: 9.5% Richardson: 5.0%
Paul: 8.5%

Huckabee To Host Chilifest

Come have authentic Texas style chili with Mike Huckabee and Special Guest Chuck Norris!

Monday, January 7th

American Legion Post #7
94 Eastern Ave
Rochester NH.
5:15pm Doors open
5:45pm 6:15pm
Live Music from local rock band Mama Kicks
6:15pm - 7:00pm Chili and Chat with Chuck Norris and Janet Huckabee
7:15pm Rally with Governor Huckabee!

Clinton's Primary GOTV

From The Clinton Campaign:

The New Hampshire campaign’s 17 statewide offices – more than any other campaign in the state – are buzzing with activity. This weekend over 200 staff and thousands of volunteers will hit the streets across the Granite State, knocking on over 100,000 doors. Over the past months, the campaign has also made more than 1.4 million calls to voters and volunteers have sent out over 100,000 neighbor-to-neighbor letters, asking fellow Granite Staters to vote for Hillary.

The campaign will also reach voters as they drive down major New Hampshire roadways and read their local papers. The campaign unveiled nine billboards across the state and will run seven full page ads in daily newspapers on Sunday, January 6.

Up and Running

We're now up and running at the St. Anselm's debate.

Back row right next to the food and in a whole row of other bloggers and foreign press.

Romney Airs Ad Focused on Economics

Today, Mitt Romney began airing a new television ad. The ad entitled "Growth and Prosperity," begins with Romney saying "This isn't the time for us to shrink from conservative principles."

Script For "Growth And Prosperity"

GOVERNOR MITT ROMNEY: "This isn't the time for us to shrink from conservative principles.

"It's a time for us to stand in strength. America must remain the world's superpower.

"If we will simply march forward, we can propel America 's growth and prosperity to lead the world.

"Now is the time for us to lead a great coalition of strength for our families, for our future, for America .

"I'm Mitt Romney and I approved this message."

To watch "Growth and Prosperity," please see: http://tv.mittromney.com/?showid=728658

NH GOP Pulls Out of Fox GOP Forum

New Hampshire Republican Party Chairman Fergus Cullen releases the following statement regarding Sunday’s Republican forum on FOX:

“The first-in-the-nation New Hampshire primary serves a national purpose by giving all candidates an equal opportunity on a level playing field. Only in New Hampshire do lesser known, lesser funded underdogs have a fighting chance to establish themselves as national figures. Consistent with that tradition, we believe all recognized major candidates should have an equal opportunity to participate in pre-primary debates and forums.

“This principle applies to tonight’s debates on ABC as well as Sunday’s planned forum on FOX. The New Hampshire Republican Party believes Congressmen Ron Paul and Duncan Hunter should be included in the FOX forum on Sunday evening. Our mutual efforts to resolve this difference have failed.”

“While we understand that FOX News continues to move forward it is with regret, the New Hampshire Republican Party hereby withdraws as a partner in this forum.”

Draft Gore Ends Their Efforts

Draft Gore, the only statewide organization dedicated to getting voters to Al Gore's name on the New Hampshire primary ballot, has ended their efforts.

In an e-mail the organization states "Active efforts to "write in" Al Gore's name on the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday have been terminated."

The volunteer group now wants supporters to vote for a candidate who "most closely shares the values and global vision of Nobelist Al Gore."

An official candidate endorsement is under consideration.

Breakfast with Mike Gravel & Introduction to Voters

From the Gravel campaign:

"Senator Gravel will be at The Merrimack Restaurant in Manchester (786 Elm St.) each morning until the Jan 8th Primary, from 8:30 - 9:30 AM. He'll be having breakfast with supporters, media, and potential voters. Stop by, grab some oatmeal & coffee, and ask Senator Gravel your questions.

In addition, to combat exclusion and marginalization from the media, as well as a very modest campaign budget, the Gravel NH campaign has composed a brief video to introduce Senator Gravel to New Hampshire voters. Free Admission! Check it out and spread the word."

Obama To Hold Manchester Rally

Tomorrow morning Barack Obama will hold a rally in Manchester at the Palace Theater. The rally previously scheduled for Monday night is no longer taking place.

Sunday, January 6th

Doors open: 9:00am
Palace Theater
80 Hanover Street
Manchester, NH
The event is free and open to the public. However, an RSVP is strongly encouraged. To RSVP, please call the Obama for America Manchester Office 603-668-2008.

Kucinich Saturday Schedule

Below is itinerary for Congressman for Saturday, January 5th.

Breakfast with Catholic group in Bennington
9:00AM to 10:15AM
Common Place Eatery
11 Main St, Bennington, NH 03442

Book Signing with Dennis Kucinich
11:00AM to 11:45AM
Toadstool Bookstore
12 Depot Square, Peterborough, 03458

Lunch with local artists at Harlow's Pub
12:00PM to 1:00PM
3 School Street, Peterborough, NH 03458

Barry Goldwater, Jr. Joins Ron Paul in New Hampshire

Barry Goldwater, Jr. will be campaigning with Ron Paul in New Hampshire.

"We are truly honored to have this legendary conservative family here to support Dr. Paul and bring his message to New Hampshire voters," said Paul's state coordinator.

Goldwater is the son of 1964 Republican presidential nominee Barry Goldwater and has served six terms in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Former Biden Campaign Chairman Endorses Clinton

Senator Joe Biden's former New Hampshire campaign chairman has endorsed Hillary Clinton.

Franklin State Representative Jim Ryan had been serving has Biden's campaign chair until Biden dropped out of the race on Thursday.

In a campaign press release Ryan said he was endorsing Hillary because “At this critical time, when our country is so desperate for change, it is essential that we elect a strong and experienced leader, like Hillary Clinton, who can hit the ground running on day one."

Romney As The Change Agent

Mitt Romney has shifted his stump speech from discussing the “four walls” that keep America strong to now arguing that he is a candidate who can bring about change and deliver results.

Romney told a crowd of 250 Manchester citizens that he announced his presidential run in Detroit Michigan because he “wanted the symbolism of change to be a part of my campaign.”

“I think people recognize that sending the same people back to Washington is not going to change Washington. If you want to see change in Washington it’s going to take someone who knows how to change things,” he added.

Ranging from his time in Salt Lake City to helping establish universal healthcare in Massachusetts, Romney offered a laundry list of accomplishments to argue that he is the best candidate to change Washington D.C.

The former Bay State Governor ended his speech by telling voters “You can bring change.”

Friday, January 04, 2008

Clinton To Visit Durham

Tomorrow Senator Clinton will visit Durham.

Saturday, January 5th

The Bagelry
1 Mill Rd
Durham, NH
This Event is CLOSED To The Public

C-SPAN In The Am

Tomorrow morning I will be on C-SPAN.

The Telephone interview will begin at around 7:05 and last up to 10 minutes.

Check your local listings!

I will also be on NHPR Monday morning and with Dan Rather on primary night.

Rudy's Primary Schedule

Here is Rudy Giuliani's primary schedule.

Saturday, January 6th

House Party
47 Garden Drive
Litchfield, NH

Debate Watch Party
The Executive Court Banquet Facility
1199 South Mammoth Road
Manchester, NH

Sunday, January 6th

House Party
24 Powers Road
Hollis, NH

Monday, January 7th

Wattannick Grange Hall
4 Windham Road
Hudson, NH

Town Hall Meeting
Adams Memorial Opera House
29 W. Broadway
Derry, NH

Tuesday, January 8th

Meet & Greet
William B. Cashin Senior Activity Center
151 Douglas St.
Manchester, NH

Meet & Greet
Puritan Backroom Restaurant
245 Hooksett Road
Manchester, NH

Meet & Greet
John's Barber Shop
95 Daniel St.
Portsmouth, NH

Obama Begins Airing 2 New Ads

Senator Barack Obama’s campaign announced today that it will begin airing two new television ads in New Hampshire. A thirty-second spot, entitled “ Independence,” highlights Obama’s New Hampshire newspapers endorsements, which praise his independent thinking and ability to unify the country. Obama was endorsed by the Boston Globe, the Nashua Telegraph, the Portsmouth Herald, Valley News, and Littleton Courier.

SCRIPT – “ Independence”

Barack Obama: We are one nation, we are one people, and our time for change has come.

Announcer: Barack Obama. Endorsed by New Hampshire’s most respected papers. Endorsed because he’s our “best chance to break partisan gridlock.”

Endorsed because of his “common sense solutions”

Endorsed for his “honesty”… “independence” and ability to “reset the country’s reputation in the world”

Only Obama can “unify the country”.

I’m Barack Obama and I approve this message.

SCRIPT – “Would”

Five years ago, he said what the others would not, opposing the rash and reckless war in Iraq; warning that it would not make us safer.

In Washington, he did what the others could not, taking dead aim at the power of lobbyists; passing the farthest-reaching ethics reforms in a generation.

And as President, he'll do what the others cannot, unite a divided nation, repair our standing in the world and bring change we can believe in.

Richardson's Primary Schedule

Bill Richardson's schedule for the upcoming weekend and Monday, January 7th.

Saturday, January 5th

Auditorium, New Hampshire Technical Institute
31 College Dr

Sunday, January 6th

9:15 AM
Drop-In at Julien’s Corner Kitchen
150 Bridge Street, Manchester

9:45 AM
Candidate Open House
Temple Adath Yeshurun, 152 Prospect Street, Manchester

11:40 AM
Drop-In at the Peterborough Diner
10 Depot Street, Peterborough

12:00 NOON
Keene "Get Out the Vote Roundup"
Central Square Bandstand, 10 Central Square, Keene

2:30 PM (Doors Open at 2:00 PM)
Newport "Final Presidential Job Interview"
Newport Opera House, 20 Main St, Newport

3:30 PM
Hanover "Get Out the Vote Roundup"
Auditorium, Hanover High School, 41 Lebanon Street, Hanover

6:00 PM
Drop-In at the Common Man Restaurant
25 Water Street, Concord

Monday, January 7th

Library, Phillips Exeter Academy
20 Main Street

Franco-American Centre
52 Concord Street

Gas Light Company, 3rd floor
64 Market Street

Rudy's Saturday Schedule

Here is Rudy Giuliani's schedule for tomorrow. We're awaiting details of the events.

Speech in Manchester...time unknown

10:45 a.m.
House Party
Litchfield, NH


Party Event
Manchester, NH

Former Nashua Mayor Endorses Rudy

From The Giuliani Campaign:

The Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee today announced that Don Davidson, the former Mayor of Nashua, has endorsed Rudy Giuliani for President. Davidson is recognized as a longtime local government leader in the state’s second largest city.

“Although we have a number of candidates to choose from in this year’s primary, only one has the record of a proven leader on issues that matter most to New Hampshire Republicans, and that is Rudy Giuliani,” said Davidson. “As Mayor of New York City, with the third largest government in the country, he cut taxes, reduced spending and helped create new jobs – despite having to work with an overwhelmingly Democrat city council.”

Michelle Obama, Senator Dick Durbin, Congressman Patrick Murphy to Campaign in New Hampshire

From The Obama Campaign:

Senator Barack Obama’s New Hampshire campaign announced today that Senator Obama’s wife Michelle will campaign in New Hampshire Sunday through Tuesday, January 6-8. Mrs. Obama will speak at house parties and meet with voters in the Concord area, Lakes Region, Upper Valley, and North Country to discuss Senator Obama’s vision for change and the values he will bring to the White House.

Also on Sunday through Tuesday, Illinois Senator Dick Durbin and Pennsylvania Congressman Patrick Murphy will be campaigning for Senator Obama, holding a series of event across the Granite State. Durbin, an Obama mentor and Senate Majority Whip, and Murphy, the only Iraq War Veteran currently serving in Congress, will hold joint events on the Seacoast and in Manchester to share their belief in Senator Obama’s sound judgment and ability to deliver real change we can believe in.

Humble Observations About The Next Couple of Days...

Here are a couple of humble observations about the next couple of days:

-Candidates will have limited time for events. Tonight the Dems have the 100 Club Dinner, tomorrow is the ABC Debate and Sunday is the Fox/GOP debate, all of these will take time away from the candidates. If you look at tomorrow most candidates do not have any events planned Saturday afternoon and Republicans will be stuck in a studio on Sunday night.

-John McCain and Barack Obama will be hosting their primary night events in Nashua.

-Prepare for the legions of national and international media outlets that will swamp the Manchester area. If you're looking for real contact with candidates while avoiding a large media following, I suggest going to events that are away from Manchester.

McCain Schedule for Monday, January 7th

John McCain's schedule for Monday, January 7th and Tuesday, January 8th.

Monday, January 7th

Nashua City Hall Plaza
229 Main St.
Nashua, NH
RSVP: 603-369-4949

Stage Restaurant & Caf
30 Central Square
Keene, NH
RSVP: 603-369-494912:00

"Top of the Hop" at the Hopkins Center
Dartmouth College
2 East Wheelock St.
Hanover, NH
RSVP: 603-369-4949

State House
Concord, NH
RSVP: 603-369-4949

City Hall Plaza
1 City Hall Plaza
Manchester, NH
RSVP: 603-369-4949

Front Steps of Exeter Town Hall
10 Front St.
Exeter, NH
RSVP: 603-369-4949

Frank Jones Center
400 US Highway 1 Byp
Portsmouth, NH
RSVP: 603-369-4945

January 8TH

Primary Night Victory Celebration
Nashua Crowne Plaza
2 Somerset Parkway
Nashua, NH
Come one, come all!

Bass Endorses McCain

The Granite Status reported this morning that former Congressman Charlie Bass has endorsed John McCain.

In 2000 Bass endorsed George W. Bush.

Paul's Primary Schedule

Dr. Paul will make the following campaign stops from January 4th through the 8th:

Friday 1/4

5:20 PM
Merrimack Business walk
News Café at Merrimack Commons; Olympic Video; Billy's Pizza

7:00 PM
Merrimack House part
**Closed To Public**

Saturday 1/5

9:30 AM
House party
**Closed To Public**

10:45 AM
Milford Business Walk
Souhegan Cycle and Ski; Army Navy Surplus 227 Union Square, Unit 3
Milford, NH

7:00 PM
WMUR, ABC, Facebook Debate

Sunday 1/6

11:00 AM
NH GOP Brunch
Function Center at Hampshire Hills
50 Emerson Road
Milford, NH
**Closed To Public**

Sunday 1/6

1:00 PM
Speech at Liberty Forum
Crowne Plaza Hotel
2 Somerset Pkwy
Nashua, NH

4:30 PM
Town Hall Meeting
Manchester TV MCAM
540 N. Commercial Street

Monday 1/7

7:00 PM
Windham House party
**Closed To Public**

Tuesday 1/8

8:30 PM
Primary Party
Courtyard Marriott
70 Constitution Avenue
Concord, NH

Biden, Dodd Drop Out

Senators Joe Biden and Chris Dodd have dropped out of the presidential race.

State Representative Jim Ryan, Biden's NH Chair, issued a statement that said "Tonight, we witnessed a great man, a great American, and a great friend of mine fight a proud fight out in Iowa. He didn’t spend millions of dollars, he didn’t throw the mud, and when the dust settles tomorrow, nobody will question Senator Biden’s conviction, nobody will question his passion, nobody will question his experience, and nobody will question his integrity."

According to our tally Biden had visited the Granite State 14 times over 22 days and hosted 29 public events.

Dodd had been here 18 times for a total of 35 days and 72 public events.

Gravel NOT Dropping Out

From The Gravel Campaign:

"Once again, the Mainstream Media has not gotten the facts straight.

MSNBC pundit Keith Olbermann has incorrectly declared that Sen. Gravel has dropped out of the race following the January 3rd caucus in Iowa. This is not true, and Sen. Gravel is still an active member in this race. We are requesting that MSNBC and Keith Olbermann retract their statement, and issue an apology to the campaign for promoting blatantly false misinformation.

Again, Sen. Gravel has not dissolved his campaign, and has no intentions of doing so."


Siglo 21 Endorses Clinton

Siglo 21, a Latino newspaper that circulates in Manchester, Nashua and Salem, endorsed Hillary Clinton for President this week.

“We need a President with the strength, good faith and capacity to solve problems effectively. Problems such as the migration reform, the exit from Iraq and climate change require a real compromise with the human beings affected. We are convinced that Senator Hillary Clinton is more than qualified to face those challenges with effectiveness.”

New Hampshire News Links for January 4th, 2008

New Hampshire News Links January 4th, 2008

Part of The Hotline Political Network!
We should be updated later this afternoon and will return tomorrow, Saturday
Visit our blog!

NEWS: N.H. pension system still needs fixes

PEOPLE/CANDIDATES: Legal battle slows probe of push poll / Sununu


OP-ED: Editorial: Lawmakers: Dispose of these and move on

DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES: Obama's victory upends his party's politics; His promise of change resonates more than Clinton's claim of experience / The Caucus, The Field, Biden, Clinton, Dodd, Edwards, Gravel, Kucinich, Obama, Richardson

REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES: From Nowhere, Huckabee Prevails / The Caucus, The Field, Guiliani, Huckabee, McCain, Paul, Romney

FIRST PRIMARY: Primary front-runners need to regain momentum / Editorial: Networks have gone way too far

GENERAL (NATIONAL) CAMPAIGN NEWS: Obama, Huckabee sweep to Iowa victories

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Updated Edwards Schedule

From January 4th through Primary Day on January 8th, John and Elizabeth Edwards will hold Graniteroots rallies and town halls with voters across New Hampshire. Their children Cate, Emma Claire and Jack as well as John's parents Bobbie and Wallace will also join the Edwardses for the trip.

Friday, January 4th

Graniteroots Rally with John and Elizabeth Edwards
Tower Mills
300 Bedford St., 3rd Floor, Manchester

Nashua organizing event with John and Elizabeth Edwards
Radisson Hotel – Ballroom A
11 Tara Blvd., Nashua

Portsmouth Town Hall with John and Elizabeth Edwards
Frank Jones Center
400 Route 1 Bypass, Portsmouth

Saturday, January 5th

Portsmouth Canvass Kick Off with John and Elizabeth Edwards
Market Square Corner of Pleasant St. and Market Sq., Portsmouth

Concord Rally with John and Elizabeth Edwards
Bektash Temple Hall
189 Pembroke Road, Concord

Lebanon “Fighting for our Families” Town Hall with John Edwards and his parents Bobbie and Wallace Edwards
Lebanon High School
195 Hanover St., Lebanon

9:00pm (approximately)
John Edwards will participate in the WMUR/ABC/Facebook Democratic debate

Sunday, January 6th

Manchester health care forum with John and Elizabeth Edwards Franco American Centre
62 Concord Street, Manchester

Keene “Fighting for the Middle Class” town hall with John Edwards and his parents Bobbie and Wallace Edwards
Keene State University
229 Main Street, Keene

Derry “Working Families” forum with John and Elizabeth Edwards
Gilbert H. Hood Middle School Cafeteria
5 Hood Road, Derry

Monday, January 7th

Lakeport “Giving America Hope” town hall with John Edwards and Mrs. Lakey, mother of Valerie Lakey
Lake Opechee Inn
62 Doris Ray Court, Lakeport

Dover Rally with John and Elizabeth Edwards
Elks Lodge 184
282 Durham Rd., Dover

Tuesday, January 8th
Additional events to be announced shortly.

John Edwards for President Election Night Site
Tower Mills
300 Bedford St., Manchester

Gatsas Endorses McCain

From The McCain Campaign:

U.S. Senator John McCain's presidential campaign today announced that New Hampshire Senate Republican Leader Ted Gatsas (R-Manchester) has endorsed John McCain in the New Hampshire Primary.

"John McCain is the only candidate with the strength, experience, and character to lead as commander in chief from day one, and that's why I'm so proud to support him," said Sen. Gatsas. "As president, John McCain will cut taxes, eliminate wasteful spending, drive economic growth and win the war on radical Islamic extremism. America needs a leader who knows his core values and will never waver in the face of the prevailing political winds. America needs John McCain."

Clinton Events for Monday, January 7th

On Monday, January 7th Hillary Clinton will be in Dover and Salem.

For more events go here: http://www.hillaryclinton.com/hq/newhampshire/

Monday, January 7, 2008

Attends a Conversation with Undecided Voters
10:15 AM
Café Espresso
800 Islington Plaza
Portsmouth, NH
**CLOSED To Public**

“Time to Pick a President” Event
12:15 PM
The McConnell Center
30 Saint Thomas St.
Dover, NH 03820

“Time to Pick a President” Event
5:45 PM
Salem High School
44 Geremonty Drive
Salem, NH 03079

“Time to Pick a President” Event
Executive Health and Sports Center
1 Highlander Way
Manchester, NH

RFK Children To Campaign for Hillary

From The Clinton Campaign:

The New Hampshire for Hillary campaign today announced that three prominent members of the Kennedy family will visit the Granite State tomorrow, January 4th, to emphasize Senator Clinton's experience and proven record of making real change happen. Former Lt. Governor Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Kerry Kennedy will make stops in Nashua, Salem, Manchester and Milford. They are the children of the late United States Attorney General and presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy.

Friday, January 4th

Kennedys Attend Canvass Kick Off Event in Manchester
Puritan Backroom Conference Center
245 Hocksett Road Manchester, NH

Kennedys Attend Nashua Pick a President Event
Nashua Public Library - East Wing
2 Court Street, Nashua, NH

Kennedys Attend Salem House Party
103 Corinthian Drive Salem, NH

Kennedys Attend Manchester Pick a President Event
Tarrytown Road Senior Apartments
233 Tarrytown Road, Manchester, NH

Kennedys Attend New Hampshire Democratic Party 100 Club Dinner
The Hampshire Dome
50 Emerson RoadMilford, NH

Deval Patrick To Campaign for Obama

From The Obama Campaign:

Senator Barack Obama’s New Hampshire campaign announced today that National Co-Chair and Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick will campaign in New Hampshire Saturday and Sunday, January 5 and 6. Governor Patrick will knock doors in Manchester and speak at house parties across southern New Hampshire to share his belief in Senator Obama’s ability to unite the country around an agenda for change.

For his events go here: http://nh.barackobama.com/page/event/search_results?type=advanced&orderby=day&state=NH

Gatsas To Endorse McCain

The Concord Monitor is reporting that "Ted Gatsas, the Republican leader in the state Senate and former Senate president, will endorse John McCain today when the candidate returns from Iowa."

McCain Aids Tout "Major" NH Endorsement

According to The Page "McCain advisers touting “major” New Hampshire endorsement to be unveiled on Senator’s arrival in Granite State Thursday."

Let the speculation begin!

Richardson's Schedule for Friday

New Mexico Governor and Democratic Presidential candidate Bill Richardson and First Lady Barbara Richardson will campaign in New Hampshire on Friday, January 4th.

9:00 AM (Doors Open 8:30 AM)
Welcome Back to New Hampshire Kickoff
Merrimack Restaurant
786 Elm St, Manchester

10:15 AM
Drop-In at Ingram Senior Center
1 Sally Sweet's Way, Salem

11:00 AM
Drop-In at Two Guys Smoke Shop
304 S Broadway, Salem

11:45 AM (Doors Open 11:15 AM)
Windham "Final Presidential Job Interview"
Windham Senior Center
2 North Lowell Rd, Windham

12:45 PM
Drop-In at T-Bones Restaurant
77 Lowell Rd, Hudson

1:30 PM (Doors Open 1:00 PM)
Merrimack "Final Presidential Job Interview"
GT Solar
243 Daniel Webster Highway, Merrimack
**RSVP REQUIRED 603-657-7384 or dmckenna@richardsonforpresident.com**

2:45 PM (Doors Open 2:15 PM)
Manchester "Final Presidential Job Interview"
Elliot Hospital
1 Elliot Way, Manchester
**RSVP 603-657-7384 or dmckenna@richardsonforpresident.com**

6:00 PM
Drop-In at the Alpine Club with Manchester Alderman Mike Lopez
175 Putnam St, Manchester

7:00 PM (Doors Open 6:30 PM)
Nashua "Final Presidential Job Interview"
Room 150, New Hampshire Technical College,
505 Amherst St, Nashua

8:00 PM
100 Club Dinner
Hampshire Dome,
50 Emerson Rd, Milford
**Tickets are required through the New Hampshire Democratic Party**

9:00 PM
Drop-In and Candlepin Bowling at Leda Lanes
340 Amherst St, Nashua

10:00 PM
Drop-In at Peddlers Daughter
48 Main St, Nashua

McCain's "Better Prepared"

John McCain has begun airing a new thirty-second television ad entitled "Better Prepared." The ad will run in New Hampshire and Boston.

View the ad here: http://www.johnmccain.com/tvads/


"Eight years ago, New Hampshire stunned the political world. You turned convention on its head because you didn't care what the experts or the media said.

"My friends, it's a different time, but it's the same place. You haven't changed and neither have I. But the issues are tougher and the times more dangerous.

"I've learned a lot in eight years. And I feel better prepared than ever to lead this country.

"Once again, I need your help. I'm John McCain and I approve this message."

Some Paul Events

Here is a couple of events Ron Paul will be doing in the days ahead. More will be announced later.

Saturday, January 5th

WMUR / ABC Debate
check local TV listings

Sunday, January 6th

First in the Nation Presidential Brunch
Hampshire Hills, Milford, NH
11:00 AM ET

Liberty Forum
Nashua, New Hampshire
12:00 PM ET

Romney Wants NH Voters To "Remember" McCain's Record

Mitt Romney has released a new television ad titled "Remember". The thirty-second ad features New Hampshire citizens criticizing John McCain's record.

ROMNEY: "I'm Mitt Romney and I approved this message."
BOB DUFFY: "I believe John McCain's war record is outstanding."
MARIE PALING: "He's a true patriot and has served his country long and well."
BOB DUFFY: "However, his record in the US Senate leaves a lot to be desired."
GENE BOIS: "John McCain has been one of those Republicans that have been wrong on tax cuts."
RAY BRUN: "Opposing tax cuts that would have helped our family, supporting amnesty for illegal immigrants, taking jobs away from Americans."
COLLETT HILL: "He wrote the amnesty bill that America rejected."
BOB DEGANGE: "He's not really listened to the American people."
MARIE PALING: "He's had his chance in Washington to make things better."

Romney's Two-Day Schedule

Mitt Romney's public schedule for Friday, January 4th and Saturday, January 5th.

Friday, January 4, 2008:

2:00 a.m.
Governor Mitt Romney Arrives in New Hampshire
Port City Air
Portsmouth International Airport
104 Grafton Drive
Portsmouth, NH

7:30 a.m.
Governor Mitt Romney Meets with Portsmouth Area Voters
The Golden Egg Diner
960 Sagamore Avenue
Portsmouth, NH

5:45 p.m.
Governor Mitt Romney Meets with Concord Area Voters
Common Man Restaurant
25 Water Street
Concord, NH

7:00 p.m.
Governor Mitt Romney Holds a Manchester "Ask Mitt Anything" Town Hall
William B. Cashin Community Center
151 Douglas Street
Manchester, NH

Saturday, January 5, 2008:

8:45 a.m.
Governor Mitt Romney Holds a Derry "Ask Mitt Anything" Town Hall
Pinkerton Academy
5 Pinkerton Street
Derry, NH

10:30 a.m.
Governor Mitt Romney Meets with Hampstead Area Voters
Bean Towne Coffee House and Café
201 Route 111
Hampstead, NH

11:45 a.m.
Governor Mitt Romney Meets with Bedford Area Voters
Ashooh Residence
59 Pasture Lane
Bedford, NH

6:45 p.m.
Governor Mitt Romney Participates in the ABC-WMUR New Hampshire Debate
Saint Anselm College
100 Saint Anselm Drive
Goffstown, NH

9:15 p.m.
Governor Mitt Romney Attends a Post Debate Rally
Varick's Sports Bar
24 Depot Street
Manchester, NH

Additional Obama Events

Events with Senator Barack Obama

Friday, January 4th

62 Durham St. Portsmouth NH
Please Contact: Matt Devine to RSVP at the Portsmouth office 433-7001

Concord High School
170 Warren St.
Concord, NH
Please RSVP to the Concord office at 224-8004

Saturday, January 5th

Nashua North High School
10 Chuck Druding Dr.
Please RSVP to Emily at the Nashua Office 578-9007

Sunday, January 6th

Doors open: 9:00am
Palace Theater
80 Hanover Street
Manchester, NH
The event is free and open to the public. However, an RSVP is strongly encouraged. To RSVP, please call the Obama for America Manchester Office 603-668-2008.

Exeter High School Cafeteria
315 Epping RdExeter, NH
Please RSVP to Dan Grant at the Portsmouth Office 433-7001

Pinkerton Academy
5 Pinkerton St
Derry, NH
Please RSVP to Dan at the Derry office 437-2008

Salem High School
44 Geremonty Drive
Please RSVP to Julia at 437-2008

Keene High School
43 Arch St
Please RSVP to Brandon 355-2008 at the Keene Office

Monday, january 7th

Stevens High School Gym
175 Broad St
Claremont, NH
Please RSVP to Will at 543-0820 at the Claremont Office

Lebanon Opera House
51 N Park St
Lebanon, NH
Please RSVP to Dave at the Lebanon Office 448-1108

Rochester Opera House
31 Wakefield Street
Rochester, NH
Please RSVP to Steph Spiers at the Rochester HQ 330-0808

Updated Gravel Schedule

Updated Gravel Schedule


12:00 PM
Luncheon Address to Portsmouth Rotary Club
35 Corporate Drive (in Pease International Tradeport)
Portsmouth, NH

1:30 PM
Talk & Discussion with History Students
Oyster River High School
Durham, NH**Not open to the public**

3:00 PM
On-air Radio InterviewWUNH (91.3 FM)

3:30 - 5:30 PM (TV Event)
Presidential Candidate Forum on Health Care
Manchester Community Access MediaMCAM-TV23

6:00 - 7:30 PM (TV Event)
"Initiatives for Empowerment" Democratic Debate
Manchester Community Access MediaMCAM-TV23


12:00 PM
"Left, Right & Correct" Radio Interview w/ host Dan Belforti
Portsmouth Community Radio (106.1 LP-FM)

7:00 PM
Young American Debate
Keene High School Auditorium
43 Arch St. Keene, NH


11:00 AM
Discussion with the Indian-American Community
1 Meadowview Circle Nashua, NH

1:00 - 5:00 PM
**Mrs. Whitney Stewart Gravel will be attending the "Women Working Together to Make a Difference" Forum for Presidential Spouses at the Palace Theatre. 80 Hanover St. Manchester, NH

7:00 PM
**Senator Gravel is planning to hold an alternate debate if the exclusion of candidates at the ABC/WMUR debate remains. Details to follow once they are available.


10:30 AM
Address to Breakfast Reception
Temple Adath Yeshurun
152 Prospect St. Manchester, NH
1:00 PMTown Hall MeetingUnitarian Universalist Congregation of Franklin206 Central St. Franklin, NH

7:00 PM
Town Hall Meeting
Phillips Exeter Academy
20 Main St. Exeter, NH


10:15 AM
Morning Coffee & Talk with Residents
New Hampshire Veterans Home
139 Winter St. Tilton, NH

Every Child Matters Forum
2 Delta Drive (Maine Room, 2nd Floor)
Concord, NH


Primary Day
Events TBA

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Rudy's Schedule for Friday, Jan. 4th

Rudy's public schedule for this Friday.

Friday, January 4th:

Town Hall Meeting
The American Legion Post 63
38 Millville Street
Salem, NH

Town Hall Meeting
Nashua Elks Lodge
120 Daniel Webster Highway
Nashua, NH

Clinton Brings Arkansas Friends to Granite State

From The Clinton Campaign:

Longtime supporters and friends of the Clinton family will travel from Arkansas to campaign in New Hampshire January 3rd – 8th. They will travel to cities across the state to meet with voters at their homes and in businesses. They will also attend the 100 Club Dinner in Manchester on Friday, January 4th and attend a church service and coffee with members of the South Congregational Church in Concord.

The Arkansans will discuss their personal relationships with Hillary, her bold policy plans, and stress that it is time for New Hampshire voters to pick a president.

The Arkansas travelers come from all walks of life, from ranchers to small business owners to doctors to homemakers to elected officials like state senators and mayors. They share a passion and commitment to electing Hillary Clinton as president.

Edwards Supporters To Hand out Free Ice Cream

From The Edwards Campaign:

The following Vermont leaders support John Edwards, will work to ensure he wins the Vermont primary and will also travel to NH on January 5th to hand out free ice cream and help build campaign momentum:

-Former Vermont State Senator and 2006 Lt. Governor Candidate Matt Dunne
-Vermont State Senate Majority Leader John Campbell
-Ben & Jerry’s co-founder Ben Cohen
-Vermont attorney and activist Kevin Leahy

Clinton Primary Schedule

The New Hampshire for Hillary campaign today announced that Senator Hillary Clinton and President Bill Clinton will campaign in the Granite State from Friday, January 4th to Tuesday, January 8th.

Additional details of the schedule are forthcoming.

Friday, January 4th

Senator Hillary Clinton Attends “Time to Pick a President” Rally with President Bill Clinton
GFW Aeroservices Inc.
83 Perimeter Road
Nashua, NH
This event is open to the public, but please RSVP at hillaryclinton.com/nh.

Senator Hillary Clinton Attends NH Democratic Party 100 Club Dinner
New Hampshire Dome
50 Emerson Road
Milford, NH
**Closed To Public**

Saturday, January 5th

Senator Hillary Clinton Attends “Time to Pick a President” Event
Merrimack Valley High School, Gymnasium
106 Village Street
Penacook, NH
This event is open to the public, but please RSVP at hillaryclinton.com/nh.

The Bagelry
1 Mill Rd
Durham, NH
This event is CLOSED to the public

Senator Hillary Clinton Attends ABC/WMUR Democratic Presidential Debate
9:00 PM
St. Anselm College
100 Saint Anselm Drive
Manchester, NH
*Closed to the Public

Sunday, January 6th

Senator Hillary Clinton Attends “Time to Pick a President” Event
Nashua North High School, Gymnasium
10 Chuck Druding Drive
Nashua, NH
This event is open to the public, but please RSVP at hillaryclinton.com/nh.

Senator Hillary Clinton Attends “Time to Pick a President” Event
5:00 PM
Winnacunnet High School, Gymnasium
4 Alumni Drive
Hampton, NH
This event is open to the public, but please RSVP at hillaryclinton.com/nh

McCain Plans To Speak To Iowa Supporters From New Hampshire

On the night of the Iowa caucuses John McCain will speak to his Iowa supporters from Manchester, New Hampshire.

McCain will deliver the remarks from a Manchester's Wedu Design.

The Arizona Senator is currently in Iowa but will return to the Granite State for a rally Thursday night.

Earlier this week Rudy Giuliani told reporters that he would spend caucus night in Florida.

Lieberman To Campaign for McCain

Tomorrow Democratic Senator Joe Lieberman will campaign for John McCain. Here is public schedule.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Senator Joe Lieberman
Meet and Greet at the Brown Bag Deli
One Eagle Square
Concord, New Hampshire

Senator Joe Lieberman
Meet and Greet at Harvey's Bakery
376 Central Avenue
Dover, New Hampshire

Senator Joe Lieberman
Company Tour at Global Relief Technologies
30 New Hampshire Avenue # 2
Portsmouth, New Hampshire

Senator Joe Lieberman
Meet and Greet at The RiverRun Bookstore
20 Congress Street
Portsmouth, New Hampshire

McCain's Primary Schedule

Here John McCain's primary schedule.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Town Hall
Derry Opera House
29 West Broadway, Derry, NH

Friday, January 4, 2008

WHAT: Hollis Pharmacy Meet and Greet
6 Ash St, Hollis, NH 03049

BAE Systems Town Hall Meeting
65 Spit Brook Rd.
Nashua, New Hampshire
**Closed To Public**

Town Hall Meeting
Hudson VFW Post 5791
15 Bockes Road, Hudson, NH

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Peterborough Town Hall
1 Grove St. Peterborough, NH

Post Debate Party Rally
Jillian’s Restaurant
50 Phillippe Cote St., Manchester, NH

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Town Hall Meeting
Gymnasium, The Woodbury School
206 Main St. Salem, NH

Rudy in NH Day Before Primary

On Monday January 7th Rudy Giuliani will campaign in New Hampshire.

Details have not been announced.

Huck Airs Ad on Tax Cuts

Mike Huckabee has begun airing the ad below.

Rudy Begins Airing New Ad

Tomorrow Rudy Giuliani will begin airing a new ad. The thirty-second ad is titled “Ready.”

Script for “Ready”:

VOICEOVER: “An enemy without borders. Hate without boundaries. A people perverted. A religion betrayed. A nuclear power in chaos. Madmen bent on creating it. Leaders assassinated. Democracy attacked. And Osama bin Laden still making threats. In a world where the next crisis is a moment away… America needs a leader who’s ready.”

MAYOR GIULIANI: “I’m Rudy Giuliani and I approved this message.”

RCP New Hampshire Average

Real Clear Politics New Hampshire average for January 2nd, 2008.

The GOP: The Dems:
Romney: 29.0% Clinton: 33.0%
McCain: 27.8% Obama: 27.3%
Giuliani: 12.3% Edwards: 18.5%
Huckabee: 10.8% Richardson: 4.8%
Paul: 6.5% Biden: 2.5%

Video of Obama Volunteers

From The Obama Campaign:

After ten months of building a statewide grassroots organization in the Granite State, the Obama campaign is launching an unprecedented final push leading up to Election Day. At each of our 16 offices around the state, volunteers are making phone calls, knocking on doors, delivering signs to new supporters, and preparing for Senator Obama’s final visit to the state.

Edwards Airs "Wave of Change" Ad

Today, the John Edwards for President campaign began airing a new 30-second television spot in New Hampshire. The “Wave of Change” spot, which features Senator John Edwards speaking at a campaign rally in New Hampshire, builds on the campaign’s growing momentum and organizational strength in the Granite State.

Ad Script:

Corporate greed has infiltrated everything that’s happening in this democracy.

It’s time for us to say “we’re not going to let our children’s future be stolen by these people.”

I have never taken a dime from a Washington lobbyist or a special interest PAC and I’m proud of that.

On January 8th, in New Hampshire, what will happen is you will rise. You will say “enough is enough.” And you’re going to create a wave of change that cannot be stopped.

I’m John Edwards and I approve this message.

DNC Planning 5 Days of Releases Attacking McCain

Everyday between today and the New Hampshire primary, the Democratic National Committee will release a press release that "will recap the sharpest and most egregious turns of McCain's Double-Talk Express."

The DNC started their new project with a collection of quotes that demonstrates "McCain's On-Again, Off-Again, Relationship With Immigration Reform."

Hillary Airs Ad Featuring Newspaper Endorsements

Today the Clinton campaign began airing a new television ad. The ad features excerpts from newspapers that have endorsed the New York Senator.

The new 30-second spot is entitled, “Best Choice”Watch the ad here: http://www.hillaryclinton.com/video/97.aspx

Following is the script for the ad.

ANNCR: Newspapers across New Hampshire have endorsed Hillary Clinton.

Her “unique combination of smarts, experience and toughness makes her the best choice to win the November election and truly get things done.” [Concord Monitor]

“...the best health-insurance proposal” [Keene Sentinel]

she's “...passionate about restoring fiscal responsibility” [Plymouth Record Enterprise]


“...keeping the tax burden off the middle class.” [Carroll County Independent]

these times “require the kind of backbone she possesses” [Milford Cabinet]

“Hillary Clinton...is ready to lead.” [Foster’s Daily Democrat]

HRC: I'm Hillary Clinton and I approve this message.

Edwards Primary Schedule

From January 4th through Primary Day on January 8th, John Edwards will hold Graniteroots rallies and town halls with voters across New Hampshire.

Additional events and details to be announced soon.

Friday, January 4th

Graniteroots Rally with John Edwards
Tower Mills
300 Bedford St., 3rd Floor, Manchester

Nashua organizing event
Location TBA

Portsmouth Town Hall with John Edwards
Frank Jones Center
400 Route 1 Bypass, Portsmouth

Saturday, January 5th

Portsmouth Canvass Kick Off

Concord Rally with John Edwards
Bektash Temple Hall
189 Pembroke Road, Concord

Lebanon “Fighting for our Families” Town Hall with John Edwards and his parents Bobbie and Wallace Edwards
Lebanon High School
195 Hanover St., Lebanon

9:00pm (approximately)
John Edwards will participate in the WMUR/ABC/Facebook Democratic debate

Sunday, January 6th

Manchester health care forum with John Edwards
Location TBA

Keene “Fighting for the Middle Class” town hall with John Edwards and his parents Bobbie and Wallace Edwards
Location TBA

Derry “Working Families” forum
Location TBA

Monday, January 7th

Laconia “Giving America Hope” town hall with John Edwards
Location TBA

Dover Rally with John Edwards
Elks Lodge 184
282 Durham Rd., Dover

Tuesday, January 8th

Additional events to be announced shortly.

John Edwards for President Election Night Site
Tower Mills
300 Bedford St., Manchester

Gravel Events for January 3rd-7th

Gravel events January 3rd to 7th:


12:00 PM
Luncheon Address to Portsmouth Rotary Club
35 Corporate Drive (in Pease International Tradeport)
Portsmouth, NH

3:30 - 5:30PM (TV Event)
Presidential Candidate Forum on Health Care
Manchester Community Access MediaMCAM-TV23

6:00 - 7:30 PM (TV Event)
"Initiatives for Empowerment"
Democratic Debate Manchester Community Access MediaMCAM-TV23


1:00 PM
"Left, Right & Correct"
Radio Interview w/ host Dan Belforti
Portsmouth Community Radio (106.1 LP-FM)

7:00 PM
Young American Debate
Keene High School Auditorium
43 Arch St. Keene, NH


1:00 - 5:00PM
**Mrs. Whitney Stewart Gravel will be attending the "Women Working Together to Make a Difference" Forum for Presidential Spouses at the Palace Theatre. 80 Hanover St. Manchester, NH

**Senator Gravel is planning to hold an alternate debate if the exclusion of candidates at the ABC/WMUR debate remains. Details to follow once they are available.


10:30 AM
Address to Breakfast ReceptionTemple Adath Yeshurun
152 Prospect St. Manchester, NH

1:00 PM
Town Hall MeetingUnitarian Universalist Congregation of Franklin
206 Central St. Franklin, NH

7:00 PM
Town Hall Meeting
Phillips Exeter Academy
20 Main St. Exeter, NH


10:15 AM
Morning Coffee & Talk with Residents
New Hampshire Veterans Home
139 Winter St. Tilton, NH

New Hampshire News Links for January 2nd, 2008

New Hampshire News Links January 2nd, 2008

Now part of The Hotline Political Network!
Visit our blog!

NEWS: Civil unions ring in the New Year

PEOPLE/CANDIDATES: Republicans want to regain control of N.H. Legislature

NH POLLS: Poll Shows McCain Rocketing Past Romney in NH

OP-ED: Buckley: The Democratic Party did not turn a quick buck on the state's voter file

DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES: Democrats angle for second place / The Field, Biden, Clinton, Dodd, Edwards, Gravel, Kerry, Kucinich, Obama

REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES: Republicans' Identity Crisis; Key Platforms Are Controlled By Disparate Candidates / The Field, Guiliani, Huckabee, McCain, Paul, Romney


FIRST PRIMARY: Some candidates won't make the cut; Next debates will have stricter criteria

GENERAL (NATIONAL) CAMPAIGN NEWS: An Epochal Battle: Iowa kicks off the most wide-open race since '80. Looking beyond the Reagan-Bush era

NATIONAL POLLS: Des Moines Register Polls: Obama widens lead over Clinton; Huckabee maintains lead over Romney

WAR: Pakistan Vote Delayed to February

ARTICLES: Conway Daily Sun: Local Republicans angered by Rudy's 'snub'; Presidential candidate is a no-show at Kennett High; Giuliani says he didn't know about canceled event

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year from Mike Gravel

Mike Gravel's New Years Message

Libertarian Presidential Contenders To Debate in Nashua

The top Libertarian Party presidential contenders will debate in Nashua on January 6 as part of the events of the NH Liberty Forum. The three-hour debate will run from 9am to Noon at the Crowne Plaza in Nashua.

At least five candidates from across the country will gather for the largest LP debate so far. The debate will be moderated by local talk radio host Gardner Goldsmith and former Libertarian presidential candidate Don Gorman. The confirmed candidates at press time are: Daniel Imperato (FL), Michael Jingozian (OR), Alden Link (NY), George Phillies (MA) and Wayne Allyn Root (NV).

Delegates will decide who the eventual nominee will be at the Libertarian national convention will be over Memorial Day weekend in Denver.

Information about the Liberty Forum is at http://www.freestateproject.org/libertyforum

Obama's Primary Schedule

Barack Obama will kick off his trip to New Hampshire on Friday, January 4th.


Pan Am Flight Services
14 Aviation Avenue
Portsmouth, NH
The event is free and open to the public. However, an RSVP is strongly encouraged. To RSVP, please call Matt Devine in the Portsmouth office 603-433-7001.

Concord High School
170 Warren Street
Concord, NH
The event is free and open to the public. However, an RSVP is strongly encouraged. To RSVP, please call the Concord office at 603-224-8004

Doors Open: 4:00pm
50 Emerson Road
Milford, NH 03055
***The event is a fundraiser for the NHDP. For ticketing information, members of the public should call the NHDP at 603-225-6899.


Nashua North High School
10 Chuck Druding Drive
Nashua, NH
The event is free and open to the public. However, an RSVP is strongly encouraged. To RSVP, please call Emily at the Nashua Office 603-578-9007.

Dana Center for the Humanities
Saint Anselm College
**Closed To Public**




Nashua South High School
36 Riverside St.
Nashua, NH
***For security reasons, do not bring bags. No signs or banners permitted.

Further details to be announced as they become available.

Updated McCain Schedule

Updated McCain schedule for Tuesday, January 1st and Wednesday, January 2nd.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

House Party Hosted
23 Overlook Drive (off Ridge Road)
Tilton, New Hampshire

Meet and Greet at the Tilt'n Diner
61 Laconia Road
Tilton, New Hampshire

Meet and Greet at Newfound Grocery
Newfound Grocery
408 Mayhew Turnpike - Route 3 A
Bridgewater, New Hampshire

Town Hall Meeting
Laconia VFW
143 Court Street
Laconia, New Hampshire

Wednesday, January 2nd

Town Hall Meeting
Pembroke Academy
209 Academy Avenue
Pembroke, New Hampshire

Insight Technology Tour and Employee Town Hall Meeting
Insight Technology
9 Akira Way
Londonderry, New Hampshire
**Closed To Public**

John McCain and Senator Joe Lieberman
Meet and Greet at Mary Ann's Diner
29 East Broadway
Derry, New Hampshire

Romney's Primary Schedule

Here is Mitt Romney's tenative schedule for Friday January 4th-Monday January 7th.

Friday January 4th

Arrives At Portsmouth International Airport
104 Grafton Drive
Portsmouth, NH

The Golden Egg Diner
960 Sagamore Avenue

Common Man Restaurant
25 Water Street

William B. Cashin Community Center
151 Douglas Street

Saturday January 5th

Pinkerton Academy
Shepard Auditorium
5 Pinkerton Street

Bean Towne Coffee House and Café
201 Route 111

11:45 a.m.
Governor Mitt Romney Meets with Bedford Area Voters
Ashooh Residence
59 Pasture Lane
Bedford, NH

Help Mitt and Ann Romney celebrate their debate victory!
Varick’s Sports Bar
24 Depot Street

Sunday January 6th

Ask Mitt Anything Town Hall Meeting
Elm Street School
117 Elm Street

Monday January 7th

Governor Mitt Romney Meets with Derry Area Voters
Mary Ann's Diner
29 East Broadway Street
Derry, NH

Governor Mitt Romney Meets with Timberland Employees
Timberland Corporate Headquarters
200 Domain Drive
Stratham, NH

Nashua Rotary Club Address
25 Fairway Street
NOTE: Attendance at the Rotary Club meeting is permitted only as a guest of a member of the Nashua Rotary

Ask Mitt Anything Town Hall Meeting
Derry-Salem Elks Club
Shadow Lake Road, Rte. 111

Ask Mitt Anything Town Hall Meeting
McKelvie Middle School
108 Liberty Hill Road

Anytime before 8:00pm
Join Mitt and Ann Romney for a Phone Bank and Volunteer Rally at Romney HQ
359 Elm Street

Romney's "Vote For Tomorrow"

Today Mitt Romney began airing a new ad titled "Vote For Tomorrow." The thirty-second ad features Romney speaking directly into the camera and concludes with Romney saying "I'm Mitt Romney and I not only approve this message, I'm asking for your vote."

Script For "Vote For Tomorrow"

GOVERNOR MITT ROMNEY: "No one votes for yesterday. We vote for tomorrow. Every election is about the future.

"Many are pessimistic. I'm not.

"In the next ten years, we'll see more progress, more change than the world has seen in the last ten centuries.

"Our next president must unleash the promise and innovation of the American people.

"I'm ready for that challenge. The future begins now.

"I'm Mitt Romney and I not only approve this message, I'm asking for your vote."

Clinton, Edwards, Obama, Dodd, Richardson Statements on NH Civil Unions Law

Below is the statement that Senator Hillary Clinton made on the new Civil Unions law.

“As we begin a new year, New Hampshire begins a new chapter in the fair and equal treatment of gay and lesbian families as the Civil Unions law goes into effect today,” said Senator Clinton. “New Hampshire continues to lead the country in preserving the rights and freedom of all of its citizens.”

Senator John Edwards released the following statement today as New Hampshire's civil union law takes effect.

“In April of last year, Gov. Lynch and the state of New Hampshire passed a bill officially recognizing civil unions for gay and lesbian couples. This courageous act showed us that the idea of America – fairness, justice and equal opportunity – can become a reality when we have the courage to stand up for what is right.

“Today, the work of equality advocates comes to fruition as that law takes effect. New Hampshire’s decision to recognize civil unions and grant gay and lesbian couples the same rights granted by the state to heterosexual married couples is an important step forward on the march toward equality, fairness and justice.”

Senator Barack Obama today released the following statement on New Hampshire’s civil union law:

"Today, New Hampshire has started a New Year by taking an important step forward that will make a meaningful difference in the lives of so many gay and lesbian couples. As President, I'll work for the day when all gay and lesbian couples in America can enjoy the same legal rights and privileges as straight couples. It's time to stop using these issues to divide us; it's time to embrace a future of tolerance, equality, and hope."

Senator and Presidential candidate Chris Dodd issued the following statement on New Hampshire's Civil Unions law taking effect today.

"Today, New Hampshire took a big step forward in ensuring that gay and lesbian couples enjoy the same rights and responsibilities as their fellow citizens," said Dodd. "I was proud to support civil unions in my home state of Connecticut and I was proud to support Governor Lynch and the State Legislature when they passed this law last spring. I hope that New Hampshire's commitment to providing equal rights and responsibilities to all its citizens will serve as a positive example for the rest of the country."

New Mexico Governor and Democratic Presidential candidate Bill Richardson today released the following statement on New Hampshire's civil unions law:

I congratulate the state of New Hampshire for its strong step forward in protecting families and preventing discrimination through the legalization of civil unions.

As Governor of New Mexico, I expanded anti-discrimination laws, signed into law the state's first hate crimes legislation which included crimes based on sexual orientation and gender identity, and called a special session of the legislature to push for domestic partnerships after we almost passed them in the regular session.

I did all of this in a so-called "Red State." States like New Hampshire and New Mexico are moving forward on civil rights. What we need now is a president who is committed to this fight.